PY460: Physiological Psychology

Chapter 9: Rhythms of Wakefulness & Sleep
Rhythms of Waking & Sleeping
Stages of Sleep and Brain Mechanisms
Why Sleep? Why REM? Why Dreams?
Slide 2: Natural Cycles of Biological Activity
[Clip: The Brain- Sleep & Circadian Rhythms]
Curt Richter (1920’s)- biological beings have
naturally occurring biological cycles largely
independent of the outside world.
Challenge to behaviorism in the mid-1900’s
 why?
Endogeneous cycles- of evolutionary value
anticipation of upcoming conditions
 migration
 storage
“migratory restlessness” in willow warblers
 occurs despite lack of environmental cues (light)
Slide 3: Specific Endogenous Cycles
Endogenous Circannual Rhythms
internal cycles that prepares animal for
seasonal changes
 storage of fats, hibernation, humans???
Endogenous Circadian Rhythms
internal cycles (rhythms) that prepares animal
for changes that last about a day.
Most Familiar Rhythm? Sleep & Wakefulness!
Others include: core body temperature,
frequencyt of eating & drinking, hormonal
secretion, chemical sensitivities (drugs).
Slide 4: Zeitgebers: Keeping Rhythms in Synchrony
All rhythms typically stay in synchrony suggesting
a “master biological clock” exists (more on this in a
We know that our free running rhythms are often
greater than 24 hrs. (24.25- 24.75 hrs.).
Why don’t we (and other animals) get “off-pace”
with the 24 hours daily cycle?
AH…LIGHT the primary Zeitgeber (say like a
German)- resets the master clock.
other “time keepers”- noises, meals,
temperature variations
Slide 5: Mammoth Cave etc.- Altering the Biological Clock?
What is humans traveled to a planet with a different daily
cycle (say 20-30 hrs)? How would we adjust?
Mammoth Cave study (1963).
 A month in a cave (temperature and light controlled).
 28 hr days, (9 hrs sleep). What would happen to their cycle?
 Findings: Continued maintenance of the 24 hour clock…
subjects could force themselves into the schedule but, bodies
maintained original rhythms.
Study 2: 12 volunteers in a cave… clock varied between 2422 hours..
At 23 hrs most subjects adjusted, only 1 @ 22 hrs.
Bottom Line- significant changes in daily rhythms very
difficult to make
Slide 6: Disturbing the Biological Clock
Our free running clock runs longer than 24 hrs, but our days
are 24 hrs… daily readjustment keeps us in sync...
What would changes might cause de-synchrony
between biological clock & hourly clock?
WEEKENDS (No.1)-Fewer time constraints… Often follow bioclock--Go to bed later, sleep in…get up.. Reset clock.. Go to
bed later than before.. Get up little later.. Reset clock-by Monday, bioclock hours behind the hourly clock
SHIFT WORK-- night shifts, or irregular pattern in
schedule lead to irregular sleeping patterns, temperature
often maintain daily pattern, health & safety issues.
Particularly bright light somewhat effective in
competing with day time light
Slide 7: More Disturbances in the Bioclock
JET LAG- rhythm disturbance caused by
crossing times zones..
Traveling west (PA to LA) (stay up later, sleep in… gain
hours )(27 hrs… tend to be ok-- more natural to be
awake a little later.. Sleep in)
Traveling East (LA to PA) (lose hours).
12 pm
To Bed
10 pm
LA to PA
+ 6hrs
7 am
PA to LA
Hourly clock
12 hrs
6 pm
Slide 8: Suprachiasmatic Nucleus- the bioclock
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus- area in the hypothalamus,
just above the optic chiasm (nerve).
Rentinohypothalamic pathway
 Autorhythmic quality may drive circadian rhythms.
Biological clock stops if damaged or Optic Nerve projecting to
SCN is damaged
Extremely sensitive to light (even in blind moles!)
 SCN reset to light
– Biochemical action unclear.. Protein production?
Slide 9: SCN & Melatonin
Melatonin- hormone important in regulating
sleepiness & wakefulness
secreted near the end of a waking cycle.. A few hours before
typical bed time.
Pineal Gland- secretes melatonin release at the
command of SCN.
Taking melatonin supplements (.5 mg) in the afternoon--->
phase-advances circadian rhythm (jet lag?)
Taking melatonin in morning phase-delays circadian rhythm
A note of warning-- little extended research in area.
Slide 10: The Brain During Sleep (NREM Sleep only)
EEG- increased wave size= greater synchrony
between two close sites on cortex.
 Provides an objective measure of sleep and wakefulness
Stages of Sleep- characterized by a type of wave
Awake/Relaxed- Alpha Waves, Beta Waves
Stage 1: freq. irregular, jagged waves (Theta)
Stage 2: Sleep Spindles (12-14hz) & K-complexes
K-complexes evoke by sudden stimuli (noise
Stage 3 & 4: Slow wave sleep (SWS) (2hz waves)
» big slow waves (delta) indicating high synchrony
» reduced sensory input to cortex… “less noise”
» see wave and stone analogy (p. 254)
Slide 11: Synchrony & EEG
Choose the stage &
name the characteristics
• Big slow 1/2 sec waves;
highly synchronous action
• Alpha & beta waves
(smaller amplitude) regular
and choppy respectively
• sleep spindles & kcomplexes frequent here
Slide 12: REM Sleep/Paradoxical Sleep
Michel Jouvet, Kleitman & Aserinsky- scientists
notice that during certain intervals of sleep
high levels of brain activity (almost looked awake)
no bodily movement though, in fact most relaxed state of
postural muscles
rapid eye movement in humans
increased “genital activity”
called it “paradoxical” and “REM” sleep, respectively.
REM sleep-- low voltage, irregular waves
suggestive of considerable brain activity
Slide 13: Cycling through the stages
Progression through
the stages @ night.
Stage 3 to 4 longest
early on
lengthening of REM
toward the final hours
REM strongly
associated with
dreaming.. But
apparently not the
only dream stage
Slide 14: Brain Structures in Wakefulness & Arousal
The Reticular Formation- structures whose length
extends from the spinal cord up to the forebrain..
Widely connected to the sensory systems
» may easily respond to slightest sensory impulse
Spontaneous pulsing activity regulating arousal even with
little external stimuli
Cutting through the midbrain immediately reduces arousa
Locus Coeruleus- emits arousing bursts to meaningful
events such as reinforcement/arousal and may assist in
memory of important events.
Inactive during sleep-->little memory??
Slide 15: “Arousing Brain Structures” continues
Basal Forebrain (anterior and dorsal to hypothalamus)
Damage leads to decreased arousal, impaired learning
& attention
most damaged by degradation of Alzheimer’s
Acetylcholine- an arousing neurotransmitter in BF
GETTING TO SLEEP- Inhibiting Arousal Systems
 Adenosine (declines during sleep) - a neuromodulator that
accumulates over the course of the day and blocks ACh.
Caffeine- blocks Adenosine--> incr. Arousal (ACh)
interferes the whole day… even a morning cup of “Joe”.
Prostaglandins- (decline during sleep)
Slide 16: Brain Functions in REM Sleep: PGO Waves
The first indication of approaching REM sleep are
short burst from the Pons, lateral Geniculate, &
Occipital Cortex (PGO waves) (see text figure 9.12)
LG and OC critical for vision processes-- REM primarily a
visual phenomenon?
First part of REM--- LG / OC manipulation
Latter-- more thalamus than just LG and the
cerebral cortex… becomes a less visual
Pons-- pulses related to sleep paralysis
damage to Pons cell to the spinal cord leads to
disinhibtion of behavior during sleep (fig 9.13).
Slide 17: Abnormalities of Sleep/Insomnias
Causes: many
 caffeine, drugs, stress,
Onset insomnia
Maintenance Insomnia
Termination Insomnia
Irregularities in biorhythms
phase delayed
» onset an issue
phase advanced
» termination an
Slide 18: Other Abnormalities of Sleep
Sleep Apnea- inability to breath during sleep-- cuts sleep times
in half in worst cases…. Linked to obesity
Narcolepsy- intrusion of REM into “wakeful”states
 sudden sleepiness during day
 cataplexy- muslce weakness while awake
 frequent sleep paralysis even during “twilight” states
 Hypnogogic hallucinations on early onset.
PLMD- decr sleep paralysis (Pons?)
REM Bhvr Disorder-act out dreams (damage to pons & midbrain)
Night Terrors-screaming in terror during NREM sleep
Talking in Sleep (REM or NREM sleep)
Sleepwalking- strong genetic component
» awakening sleep walkers
Slide 19: What is sleep for? Theories on Function
Repair & Restoration Theory- Sleep evolved to
assist the body in repairing itself after the exertions
of the day.
Going without sleep-- psychological effects (what are
Physiological f/x: increased body temp, metabolic rate,
appetite; decreased immune response.
Evolutionary Theory of Sleep- a form of minihibernation… we sleep when food is scarce and
danger is greater.. Conserves energy when we
can’t replenish it easily or safely.
Temp decreases, metabolism decreases
Carnivores/Herbivores sleep patterns
Slide 20: The Function of REM- What is it good for?
Abundance of REM during early childhood
» neuronal connections?? (see fig 9.17, pg276)
REM varies from person to person..
 It has been suggested we could go without it (Horne, 1988).
So what if we do go without?? (Dement, 1960)
Dement woke subject for a week every time went into REM
 effects: decreased time to REM sleep.. Up to an average of
26 times of waking per night by 7 day up from 12 on the first
 effects: increased anxiety, decreased concentration,
personality change, increased appetite/weight gain.
Cat research
other hypotheses on roles of REM sleep
 REM assists in memory formation
 Increased oxygen delivery to retina’s
Slide 21: A Biological Perspective on Dreaming
Freud- Dreaming symbolic of unconscious wishes (“wish fulfillment”)
Activation-synthesis hypothesis- various external stimuli
activate structures in the brain and are synthesized by
the brain into a “story”.
 Is this sensible to you… how have external stimuli been
incorporated into your dreams?
Another version.. The brain is active during REM sleep but
starved for stimuli.. In this absence---> borrows aspects from
memory to construct a story.
Flying sensations (vesitbular pulses)
Slow movement dreams (postural muscles frozen)
Clinico-Anatomical Hypothesis
 Dreams begin with arousing stimuli from the brain’s own
motivations, memories, and arousal
 Does not compete with visual input or censorship by
prefrontal cortex