LDZ Shrinkage - a National Grid Overview Chris Warner Mod 0194/RG 0208 June 2008 Topic areas LDZ Shrinkage What is LDZ Shrinkage? Own Use Gas and Theft of Gas Leakage National Leakage Tests UNC Section N Timeline Shrinkage Forum 2007/08 Shrinkage Factors Modification Proposal 0203V Gas Prices 2008-13 Shrinkage Allowances (E8) 2008-13 Environment Emissions Incentive (E9) LDZ Shrinkage Introduction What is LDZ Shrinkage? For the purposes of UNC, LDZ Shrinkage comprises of “For the purposes of the Code shrinkage means gas in a System which is used by the Transporter in connection with the operation of, or which is unaccounted for as offtaken from, a System” own use gas: gas used in running compressors, and gas used for preheating unaccounted for gas: gas lost or unaccounted for by reason of unidentified theft, error in meter correction and leakage, including gas vented in its operation 2007/08 Procurement Context* 1,904 GWh 0.6% LDZ throughput £26.6m * National Grid Networks only Chart for illustration only, not to scale What is LDZ Shrinkage? Key Components Total LDZ Shrinkage Own Use Gas 2% of 2007/08 Shrinkage Holder Preheat Leakage 95% of 2007/08 Shrinkage Pre-heat Gas Distribution Mains and Service Leakage Low Pressure Broken Mains Medium Pressure Holder Stations Theft of Gas 3% of 2007/08 Shrinkage Above Ground Installation Leakage Purging NTS / LTS / <7bar PRS Service Governors Venting Equipment vented for maintenance Transporter responsible Theft Equipment that vents in use Supplier responsible Theft What is LDZ Shrinkage? UNC Definitions Total LDZ Shrinkage Own Use Gas 2% of 2007/08 Shrinkage Holder Preheat Leakage 95% of 2007/08 Shrinkage Pre-heat Gas “own use gas” Distribution Mains and Service Leakage Low Pressure Above Ground Installation Leakage Broken Mains Medium Pressure Holder Stations NTS / LTS / <7bar PRS Theft of Gas 3% of 2007/08 Shrinkage Purging Venting Transporter responsible Theft “unaccounted for gas” Service Governors Equipment vented for maintenance Equipment that vents in use Supplier responsible Theft Own Use Gas and Theft of Gas Contributes to only 5% of LDZ Shrinkage Requirements Own Use Gas Calculated via model as opposed to being measured Historically no requirement to meter sites Complex model uses actual telemetered regulator throughput, temperature & pressure data, where available New updated model first used in 2005/06 Theft of Gas Negotiated proportion of LDZ Throughput Instances of Theft assumed to be 0.3% of LDZ throughput, of which 10% of the total theft was transporter responsibility (i.e. 0.03% of LDZ throughput) Transporters however believe that only 3.1% is transporter responsibility (i.e. 0.01% of LDZ throughput) based on confirmed occurrences of theft from xoserve Theft upstream of ECV proven to be difficult to identify so currently agreed to be 0.02% of LDZ throughput Leakage Contributes to 95% of LDZ Shrinkage Requirements Majority of leakage relates to Low Pressure (81%) Predefined leakage rates: 11 mains leakage rates and 4 service leakage rates 2002/03 National Leakage Test 10.9% 0.4% 7.6% 16.2% 64.9% LP Mains Leakage LP Service Leakage AGI Leakage Interference Damage MP Mains Leakage Low Pressure Leakage Components: Mains Asset Statistics Average System Pressure Monoethyleneglycol (or MEG!) Number of Services National Leakage Tests 2002/03 Advantica test programme In 1992, British Gas commissioned a programme of leakage tests to quantify the leakage from its distribution system Transco commissioned Advantica to carry out a new programme of tests as a result of the disallowance Leakage rate data used to facilitate Shrinkage Factor Negotiations Shippers requested disallowance of proposed LDZ Shrinkage Factors in 2001/02 due to out-of-date leakage rate data 2002/03 National Leakage Test (NLT) programme A total of 862 tests were carried out in the period from February 2002 to May 2003, providing 849 usable results The results of the NLT programme were presented to the Shrinkage Forum in June 2003 Leakage Rates were lower than those determined in the previous 1992 test programme Concluded to be as a result of Transco’s mains replacement programme, which tended to target poor condition mains For the Low Pressure system, this resulted in an overall reduction of approximately 31%. For the Medium Pressure system, the overall reduction came out at less than 1% UNC Section N Timeline Establishment of Gas Year LDZ Shrinkage Volume April, May & early June Analysis carried out to support initial Shrinkage proposals Apr May 1 July Submit estimated LDZ Shrinkage / methodology to Users “Initial Proposals” Jun Jul 1 – 15 August DNs to consider User representations and may convene meeting if deemed appropriate Aug Sep 1 – 15 September Users may request a disallowance Late September Issue instructions to load new shrinkage requirements into Gemini Oct Nov Dec Gas Year…. Late June / early July Opportunity to present estimated Shrinkage to Shrinkage Forum 1 July – 1 August Users may submit representations in respect of the estimated Shrinkage 15 September – 1 October Possible Ofgem Determination Process 1 September Submit final estimated LDZ Shrinkage / methodology to Users “Final Proposals” Jan Shrinkage Forum Industry Discussion Forum Provides an opportunity for Transporters to meet interested parties in order to discuss LDZ Shrinkage issues such as: Shrinkage Factor Proposals Assessment & Adjustment Report Joint Office provides administrative support Chair: Tim Davis chairs the meeting Secretary: Lorna Dupont is the Secretary 2007/08 Shrinkage Factors April 2007 to March 2008 LDZ EA EM NT NW WM UNC Factors 0.593% / 0.620% 0.519% / 0.510% 0.622% / 0.550% 0.656% / 0.630% 0.729% / 0.730% N.B. UNC Factors – Gas Year Licence Factors – Formula Year Licence Factors 0.593% 0.519% 0.622% 0.656% 0.729% Modification Proposal 0203V Areas being addressed For the 2008-13 Gas Distribution Networks Price Control, Ofgem fixed a volumetric allowance for Shrinkage for each LDZ, as opposed to ex ante target shrinkage factors (percentages of throughput). As a result, changes to Section N have been progressed: Ofgem concluded that on the basis of evidence available, there is little correlation between shrinkage and throughput for the existing networks to update references to LDZ Shrinkage Factors to reflect LDZ Shrinkage Quantities make appropriate amendments to the content of industry notification processes, namely current Initial and Final Proposals effect minor change to the classification of LDZ vented gas, consistent with the operation of the approved Leakage model calculations (vented gas is not burnt and therefore should be classed as unaccounted for gas, not own use gas) update the sources of information used in the assessment process to include all inputs to the leakage model System amendments (Gemini / UK Link) being considered and progressed in parallel Modification currently with Ofgem for determination Preferred implementation date 1 July 2008 Ap r2 Ju 00 l 3 O 20 ct 03 Ja 200 n 3 Ap 20 r 2 04 Ju 00 l 4 O 20 ct 04 Ja 200 n 4 Ap 20 r 2 05 Ju 00 l 5 O 20 ct 05 Ja 200 n 5 Ap 20 r 2 06 Ju 00 l 6 O 20 ct 06 Ja 20 n 06 Ap 20 r 2 07 Ju 00 l 7 O 20 ct 07 Ja 200 n 7 Ap 20 r 2 08 00 8 Gas Prices Day-Ahead Price Trend Day-Ahead Price Analysis (p/therm) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ? Day-Ahead Price Summer Average Winter Average 2008-13 Shrinkage Allowances (E8) Revised Regulatory Regime Introduced Shrinkage is gas lost from the system through leakage, theft and own use gas Concluded there was no measurable correlation between shrinkage (leakage) and throughput 2007/08 allowances (volume & price) ‘rolled over’ for first six months to allow UNC modification proposals to be progressed Revised regime reduces both (weather related) volume risk and price risk 2007/08 Shrinkage Allowance 2008-13 Shrinkage Allowance Shrinkage Factors Shrinkage Quantities (predefined within licence) (predefined ‘reducing’ volumes within licence, broadly reflective of BPQ submission) multiplied by actual throughput multiplied by Gas Reference Price (3 month ahead price * 3.5% uplift) multiplied by Gas Reference Price (Day Ahead Price) 2008-13 Shrinkage Allowances (E8) Allowed Shrinkage Quantities 2008-13 Environment Emissions Incentive (E9) Dx mains leakage significant source of greenhouse gas emissions Additional incentive, over and above mains replacement programme, to reduce leakage based on social cost of carbon Average of £29.7 per MWh over the period Cap / Collar at 10% of baseline leakage volumes