Muscle Fatigue Lab

Muscle Fatigue Lab
Strength (contractility) is defined as the amount of force that can be created by a contracting muscle.
Fatigue is a measure in the decline of that force over time. However, are they related variables? How do
they differ according to the variables listed above? Is there a relationship between them? During this lab
exercise you have recorded factors (gender, forearm circumference and handedness) that may influence
the grip endurance of students in the class. Using Excel, I would like you to tell me the relationships
between these variable and how they may relate to strength and fatigue.
For this lab you should show at least four comparisons. The first three are listed below.
1. Did the forearm circumference vary between genders in the class?
2. Did the grip strength vary between exercise treatments? (Oxygen rich vs. poor)
3. Did the rate of fatigue (slope) vary according to exercise treatments? (Oxygen rich vs. poor
4. Any other comparison that could be made between the variables (independent or dependent)
listed above.
Please keep in mind that this is a formal lab report and all sections should be included. Refer to “How to
Write a Lab Report” on the webpage if you are unclear what is required. Also keep in mind, you should
not include raw data in your write-up. What you should include instead are charts (one for each
comparison). After making each chart, you should look at them objectively and state (in your discussion
section) what your charts are saying. As a summary paragraph at the end of your discussion section, you
should also state what these comparisons say overall. In other words, what do your data say about
muscle strength and fatigue?
EXCEL Refresher
If you are comparing discrete independent variables (variable that fit into categories like male vs.
female, live vs. dead, conscious vs. unconscious) you will generally make these comparisons using a bar
graph where each bar will represent a category. By looking at the values (the bar heights) for each of
these categories, comparisons can be made to see if differences exist between the selected groups.
Generally, the averages are taken for a column of information to make the chart and to show the
difference between groups. Directions on how to do this in Excel are found below.
To compare column averages, you first need to calculate them. From the original data set, cut
and paste your data into the number of columns that you wish to compare. Then, in an empty cell
at the bottom of a column, type:
=average(select the column you wish to take the average of by highlighting it with the cursor)
The average will appear under the column if you typed everything correctly. You can then drag this
formula (left click the bottom-right corner of a cell and drag it to where you want it) for each column.
2. To visually compare the averages for each column, you’ll want to make a bar graph. To do this:
Re-type the title of the column over the cell containing each average. Then, highlight the titles and
averages by dragging the cursor over all of the cells with the mouse. Once highlighted, click
“Insert – Chart – Column chart – 2d column”
This will give you a chart showing the averages and labels for each category. Please make sure the axes
for the charts are labeled. To do this, go to the top-right of the screen, select “chart tools” and click on
“chart elements” to add the titles for the x and y axes. These charts can then be used to compare the
values between the groups.
However, if you are comparing continuous variables (height vs. weight, breathing rate vs. pulse rate,
etc.) where the numbers you are measuring could be almost any value, you should compare them using
a scatterplot chart. This will allow you to include a “line of best fit” or a trendline that will show the
general relationship between the variables.
3. To compare continuous variables, you need to make a scatter-plot chart. Open a new sheet at the
bottom of the excel document and copy the columns of data you wish to compare. Highlight the
columns, click on “insert” and select “scatterplot”. This will result in a graph with data points
whose relationship can be compared between the two variables you measured. Right click on any
one of the data points and select “add trendline” and choose “linear”. This will place a “line of
best fit” through your data points to show you the general relationship between the categories.
Follow the directions above to add proper axes and other labels to your charts.
This shows a
This shows NO
This shows a
These relationships can be used to infer how one might impact the other. Please remember that looking
at data this way only shows how they are related to each other, not that one CAUSES the other.
Correlation and causation are two completely different relationships. It is YOUR job to offer an
explanation that explains the relationships that you have found in your (or, in this case, the class) data.
To confirm your hypothesis, perform your comparison in Excel and include a data chart showing your
comparison. Then say whether you or not you supported your hypothesis and offer an explanation for
each outcome. You should also offer other procedures (tests) that could be done to increase your
understanding of what you learned or those that may support your hypothesis. For example…
Chronic smokers will have increased resting respiratory rates when compared to non-smokers. This is
because the decreased lung capacity of smokers will cause them to breathe faster to compensate for
lack of lung volume and therefore gas exchange.
Resting Respiration Rate
NonSmokers smokers
NonSmokers smokers
These data support my hypothesis in that smokers have a higher average resting respiration rate than
non-smokers. This is because smokers have decreased lung capacity and therefore may need to increase
their respiration rates to compensate for this lack of gas exchange. In addition, smokers may have much
of the surface area of their lungs clogged with smoke particulates, preventing the diffusion of gases
through the epithelia of the lungs. Further testing of the lung capacity of smokers would be needed to
confirm this hypothesis. This could be compared by recording the total amount of air moved in and out
of the lungs in one breath between smokers and non-smokers by blowing up a balloon.
Please make sure that you perform at least three different comparisons between the dependent
variables and an independent variable and offer an explanation for each of the comparison you make.
This should be summarized with an end paragraph (like a Discussion section) at the end of the entire lab
report that logically synthesizes the comparisons that you chose to make. In other words, what story do
your results tell?
Hypothesis for each variable comparison – 5 points each
Charts showing comparisons with appropriate labels – 10 points each
Explanation of results for each comparison – 10 points each
Summarizing paragraph that synthesizes the results of each comparison – 25 points