April Strom, Ph.D. Scottsdale Community College april.strom@scottsdalecc.edu This work was supported in part by MSP grant #1103080 through the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NSF. The only constant is change. ∧ The only constant is change∧ . Key Features: 1. Partnership-driven 1. Teacher quality, quantity, & diversity 1. Challenging courses & curricula 1. Evidence-based outcomes 2. Institutional change & sustainability Institutional Change and Sustainability… Identifiable institutional change that will result from the work for each Core Partner, which will contribute to sustainability of project goals; It is likely that changes in policy, practices, and programs will vary for different Core Partners Targeted MSP 5-year, $8.7M Middle School Math PD Math Ed Research Partners 3 community colleges 7 school districts RMC Research Arizona State Univ NSF Project Staff Parents When the AMP project is completed, what elements of the project would be evident to a site visitor? Developed factors centered around… ▪ Culture of the school and classroom ▪ Teaching/curriculum focused on building students’ web of wellconnected mathematics ideas ▪ Support for teachers’ continuous improvement Early evidence from principals and teachers Focus on In-Service Teachers Participation in CCOLs* & Instructional Rounds ▪ Development of teacher-leaders ▪ Administrators engaging in cultural change through Instructional Rounds and other activities ▪ Embracing belief in teachers’ “need to learn” ▪ Openness to making teaching a public endeavor and building collaborative teaching teams among college faculty and middle school teachers ▪ *CCOL: Collaborative Community of Learners Focus on Community College Faculty Pre-Service Teacher Preparation ▪ Classroom Observations with AMP Teachers ▪ Service Learning Project Trained Community College PD Faculty Community College Faculty Renewal Open Educational Resources (OER) April Strom, Ph.D. Scottsdale Community College april.strom@scottsdalecc.edu This work was supported in part by MSP grant #1103080 through the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NSF.