Consciousness & Variations

Can a person really be hypnotized?
What are the effects of meditation? Do
people really eat in their sleep? These
are some of the questions that will be
answered in chapter 4.
Chapter 4 Consciousness and its
Variations revisits the concept of
consciousness that was introduced in
Chapter 1, and discusses potential
variations in our sense of
We begin Chapter 4 with a discussion of
Sunlight affects the brain and our
circadian rhythms, the daily fluctuations
Circadian Rhythms.
in biological and psychological processes
that are approximately 24 hours long.
This discussion focuses on the most obvious example of our circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake
cycle. We will learn about REM and Non-REM stages sleep, REM dreams, and variations in sleep
patterns across the lifespan.
In the remainder of chapter 4 we will examine the topic of sleep disorders and how they affect
our daytime functioning. We will also discuss types of meditation and the hypnotic state. The
topic of psychoactive drugs is also explored.
After completing the learning activities for this topic, you will be able to:
Define consciousness and discuss the concept in its historical context.
Explain and provide examples of circadian rhythms.
Compare and contrast REM and non-REM sleep.
Describe the four stages of sleep and how we progress through these stages during a
typical night's sleep.
Discuss changes in sleep patterns across the lifespan.
Explain theories on why we sleep, including the restorative theory of sleep and the
adaptive theory of sleep.
Recognize and discuss common sleep disorders.
Compare and contrast sleep thinking and dreams and provide examples of each type.
Describe what areas of the brain are active and inactive during REM sleep.
Discuss common themes of dreams, nightmares, and why dreams are difficult to
Explain Sigmund Freud's theory on dreaming, including a description of manifest and
latent content in dreams.
Discuss and illustrate the activation-synthesis model of dreaming.
Identify sleep disorders and how they impact the people who suffer from them.
Examine the uses of hypnosis.
Describe the types of meditation and their effects.
Identify the properties and effects of various psychoactive drugs.
Activities Checklist
To meet the learning objectives for this topic, you will complete these activities. Print this page
and use it as a checklist.
Review the Introduction and Objectives page.
Read Chapter Four: Consciousness and Its Variations in your textbook.
Complete the assignments on the Learning Activities page.
Complete the assignment: PsychSim 5 Reflection Questions - EEG and Sleep Stages
Complete Quiz #2
Learning Activities
Go to the publisher's web site and take the Practice Quiz over Chapter Four.
Watch the videos about Consciousness and its Variations:
Bizkit the Sleepwalking Dog
The Cut Toe Story
Quiz 2 Study Guide
Please note: When you take the quiz, you will be given 30 random questions from the test
bank, so your test may not contain all of the topics covered in this study guide. However, you
should know all of the topics in this study guide. Also, you should be able to recognize examples
of the concepts listed on the study guide below, as many of the test questions involve the
application of course material.
Use these questions to study for Quiz Two.
Chapter Three
1. Define the terms sensation and perception.
2. Discuss the process of transduction.
3. Describe the effects of subliminal messages on behavior.
4. Define the concept of sensory adaption. Give an example of this concept.
5. Identify the sensory receptors for vision and the type of stimulus to which they respond.
6. Identify the symptoms of presbyopia.
7. Identify the role of the visual cortex.
8. Compare and contrast the different types of color blindness.
9. Identify the stimuli for our perception of sound, smell, and taste.
10. Identify the factors that affect our perception of pain.
11. Identify the function of the vestibular system.
12. Discuss the contributions of the Gestalt psychologists to the field of perception.
13. Describe the following perceptual principles: figure ground, similarity, closure, good
continuation, and proximity.
14. Describe the depth perception cues linear perspective and aerial perspective.
15. Identify the term perceptual constancy and be able to recognize examples of this
16. Describe the Muller Lyer Illusion.
17. Describe the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the production of melatonin.
18. Identify the sensor receptors for sound and their location.
19. Identify the causes and symptoms of nerve deafness.
20. Describe the concept of absolute threshold.
Chapter Four
Identify the role circadian rhythms play in our bodily processes.
Discuss the effects of sunlight on melatonin.
Describe the characteristics of REM sleep.
Identify the effects of sleep deprivation.
Describe the characteristics of sleep thoughts.
Discuss the activation synthesis model of dreaming.
Identify the symptoms of sleep apnea and narcolepsy.
8. Identify the sleep disorders known as parasomnias.
9. Define the phenomenon known as hypnosis.
10. Discuss the effects of meditation.
11. Define the term "psychoactive drugs".
12. Identify how alcohol is classified.
13. Identify the types of opiates and their effects.
14. Identify the most commonly abused substance in the world.
15. Discuss the effects of marijuana.
16. Describe Freud s view of dreaming (including dream purposes and the meaning of dream
17. Identify the purposes of sleep and how sleep patterns change over the life cycle.
PsychSim 5 EEG and Sleep Stages
Edit Instructions
Complete the PsychSim 5 Reflection Questions Assignment:
1. Read the PsychSim 5 Assignment: EEG and Sleep Stages on the publisher's companion site.
2. Type complete, comprehensive answers to all three Reflection Questions in a word processor file such
as Word or Notepad. The required length for the answers is one page, including all three answers.
EEG and Sleep Stages Reflection Questions:
Paste your answer into the text box
1. a. In your role as a sleep researcher, how many sleep reports did you obtain from the volunteer?
b. What were some of the differences in the content of the dream reports given by the volunteer during
various stages of sleep?
2. a. Describe the difference between sleep thoughts and a true dream.
b. Explain why people do not act out their dreams.
3. a. Discuss some theories as to the purposes of sleep.
b. Describe how our sleep patterns change with age.