+ Teacher In Service Program in Scotland Introduction from IEEE Tariq Durrani, Vice President, IEEE Educational Activities Yvonne Pelham, Manager, Educational Outreach, IEEE EA Dept. March 2011 + 2 Outline Our Organization: IEEE IEEE’s Educational Activities Why is IEEE interested in promoting engineering in the pre-university education systems in Scotland? What do we plan to do in this workshop? What are the long term benefits and expectations? + Our Organization – IEEE An international professional association dedicated to the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering as well as computer science, the allied branches of engineering, and related arts and sciences Established 126 years ago Operating in 160 Has countries approximately 400,000 members The largest technical professional association in the world $350M annual budget Headquarter in New York City, NY, USA Employs approximately 1000 staff members 3 IEEE Today 4 Advancing Technology for Humanity MEMBERS 400,000 COUNTRIES 160 CONFERENCES 1200+ per year SOCIETIES/COUNCILS 38/7 Standards 1,300 Active Standards World’s largest technical professional society 21-Mar-16 + 5 5 IEEE’s Organizational Chart IEEE Members IEEE Board of Directors IEEE Assembly Chaired by the President and CEO IEEE Major Boards Publication Services and Products Standards Association Technical Activities Technical Societies Member and Geographical Activities IEEE USA Educational Activities Local Sections 21-Mar-16 + 6 6 IEEE’s Organizational Chart IEEE Members IEEE Board of Directors IEEE Assembly Chaired by the President and CEO IEEE Major Boards Publication Services and Products Standards Association Technical Activities Technical Societies Member and Geographical Activities IEEE USA Educational Activities Local Sections 21-Mar-16 IEEE Membership By Region 7 31 December 2010 R7 – 16,955 R10 90,593 R1 to 6 – 209,765 R1 – 36,172 R2 – 32,312 R3 – 30,928 R8 – 73,297 R4 – 23,530 R5 – 29,550 R9 – 16,931 R6 – 57,273 Reflecting the global nature of IEEE, R8 and R10 are now the two largest IEEE Regions Total IEEE Membership 8 2007 1993 1983 1963 1973 Total IEEE Membership 1963 - 2009 + 9 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 Higher Grade Students 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 1969 1967 1965 1963 0 + Today's IEEE is not just about Electrical and 10 Computer Engineering The IEEE-designated fields are: Engineering Computer sciences and information technology Biological and medical sciences Mathematics Physical sciences Technical communications, education, management, law and policy 10 21-Mar-16 + Today's IEEE is not just about Electrical and 11 Computer Engineering The IEEE-designated fields are: Engineering Computer Not Just Electrical and Computer Engineering sciences and information technology Biological and medical sciences Mathematics Physical sciences Technical communications, education, management, law and policy 11 21-Mar-16 + IEEE volunteers Key to IEEE success About 40,000 individuals who give at least 4 hours a week to the organization Local Section Chair Associate editor of a Journal Member of the Financial Committee of the Technical Activities Board Chair of a committee that develops a Standard The organization is run by volunteers From the President and CEO to the local Section Chair major decisions are made by volunteers An attempt to quantify the work done by volunteers estimated $2bn-$3bn 12 + IEEE’s principal activities (1) Organising the professional community Based on geographic distribution and areas of interest Publishing technical and scientific literature on the State of the Art - (Publishing over 140 journals and magazines annually 30% of the world’s technical literature) Organising conferences on relevant technical and scientific matters - (sponsoring/cosponsoring over 1100 conferences world-wide each year) 13 + IEEE’s principal activities (2) Developing technical standards Approximately 900 standards at present Developing educational activities for professionals and for the public Including system students and teachers in the pre-university Improving understanding of engineering technology and computing by the public Recognising the leaders of the profession Awards and membership grades 14 + What are we trying to do… Foster technological innovation Enable members' careers Promote community worldwide for the benefit of humanity and the profession • Key to success: early recognition of new fields • In 1884 – power engineering • In 1912 – communications • In 1942 – computing • In 1962 – digital communications • In 1972 – networking • In 1982 – clean energy • In 1992 – nanotechnology • In 2002 – engineering and the life sciences 15 + Sample Activities: Regional Organizations IEEE organizes professionals in its fields of interest into local Sections There are 333 local Sections worldwide in 10 Regions In Region 8 – United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland (UKRI) Section consists 9925 Members – including 141 Students and Graduate Student Members 143 Fellows 7893 Senior Members & Members 418 Associate Members Most popular societies IEEE Computer Society IEEE Communication Society IEEE Power and Energy Society 16 + Sample Activities: Standards IEEE develop standards in several areas, including: Power and Energy Transportation Biomedical and Healthcare Nanotechnology Information Technology Information Assurance 17 + More Specific Standardization Areas Intelligent highway systems and vehicular technology Distributed Voting generation renewable energy Equipment Electronic Data Interchange Rechargeable Motor Batteries for PCs Vehicle Event Data Recorder Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Issuing and Management Components Architecture for Encrypted Shared Media Organic Field Effect Technology 18 + Sample Activities: Pre-University Education An activity of the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) + Why is IEEE interested in pre-university engineering education Because it mission is in our stated and un-stated Because in many IEEE Sections there is marked decline in the interest of young people in Engineering This is not good for the future of these communities and would have a negative impact on their standard of living Because we do not believe the problem is going to be tackled effectively without international effort by the IEEE 20 + 21 Demands of the 21st Century The demands of the 21st century will require technological innovation to deliver advanced technologies in developed countries infrastructure solutions in developing countries Flat or declining engineering enrollments in most developed nations 21 + OECD Program OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Established 1961 30 Countries OECD Directorate for Education devotes a major effort to the development and analysis of quantitative indicators for the review of education systems and performance 22 + OECD PISA Programme PISA = Programme for International Student Assessment PISA Scotland has participated in PISA on each occasion since its inception in 2000. Publication reports on the United Kingdom as a whole, but Scotland participates as a distinct adjudicated area enabling results to be published separately. Surveys of 15-year-olds in the principal industrialized countries. Every three years, it assesses how far students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills essential for full participation in society 23 + A few observations on the state of preengineering education in Scotland Scotland’s mean science score in the OECD table was 514 16th on the list; 1st: Shanghai-China: 575; 2nd: Finland: 554 Similar scores in Netherlands, Chinese Taipei, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Slovenia, Macao-China, Poland, Ireland Scotland was… Above OECD average in the scales of reading(493), mathematics(496) and science(501) However Scotland’s score in mathematics declined during the years 2001-2006 Source: PISA 2009 24 + Enrollment Percentages by Field of Study (2007) Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development 25 + Enrollment Data 1- OECD Education at a Glance 2009 – A2.6 Indicator 26 26 + 27 27 Percentage of Science Degrees Awarded 40 35 30 25 20 15 2005 10 2006 2007 5 2008 Turkey Spain Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development United Kingdom Science degrees include life sciences, computer sciences, engineering, manufacturing and building Portugal Norway Italy Hungary France Finland Austria 0 + Pre-University Education Overall objective: To increase the propensity of young people to select engineering, computing and technology as a program of study and career path Increase the level of technological literacy 28 + 29 The Challenge and Approach Challenge: Public perception of engineers/ engineering/ technology is often misinformed resulting in early decisions that block the path of children to engineering Approach: Reach major groups of influencers who impact students and their decision Teachers, counsellors, parents, media,.. Pre-University Educator Award Online Presence – TryEngineering.org Teacher Training – Teacher In-Service Program 29 + 30 IEEE EAB Pre-University Educator Award The IEEE EAB Pre-University Educator Award recognizes current pre-university education classroom teachers who have inspired an appreciation and understanding of mathematics, science and technology and the engineering process in students and have encouraged students to pursue technical careers. How to get involved: Nominate Due 30 April 2011 a classroom teacher www.ieee.org/education_careers/education/awards/pre_university_educator + 31 Discover the Creative Engineer In You! + 32 Available in •English •Chinese •French •Spanish •German •Russian •Japanese •Portuguese + www.TryEngineering.org IEEE’s pre-university education portal For teachers, school counsellors, parents ages 8 -22 Delivery Model and students – To the adult who influences students Visitors learn about careers in engineering, understand how engineers impact our daily lives, discover the variety of engineering, technology and computing programs, find free classroom activities that demonstrate engineering principles and more. A joint project of IEEE, IBM, and the New York Hall of Science Non-IEEE investment of approximately $2.5M US/Canada version was launched on June 2006 33 + 34 Unique Features of TryEngineering.org Robust side search engine for accredited programs by side comparisons, interactive maps, links to university web site Lesson Plans focused on engineering and engineering design Reviewed by Discipline IEEE volunteers and teachers descriptions 40 engineering, Engineering 2nd site games” 34 computing and technology disciplines Games listed in Google search results for “engineering + Most Requested Lesson Plans Build your Series own robot arm and Parallel Circuits Pulleys and Force Cracking the Code (bar codes) Electric Messages Adaptive Devices 35 + 36 TryEngineering Progress 6.2 millions hits in 2010, an 18% increase over last year Currently just over 65,000 visitors per month About 3.7 million lesson plan downloads since launch in all languages Visitors Visitors average about 24 minutes on the site come from the US, China, India, Canada, Japan and scores of other countries + The Teacher In Service Program (TISP) 37 A program that trains IEEE volunteers to work with preuniversity teachers Based on approved Lesson Plans Prepared/reviewed by IEEE volunteers Tested in classrooms Designed to highlight engineering design principles + The Teacher In Service Program Train volunteers IEEE Section Members IEEE Student Members Teachers and Instructors IEEE Volunteers Teachers Students …using approved lesson plans on engineering and engineering design IEEE members will develop and conduct TISP training sessions with Teachers Teachers Students will conduct training sessions with 38 + Our Overall TISP Goals Empower IEEE “champions” to develop collaborations with local pre-university education community to promote applied learning Enhance the level of technological literacy of preuniversity educators Increase the general level of technological literacy of pre-university students Increase the level of understanding of the needs of educators among the engineering community Identify 39 ways that engineers can assist schools and school systems 39 + Why TISP in Scotland The program has the potential to become a new resource for many teachers who have little exposure or experience with engineering This is a problem world wide TISP introduces teachers to hands-on inquirybased activities that support the teaching of science, technology and mathematics IEEE members represent an important repository of knowledge and experience, otherwise unavailable to the pre-university system A bridge between the technical community and the school system can be built 40 + How does it work? Volunteers gather for a day and a half of training With teachers and school administrators Volunteers spread the program in their school districts Volunteers work with the school district to organize TISP professional development/inservice presentations 41 + Training Workshops 22 Workshops - 1767 Participants 42 42 + A Decade of Success In 2001, the first event was held by the Florida West Coast Section in conjunction with the University of South Florida College of Engineering In 2005, the program was operationalized in EAB budget In 2007, a Region-wide event was held in Brazil with 13 countries represented; Pilot Student Branch Workshop held in Peru In 2009, By 43 largest event with 185 teachers held in Uruguay 2009, a training workshop was held in every region 43 + Teacher In-Service Program Presentations Over 146 TISP presentations have been conducted by IEEE volunteers TISP presentations have reached over 3300 pre-university educators This reach represents more than 360,000 students each year 44 44 + Teacher Feedback 91.1% of the teacher polled responded positively to the statement: “This presentation has increased my level of technological literacy.” 1624 Respondents (23% Primary Teacher) 45 45 + Teacher Feedback 94.1% of the teacher polled responded positively to the statement: “Today's topic will increase my student's level of technological literacy.” 1624 Respondents (23% Primary Teacher) 46 46 + 47 Example Outcomes Houston Section, Texas cooperated with the Harris County Department of Education to do the alignment matrix for the Texas Education Agency curriculum requirements for K - 12 for the TryEngineering.org lesson plans. The alignment to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills is found at: http://www.ieee-houston.org/TISP/TEA_Matrix.htm Region 7, Canada approved the formation of a TISP committee to oversee the activities; 13 sections participate South Africa Section partnered with the South African National Department of Education to develop lesson plans relating to the South African Technology General Education and Training (GET) curriculum. 47 + Meeting the Goals Empower IEEE “champions” Technological literacy of pre-university educators Technological literacy of pre-university students Understanding of the needs of educators School systems assisted by IEEE 48 48 1460 Trained Volunteers 91% agreed that program enhanced technological literacy 94% believe that student’s technological literacy would increase (anecdotal) Sustained programs in several sections 146 presentations reported + 49 + 50 Thank You