Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 1 Date: ____________ Staff RN/Patient Care RN to fill out pgs. 1-16 Patient Data: RM: _______ Age: ______ Gender: ________ Primary Care Physicians: __________________________________ Consulting Physicians: _________________________________________________ CODE STATUS: _________________ Living Will/Advance Directive: ______________ Allergies: _______________________________ Reaction(s): _______________________ Primary Language: __________________ Medical Diagnosis: _________________________________________ Medical History: ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Surgical Diagnosis: _________________________________________ Surgical History: __________________________________________ General Health Status: Generally well ____ Fair _____ Poor _____ Very Poor ____ Recent/Current Viral/Bacterial Infections: Yes ____ No _____ If yes, list infection(s) experienced by pt.:_________________________ History of substance use: Alcohol ______ Tobacco _____packs/year Recent/Current Accidents or falls: Occurrences______ Dates: ______ (If applicable) Injuries sustained ______________________________ o Altered Health Maintenance o Effective management of therapeutic regime: individual o Ineffective management of therapeutic regime: individuals o Ineffective management of therapeutic regime: Families o Noncompliance o Health-seeking behaviors o Latex allergy o Risk for latex allergy o Risk for infection o Risk for injury o Risk for poisoning o Risk for suffocation Critical Thinking Skill o Delayed recovery Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could surgical be o Risk for peri-operative anticipated for this client. positioning injury How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 1 of 19 2 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Sensory: Hearing: ___________ hearing aids: R____ L_____ Vision: Adequate ______ Poor ______ Blind _______ Corrective Lenses: Yes ______ No ______ Type ______________________________ o Pain o Chronic pain o Short-term Memory: Intact ________ Long-term Memory: Intact ________Periods of Confusion _______ Severely Impaired _______ Pain: Location _________ Pain Scale ____ (1-10) Duration _______ Characteristics: Sharp _____ Dull _____ Aching ______ ______ Throbbing________ Contributing Factors; ___________________________________ Management/Relief Measures: Pharmacological _____________ Non-Pharmacological _____________________________ Neurological Assessment: Pupils' _______________ Size: Left _____ Right ______ Hand grasps: ________Right __________Left __________ Orientation: Alert _________ Oriented x ______ (_________,_________,________) Speech: Clear ________ Garbled _________ Aphasia __________ Mood: Calm/Pleasant ________ Angry ______ Anxious _______ Laboratory Data: o o o Sensory perceptual alteration (specify Decreased intracranial adaptive capacity Unilateral neglect Knowledge deficit (specify) o Impaired memory o Altered thought process o Acute confusion o Chronic confusion o Decisional conflict Pt. Results Facility Normal Values Significance Dilantin Level _________ Tegretol Level _________ Valporic Acid Level _________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Other _________________ _____________ ___________________________ ________________________________ (If applicable) Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 2 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 3 Date: ____________ Nutrition: General Appearance (hygiene, grooming): _____________________ Skin Color: Pink _______ Pale ________ Ashen ______ Gray __________ Brown __________ Temperature: Warm ________ Cool ____________ Texture: Dry ______ Moist ______ Clammy ______Diaphoretic __________ Turgor: Elastic_________ Non-elastic __________ Poor ________ Rashes/Lesions: Size ___________ Color ____________________ Location(s): _____________________________________________ Petechiae: Location(s)______________________________________ Ecchymoses: Location(s)___________________ Lacerations/Abrasions: ______________________________________ Mucous Membranes: Color_____ Moistness ______ Lesions ________ Gums: Color _________ Moist/Dry _______ Sore areas _____________ Lips: Dry/Chapped ________ Pink/Moist _______ Breath Odor: Fruity ______ Foul ______ No odor ________ Drains: Drainage Color _________ Drainage Amt. _________ ml Type of Drain: JP ____ Hemo-vac ______ Penrose ________ Surgical Incision: Location ____________________________, Number of Staples/Sutures ________ Incision Appearance: Intact_____ Edges Approximated: Yes ___ No ____ Surrounding Tissue: Red/Inflammed ___ Slightly Red ___ Pink _____ Drainage: Color: Sero______ Sero-Sanquinous _______ Bright Red Blood ________ Amt: Copious _____ Moderate _______ Scant ______ Odor: Yes ____ No _____ o Altered Nutrition: risk for more than body requirements o Altered nutrition: more than body requirements o Altered nutrition: less than body requirements o Risk for aspiration o Impaired swallowing o Nausea o Altered oral mucous membrane o Altered dentition o Risk for fluid volume imbalance o Risk for fluid volume deficit o Fluid volume deficit o Fluid volume excess o Risk for impaired skin integrity IVNutrition: Angio Catheter size: #_______GA, Location:______________, Anterior______ Posterior _________ RFA = right forearm, RAC = right antecubital LFA = left forearm LAC = left antecubital RTH= right top hand RW = right wrist LTH = left top hand LW = left wrist Appearance of Site: Clear_______ Redness _____ Edema_______ o Impaired skin integrity o Impaired tissue integrity (specify type) o Risk for altered body temperature o Ineffective thermoregulation o Hyperthermia o Hypothermia o Adult failure to thrive Fluid:__________________ Added Medications (to primary infusion only)____________________________o Risk for altered growth Rate of Infusion (ml/hr): ____________ Drops per minute:________, _________ per pump If applicable, Type of Central Line: PICC _____ Midline _______, Porta-cath ________ RIJ _______ LIJ______ RFem_______ LFem______ Date of last Dressing Change: ____________ Frequency:_________________ T.P.N. _______, Fat Imulsions ________% Rate of Infusion: ____________ Document1 Page 3 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ : Laboratory Data Normal Facility Values Pt. Results 4 Date: ____________ Is result normal or abnormal? Significance to the patient? Glucose Protein Albumin Globulin Albumin/globulin ratio Total bilirubin BUN Creatinine AST/SGOT ALP ALT/SGPT Sodium Potassium Chloride CO2 Magnesium Calcium Diet ______________________________ Height _______ Weight _______ Dietary/SwallowingPrecautions______________________________________________ Average past 72 hr. Food intake ______ % Average past 72 hr. Fluid Intake ______ml Appetite: Good ___________Adequate ______ Poor ______ Oral Supplements __________________________ Type and size of Feeding tube in place: Dobhoff NGT______ GT __________ Placement verified ________ Residual ________ ml Tube Feeding: Type _____________ Rate of Infusion _______________ Document1 Page 4 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 5 Date: ____________ H2O Flushes: Amount _________ml Frequency _______________ Dentures: None ______ Upper _______ Lower ________ Do they wear them? Always ______ Never _______ for Meals _______ BRADEN RISK ASSESSMENT SCALE Sensory/Perception Moisture Activity Completely limited Completely Bedfast = 1 =1 Moist = 1 Very Limited =2 Very Moist = 2 Chair fast =2 Slightly Limited =3 Occasionally Walks Moist =3 Occasionally =3 No Impairment Rarely Moist = 4 Walks =4 Frequently =4 Score: _______ + Score:______ + Score:______ + Mobility Nutrition Friction/Shear Completely Very Poor = 1 Problem = 1 Immobile =1 Very Limited = 2 Probably Potential Problem Inadequate = 2 =2 Slightly Limited =3 Adequate =3 No Apparent Problem =3 No Limitations = 4 Excellent = 4 Score: _____ + Score: ______ + Score:______ + Total: _________ Score Key 12 or less: High Risk 13 or 14: Moderate Risk 15 or 16: Low Risk 17 or above: No Risk Wounds: Stage(s)_____ Measurements __________ cm Depth _______ Odor/Drainage ___________ Location/Description ____________________________ Current TX: ____________________________________________________________ Pressure relief devices: ___________________________________________________ Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 5 of 19 6 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Elimination: Bowel Assessment: Continent ____ Incontinent __________ Size: Sm.___ Med. ____ Lg._____ Color: _________________ Consistency: Hard/Formed ____ Soft/Formed ____ Loose/Watery ______ History/Current use of laxatives and stool softeners: Yes ___ No ___ Date of last bowel movement ____/____/_____ Frequency: __________________ Abdomen: Soft ___ Flat ____ Hard ____ Distended ______ Obese _______ Tenderness _____ Bowel Sounds: Present RUQ ____ RLQ _____ LUQ _____ LLQ ______ Hyperactive_____ Hypoactive ______ Sluggish _______ Ostomy: Type: Colostomy_____, Ileostomy_____ Appearance of Peristoma and Stoma: Moist _____ Reddish-pink______ Other: ______________ Hemocult findings:(If applicable) ___________________________ ________________________________________________________ Urinary Assessment: Continent __________ Incontinent _________ F/C: Size Fr. ________ Balloon ________ Bedside Drain _____ Leg Bag _______ BSC_____ Ostomy: Type: Urostomy_______, Nephrostomy______ Appearance of Peristoma and Stoma: Moist_____ Reddish-pink_____ Other: ______________ Urine: Color ______,Clarity______,Consistency ________, Odor ______, Amount ________ml Laboratory Data: pH Protein Specific gravity Leukocyte esterase Nitrites Ketones Urobilinogen Crystals Glucose WBC's RBC's Bacteria Yeast Blood Culture & Sensitivity Document1 Pt. Result ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Facility Normal Value ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Page 6 of 19 o Constipation o Risk for Constipation o Perceived constipation o Diarrhea o Bowel incontinence o Altered urinary elimination o Functional incontinence o Reflex incontinence o Stress incontinence o Urge incontinence o Risk for urinary urge incontinence o Total incontinence o Urinary retention Significance(If applicable) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 7 Date: ____________ Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 7 of 19 8 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Cardiovascular o Risk for activity intolerance Cardiac Assessment: o Activity intolerance (specify level) BP:___/_____ Radial Pulse: Rate ______ bpm Strong_______ Bounding ______ Weak/Thready ________ Apical Heart Rate: Strong/Regular ______ Irregular _____ Reg. /Irreg. _____ Rate: ____bpm Palpable Peripheral Pulses: Temporal_____ Carotid_____ Brachial____ Femoral _____ Radial _____ Pedal, R ______ L ______ Posterior/Tib._____ Edema: Generalized _____ Pitting ______ 1+ ___ 2+ ____ 3+ _____ 4+ _____ Locations ___________________________________________ o Fatigue o Decreased cardiac output o Altered tissue perfusion Risk for peripheral vascular disease o Impaired home maintenance management Laboratory Data: Pt. Results Facility Normal Values Serum Na+ K+ Ca++ Mg++ Cholesterol Triglycerides LDL HDL Chol/HDL ratio __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ PT INR PTT Fibrinogen __________ __________ __________ _________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ #1._________ #2._________ #3._________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________ ____________________ ________________________ Troponin Myoglobin CPK MB CK LDH AST Digoxin Level (If applicable) D-Dimer Document1 Page 8 of 19 Significance Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 9 Date: ____________ Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Respiratory Assessment: Breath Sounds: RUL__________ RLL _________ LUL_________ LLL ___________ o Dysfunctional ventilatory weaning (Clear, Wheezing (Inspiratory, Expiratory) Crackles, Rhonchi, Rubs) response (DVWR) Respirations: Rate________, Depth/Equal_______ Labored/Non-labored_________ o Inability to sustain Capillary refill: ___________ Cyanosis present ____________ spontaneous ventilation Humidified _________ O2 Saturation _______% Nebulizer Treatment: _______ MDI's ________ o Ineffective airway clearance Cough: Non-productive________, Productive_______ Sputum: Color _____ Consistency____ Amount_______ Odor_______ o Ineffective breathing Tracheostomy: Type & Size: ________________________________ pattern Oxygen Percentage: ________% Trachea mask in use: Yes ____ No _____ Frequency of Trachea Care: _____________________________ o Impaired gas exchange Appearance of Trachea Stoma: Moist_______ Pink _______ If applicable, describe stoma drainage: _____________________ Tracheal Secretions: Color_____, Consistency______ Amount_____ Odor______ Oxygen via: NC____lpm, NRB Mask _______% RB Mask ________% Laboratory Data: Pt. Results Facility Normal Value Significance RBC WBC Platelets Hgb Hct MCV MCH MCHC. RDW Neutrophils _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ Document1 Page 9 of 19 10 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils _________ _________ _________ __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ ABG's: pH PaCO2 PaO2 HCO3 SaO2 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Activity: Gait: Steady/Straight _______ Swaying/Unsteady________ Posture: Straight/Steady _______ Bent/Poor _________ Amputations:_____________ Prosthesis: _______________ Range of Motion: Upper extremities: Active________ Passive________ Lower extremities: Active _______ Passive ________ Contractures ________________________________________________ Splints/Braces used: __________________________________________ Other assistive devices (i.e. cane, walker) _________________________ Prosthetic Devices: ___________________________________________ Traction: Bucks ______ lb. Skeletal _______ Plexi Pulses: Yes ____ No _____, SCD's: Yes _____ No ______ Functional Level Codes: o Impaired physical mobility o Impaired bed mobility o Impaired walking o Wheelchair mobility o Impaired transfer ability o Risk for altered development o Risk for disuse syndrome o Bathing/hygiene self-care deficit o Dressing/grooming self-care deficit Document1 Page 10 of 19 o Feeding self-care deficit o Toileting self-care deficit o Diversional activity deficit Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Level 0: Independent with all ADLs' Level I: Requires use of adaptive equipment, (walker, cane, mech. lifts, crutches) Level II: Requires assist of one or supervision Level III: Requires assist of two or more and use of adaptive devices Level IV: Dependent on staff for all ADLs’ Match the appropriate (functional level code) that is specific to your patient's needs. Feeding _______ Toileting _______ Grooming ________ Bathing _________ Dressing _________ Bed Mobility ________ General Mobility __________ Document1 Page 11 of 19 11 Date: ____________ Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 12 Date: ____________ Falls Risk Assessment Tool Overall: ______ History of falls prior to admission ______ Confusion or disorientation General Data: _______ Over 60 yrs. _______ Postoperative/admitted for operation _______ Smoker Physical Condition: _______ Dizzyness/imbalance _______ Unsteady Gait _______ Weight bearing joint diseases/other problems. _______ Weakness _______ Paresis _______ Seizure Disorder _______ Impairment of Vision _______ Impairment of Hearing _______ Diarrhea _______ Urinary Frequency Mental Status: _______ Impaired Memory or judgment _______ Inability to understand or follow directions. Ambulatory Devices: _______ Cane _______ Crutches _______ Walker _______ Wheelchair _______ Geriactrics (geri) chair _______ Braces Medications: ______ Diuretics or diuretic effects ______ Hypotensive or CNS suppr. (e.g. narcotic, sedative psychotropics, hypnotic's tranquilizer, anti-hypertensive, antidepressant) Scoring: Place a check mark in front of all that apply to your patient. If a check mark is in front of One of the overall categories or Four or more in all the other categories the patient is at risk for falls. Risk For Falls: Yes _______ No ________ Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 12 of 19 13 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Sleep-Rest: Usual bedtime: _______ Usual waking time ______ Number of naps taken ____ how long is each ____________________ Sleep Aids used: Yes ______ No_______ Frequency: ______________ o Sleep pattern disturbance o Sleep deprivation Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Self Awareness: History of Depression: Yes _____ No ______ Antidepressant/Psychotropics Drug use: Yes _______ No ______ Pts. view of present situation: Positive______ Negative_________ o Fear o Anxiety o Death anxiety o Hopelessness o Powerlessness o Risk for loneliness o Self-esteem disturbance o Chronic low self-esteem o Situational low self-esteem o Body image disturbance Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 13 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 14 Date: ____________ Roles and Relationships: Marital Status: Married ____ Widowed ____ Single ____ Divorced______ Family Support: Visits Regularly _____ Seldom Visits ____ Never Visits _ Other support system(s): ___________________________________ o Anticipatory grieving o Dysfunctional grieving o Chronic sorrow o Altered role performance o Social isolation o Impaired social interaction o Relocation stress Critical Thinking Skill syndrome o Altered family processes o Altered family Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. processes: alcoholism o Parenteral role conflict o Caregiver role strain o Risk for caregiver role strain o Impaired verbal How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Reproduction: Children: Yes _____ No ______ Post Menopausal: Yes _____ No ______ Circumcised: Yes_______ No __________ communication o Sexual dysfunction o Altered sexuality patterns o Rape-trauma syndrome o Rape trauma syndrome: compound reaction o Rape trauma syndrome: silent Critical Thinking Skill reaction Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 14 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ Coping-: Any significant life-style changes in the past year: Yes_____ No_____ If yes, describe: ___________________________________________ Coping Mechanisms: Pharmacological ___________ Non-Pharmacological ________ 15 Date: ____________ o Ineffective individual coping o Defensive coping o Ineffective denial o Impaired adjustment o Post-trauma syndrome o Family coping: potential for growth o Ineffective family coping compromised Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. o Ineffective family coping: disabling How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Values and -Beliefs: o Spiritual distress: Religious/Cultural Observances that may affect care provided ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Discharge Plans: Home _______ Assisted Living________ Extended Care Facility ______ distress of the human spirit o Risk for spiritual distress o Potential for enhanced Spiritual well-being, Critical Thinking Skill Using the information collected in this section identify any potential problems that could be anticipated for this client. How (or what) would you assess your client to determine if these problems are occurring? Document1 Page 15 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 16 Date: ____________ List & prioritize (5) NANDA approved nursing diagnoses. A minimum of three nursing diagnoses must be current/active diagnoses 1. ___________________________________R/T_________________________________ 2. ___________________________________R/T_________________________________ 3. ___________________________________R/T_________________________________ 4. ___________________________________R/T_________________________________ 5. ___________________________________R/T_________________________________ Document1 Page 16 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 17 Date: ____________ Treatment RN Disease Process Disease: __________________________________________________________ Etiology: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signs/Symptoms: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Diagnosis: (Include assessment data, labs, and diagnostic procedures, that will be anticipated for this diseases.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Current Treatment: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Patient Teaching: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Document1 Page 17 of 19 Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 18 Date: ____________ Medication RN Medications Document1 Classification Page 18 of 19 Therapeutic Uses for this client Side effects/Adverse Reactions Nursing considerations Concorde Career College Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Data Tool for Adult Assessment and Care Planning Student: _________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________ 19 Date: ____________ Medication RN Medications Document1 Classification Page 19 of 19 Therapeutic Uses for this client Side effects/Adverse Reactions Nursing considerations