fim chart - Mountain View College

Family Involvement Model Chart
Spring 2007
Fall 2007
Fall 2008
Spring 2007
Fall 2007
Spring 2008
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2007
Spring 2008
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2008
Spring 2009
Mountain View College
Cultural Studies: Fiesta Oak Cliff
Spring 2007 & Fall 2007 :
CUST 2370-6001
Fall 2008: CUST 2370-6002
Brookhaven College
Cultural Studies
Mexico: A Cultural Perspective
CUST 2370-2001
Richland College
Cultural Studies
Introduction to Mexican-American
HUMA 1305-8096/CUST 2370-8096
Brookhaven College
Cultural Studies
The Caribbean:
A Cultural Perspective
Spring 2008: CUST 2370-2003
Fall 2008 & Spring 2009: CUST 23702002
Fall 2009: CUST 2370-2002/2440/2441
Spring 2010: CUST 2370-2002
Mountain View College
Learning Communities
La Raza: The History and Art of Latino
HIST 1302-6008
ARTS 1301-6005
Dr. Laura González
Dr. Geoffrey Grimes
Alicia Hinojosa
Family member involved in 5 of 7 cultural events.
Genealogy project & guest speakers.
Dr. Charles
Adrien CuellarMcGuire
Edleeca Thompson
Tina Aguilar
Students research the history and origins of a dish that is indigenous to Mexico
and bring it to class. A family member is invited to join the class for the
Students involve a key family member in one or more of the class activities.
Students receive honors credit for CUST 2370 and 5 points is added to their
final average.
Carlos Rovelo
Giraud Polite
Edleeca Thompson
Students interview family members for a polling project.
Students invite family to class and create an altar for “Dia de los Muertos” to
honor deceased relatives.
Students work with a family member to create a recipe for a Caribbean Culinary
Students work with family members in developing a family point of view of
their ancestral homeland as part of a Postcards from the Edge Project.
Starting in Spring 2010 students will also trace their family heritage to see if any
of their ancestors have a connection to the African Diaspora or to the Caribbean.
Students and family members will also complete a brief online Family Feedback
form in conjunction with this project. Each student is also required to write an
MLA formatted, two-page, typed, 12 point font, double-spaced paper on their
Cristina Medina
Liz Nichols
David Watry
Family member involved in 1 of 4 of the cultural events.
Curriculum based on Mexican-American/Latino emphasis and inclusion of
family involvement-brainstorming projects and researching.
Films and texts integrate family perspective.
Students take photos of family memories or family members create a work of
art. Students present photos at a reception.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Spring 2008
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2009
Fall 2008
Spring 2010
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Beginning Spanish I/
Beginning Spanish II/
Early College High School Spanish
Spring 2008: SPAN 1411-6001
Spring 2008: SPAN 1412-6293/6292
Fall 2008: SPAN 1411-6501
Spring 2009: SPAN 1411-6501/6502
Fall 2009: SPAN 1411-6502 &
SPAN 1412-6501
Richland College
Bilingual Education: Philosophy,
Techniques, and Materials (online)
Summer 2008: EDTC 1321-8420
Spring 2010: EDTC 1321-8420
Paulina Cantu
Adriana Rodriguez
Mountain View College
Art Appreciation
Spring 2009: ARTS 1301-6002
Cristina Medina
Mountain View College
Art Appreciation: Common Book Course
Emphasis in Mexican American/Latino
Studies: From Aztecs to Zoot Suits.
Fall 2008:ARTS 1301-6006;
HUMA 1315-6005
Spring 2010: ARTS 1301-6005;
HUMA 1315-6006
Cristina Medina
Mountain View College
Drawing I: Common Book Course
ARTS 1316-6001
Cristina Medina
Host an internet workshop for Spanish students’ family members.
Class presentations about their families while family members visit the
classroom and talk about relevant past events.
Class presentations about typical family recipes; Students bring the ingredients,
prepare the dish, and share it with classmates.
Students interview a family member about language acquisition.
Family member required to participate in two of six activities: selected lecture,
final presentation of creative project, presentation of written assignment, guest
visitor presentation, cultural event, and photo exhibit reception.
Family member required to participate in two of six activities: selected lecture,
final presentation of creative project, presentation of written assignment, guest
visitor presentation, cultural event, and photo exhibit reception.
Family member required to participate in two of six activities: selected lecture,
final presentation of creative project, presentation of written assignment, guest
visitor presentation, cultural event, and photo exhibit reception.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Fall 2008
Fall 2008
Fall 2008
Spring 2010
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Composition I
Fall 2008 ENGL 1301-6014
Spring 2009 ENGL 1301-6012/6426/6421
Fall 2009: ENGL 1301-6014/6421/6426
Spring 2010: ENGL 13016015/6412/6421/6426
Mountain View College
Composition II
Fall 2008: ENGL 1302-6410/6411
Spring 2009/ Fall 2009: ENGL 1302-6421
Spring 2010: ENGL 1302-6421/6426
Richland College
Fine Arts Appreciation
ARTS 1301-8007
Arts Appreciation
HUMA 1315-8014
Brookhaven College
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Supplemental Instruction
SCIT 1407-2001/2002/2003
Dr. Geoffrey Grimes
Fall 2008: Students develop an argumentative research paper related to a key
family-oriented social issue of the student’s choice. Family interviews, history,
and current economic-social-political status may figure into the development of
evidence supporting the student’s position selected for the issue.
Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010: Students must include as part of their
research information provided by a key family member. This information can
help in the development of either the process analysis essay, the comparisoncontrast essay, or the cause-effect essay.
Student engages a family member in his research and includes information
gained from the family member in the student’s research paper.
Students are rewarded extra points to invite family members to participate in
coursework, including attending and responding to events and the final project.
Heather McGilvery
Family members and students attend an orientation meeting.
Family members invited to attend tutoring sessions and open lab.
Family members required to assist with home studies and home duties.
Cedar Valley College
Introduction to Speech Communications
SPCH 1311-3422
Rhonda Jackson
Family participates in a student evaluation of interpersonal communication.
Family participates in presentations on camera. (Fall 2008)
Brookhaven College
Developmental Writing
Fall 2008: DWRI 0090,0091,0093-2250
Spring 2009: DWRI 0090-2250
DWRI 0093-2250
DWRI 0091-2250/2003
Spring 2010: DWRI 00912001/2002/2003/2420/2421
Nelda Contreras
Students write an essay about an influential family member.
Students invite the family to a class event.
Dr. Geoffrey Grimes
Sara Cardona
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Brookhaven College
Developmental Reading
Fall 2008: DREA 0093-2504
Spring 2009: DREA 0093-2503
Fall 2009: DREA 0093-2503
Spring 2010: DREA 0093-2502
Mountain View College
Spring 2009 & Spring 2010:
Painting I - ARTS 2316-6001
Spring 2009 & Spring 2010
Painting II – ARTS 2317-6001
Spring 2009 & Spring 2010:
Advanced Painting – ARTS 2311-6002
Mountain View College
Introduction to Psychology
Spring 2009:
PSYC 2301-6004/ 6006/ 6007
Fall 2009: PSYC 2301-6001/6002/6003
Spring 2010: PSYC 2301-6007
Spring 2009
Mountain View College
Psychology of Personality
PSYC 2316-6001
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
The Black Family
Spring 2009 & Fall 2009:
CUST 2370-6501
Spring 2010: CUST 2370-6501/6002
Kristine Ferguson
Family member must participate in activities assigned to be accomplished at
home and attend at least one event on campus. Events to choose from are:
lecture/classroom discussion, final presentation of student’s creative project,
presentation of selected written assignments, guest visitor presentation, or a
cultural event on the MVC campus.
Family member will either attend at least one event with the student or complete
a feedback form accessing the student’s teaching of a psychology unit. The
events to choose from are: 1) selected lecture/classroom discussions, 2)
presentation of student’s group project, 3) guest visitor presentation, 4) MVC
Psychology Lecture Series event, or 5) on-campus SPAR or cultural event.
Family member will either attend at least one event with the student or complete
a feedback form accessing the student’s teaching of a psychology unit. The
events to choose from are: 1) selected lecture/classroom discussions, 2)
presentation of student’s group project, 3) guest visitor presentation, 4) MVC
Psychology Lecture Series event, or 5) on-campus SPAR or cultural event.
Family member is invited to attend field trips and classes when there is a guest
Students work with their family members to trace their family tree. Family
members are encouraged to attend class presentations of these projects.
Cristina Medina
Dr. Deb Yoder
Dr. Deb Yoder
Dr. Pamela Hill
Students ask an older and younger family member to participate in various
activities. Participation in activities will be 20% of the student’s grade.
Activities include: participation in discussions with their family about various
books, journals, and videos.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Mountain View College
Fine Arts Appreciation
Spring 2009:
HUMA 1315-6001/6002/6005/6006
Fall 2009: HUMA 13156001/6002/6003/6005/6501
Janice Franklin
Abdal Rezeski
Spring 2009
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Introduction to the Internet
INTW 1437-6203
Mountain View College
Art Appreciation
Spring 2009: ARTS 1301-6004
Fall 2009:
ARTS 1301-6001
Spring 2010: ARTS 1301-6001
Carol Jackson
James Behan
Family member assists the student in exploring art through various periods and
locations via the website for Met Museum.
Student and family member view the film Everything is Illuminated, and then
discuss the cultural relevance of the film together.
Student and family member attend a musical and either a theatrical or dance
event. Student writes an essay about each event, including the responses of the
family member to the event.
Students will involve family members by communicating with them via email to
plan a family reunion. They will also send them driving and traffic information
from MapQuest.
Students will create a PowerPoint presentation, “All About Me”, showing
pictures of family members with links to websites on the internet.
Family members are invited to attend class to observe the student’s presentation
of his/her PowerPoint.
Spring 2009:
 Family member attends two of three off-site activities: 1) field trip, including
interview of family member afterwards, 2) critique of student’s research paper,
or 3) serve as a subject for student’s creative project.
 Family member also attends one of the following on-campus activities: 1) MVC
cultural event, 2) class photo exhibit, or 3) family activity developed with
Fall 2009 and Spring 2010:
 Students will photograph a single event that in some way relates to their notion
of family, selecting one to enlarge and mat. Students will exhibit the work,
including an artist statement.
 Family members will attend the Art Appreciation Student Exhibition at MVC
with the students. Afterwards, the students will interview their family members,
asking assigned questions. (Fall 2009 only)
 Students will choose (1) to bring a family member to a Dallas art museum,
instructing them on design elements and documenting their discussion of
assigned questions, or (2) a family member will review the student’s research
paper, answering assigned questions.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Spring 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2009
Spring 2010
Spring 2009
Spring 2009
Mountain View College
Drawing II
Spring 2009: ARTS 1317-6001
Spring 2010: ARTS 1317-6001
James Behan
Mountain View College
Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1301-6001/6002
Debbie Nichols
Mountain View College
PHIL 2306-6001/6002
Debbie Nichols
Mountain View College
U.S. History
HIST 1301-6004
Dr. Charles Brazell
Mountain View College
U. S. History
HIST 1302-6001/6504
Spring 2009:
 Student interviews the family member after they attend a local museum together.
 Student instructs the family member in one of the art techniques learned in class.
Family member then demonstrates same in student’s sketchbook.
 Family member sits for a portrait project.
 Family member attends an on-campus art reception or cultural event.
Spring 2010:
 Student will create a drawing that references a family member.
 Student will attend a museum with a family member and write a two page typed
paper reflecting on their visit and the impact of the human figure on the museum
collection. Student will also interview the family member for their response to
the work exhibited.
 Student chooses a family member to be his/her conversation partner for the
 Students will write a short essay which will include the student’s and family
member’s beliefs about a topic of philosophic importance. The grade (10% of
semester grade) will not depend on the opinions of the student or family
member, but only on the quality of the interaction and report.
 Student chooses a family member to be his/her conversation partner for the
 Students will discuss three assigned questions with their family member and
then write short essays which will include the student’s and family member’s
beliefs about each topic of moral importance.
 Students involve a family member in review and evaluation of one web critique.
 Student reads and discusses the Declaration of Independence with his/her family
member, comparing their perspective with his own. Students then write a twopage essay on their views of the document, the principles contained in it and
what it means to them.
Dr. Charles Brazell
Students involve a family member in his/her review and evaluation of one web
critique, including their comments with his/her own.
Students interview a family member who was alive during World War I, the
Great Depression, World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam War, or Gulf War,
and write a two-page essay on their reflections and/or involvement.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Eastfield College
Developmental Math
DMAT 0098-4002
Leticia Escobar
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Brookhaven College
HUMA 1315-2011
Spring 2009
Brookhaven College
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Supplemental Instruction
SCIT 1407-2005/2006/2007/2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Brookhaven College
Online Cultural Studies - Mexico
Spring 2009: CUST 23702426/2427/2428/2429/2430/2431/2432
Fall 2009: CUST 2370 –
Spring 2010: CUST 23702426/2427/2428/2429/2430/2431/2432/
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Art Appreciation
Spring 2009: ARTS 1301-6001
Fall 2009 & Spring 2010:
ARTS 1301-6002
Edleeca Thompson
Viktoria Sattar
Edleeca Thompson
Adrien CuellarMcGuire
Ricky Reeves
Student completes two projects with the assistance of his/her family member.
These projects are 1) Circles and Linear Equations and 2) A Variation
Experiment with Pendulums. Each project has the same weight as an Evaluate
Students include at least one picture with each project that shows him working
with his family member.
Students research and prepare a food dish that has been handed down in their
family from generation to generation. This needs to be a dish that students
enjoy, and they need to be able to give the history of this recipe in their family,
the occasion for which this dish would have been prepared, and any stories or
memories they have surrounding the dish.
Students and family members attend an orientation meeting.
Family members invited to attend tutoring sessions and open lab and required to
assist with home studies.
Students write a one-page essay, describing how family involvement has made a
difference in his/her experience during this course.
Family member will evaluate student’s final paper, including comments about
the content and the format.
Student presents semester photo project and corresponding PowerPoint to
his/her family member. Family member evaluates same based on faculty’s ten
specific criteria.
Student will complete a cyanotype project, using a picture of a family member
and one or more family mementos. (Spring 09 only)
Jennifer PilonSchafer
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Brookhaven College
Online Humanities
Spring 2009: HUMA 1315-
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
9007/9011/9013/ 9015/9017/9018
Fall 2009: HUMA 13152422/2423/2424/2425/2426/2427/2428/
Edleeca Thompson
Tina Aguilar
Ricky Reeves
Adrien CuellarMcGuire
Dr. Gil Trythall
Family member will evaluate student’s final paper, including comments about
the content and the format.
Student interviews family member about a craft object that is cherished in
his/her family; Student posts responses and his/her own thoughts to discussion
Family member accompanies student to the Dallas Museum of Art for student’s
final project. Student gives a presentation based on his/her art object to family
member; Family member evaluates students’ presentation.
Students will attend a MVC art exhibit with their family members and document
their discussion addressing the question “How does the work of the artist
presented represent his/her place and time?”
Students will choose (1) to instruct their family member on design elements, and
together answer assigned questions or (2) a family member will review the
student’s research paper, answering assigned questions.
Spring 2010: HUMA 13152422/2423/2424/2425/2426/2427/2428/
9014/ 9015/9017/9018/9020/9023
Mountain View College
Online Art Appreciation
ARTS 1301-6426
Jennifer Rose
Fall 2009
Mountain View College
Art History Survey I
ARTS 1303-6001
James Behan
Fall 2009
Mountain View College
Ceramics I
ARTS 2346-6501
Jennifer PilonSchafer
Fall 2009
Mountain View College
Art Appreciation
ARTS 1301-6005
Cristina Medina
Students will captures a moment in time using clay, then present the finished
piece to a family member who was part of that moment and get their input on
the work of art.
Family members will participate in one of the following projects: (1) student’s
photograph, (2) off campus field assignment, or (3) attend one event on the
MVC campus.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Fine Arts Appreciation
A Common Book Course
HUMA 1315-6006
Cristina Medina
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Drawing I
Fall 2009: ARTS 1316-6001/6002
Spring 2010: ARTS 1316-6001
Cristina Medina
Fall 2009
Mountain View College
Drawing II
Common Book Course
ARTS 1317-6001/6002
Cristina Medina
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
El Centro College
Career Exploration and Planning
HDEV 1310-5003
Carisa WilsonBustillos
Family member will participate in activities assigned to be accomplished at
Family members must attend at least one of the following campus events: (1)
selected lecture/classroom discussions, (2) final presentation of student’s
creative project, (3) presentation of selected written assignments, (4) guest
visitor presentation, or (5) MVC cultural event.
Family members will participate in one of the following home activities: (1)
student will draw the family member, (2) student will do a still life study of the
family member, or (3) field assignment.
Family members must attend at least one of the following campus events: (1)
selected lecture/classroom discussions, (2) final presentation of student’s
creative project, (3) presentation of selected written assignments, (4) guest
visitor presentation, or (5) MVC cultural event.
Family members will participate in activities assigned to be accomplished at
home, including the student drawing the hands of a family member in their
Family member must attend at least one of the following campus events: (1)
selected lecture/classroom discussions, (2) final presentation of student’s
creative project, (3) presentation of selected written assignments, (4) guest
visitor presentation, or (5) MVC cultural event.
A family member will assist the student in creating a personal identity collage.
Family members are invited to class for presentation of the collage.
Student will interview their family member and obtain feedback about the career
area the student has chosen to research.
Student will interview their family member regarding the family member’s
utilization of any 1 of the 8 On Course Principles discussed in this course.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Fall 2009
Fall 2009
Fall 2009
Brookhaven College
Caribbean Arts and Culture – Online
CUST 2370-2440/2441/9000/9005
Mountain View College
Algebra Fundamentals I
Fall 2009: DMAT 0097-6011
Spring 2010:
DMAT 00976001/6002/6003/6007/6008
Mountain View College
Basic Mathematics
DMAT 0066-6005
Mountain View College
Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2314-6426,6427
Mountain View College
Developmental Reading
DREA 0090-6002
Edleeca Thompson
Giraud Polite
Students will explore Caribbean religious traditions and practices and
then compare and contrast them to their own experiences and their
families’ religious traditions.
Students will choose three problems from each homework assignment to teach
to a selected family member. The student will then turn in the results to the
A family member will help the student practice single-digit multiplication using
flash cards the student has made.
Students will work with a family member to identify and illustrate equivalent
Charles Wickersham
Becky Heiskell
Students will discuss with a family member the personal application postings
for the required Discussion Board assignments. Students will then indicate
how the family member influenced their understanding of the concepts
covered in that unit.
Students and family members will read the novel Brothers in Arms. Family
members will attend class discussions of the book.
Deb Yoder
Emma Singleton
Students work with family members in developing a family point of view of
their ancestral homeland as part of a Postcards from the Edge Project.
Utilizing family interviews and internet sources, students will trace their family
heritage, seeking a connection between their own cultural heritage and that of
the Caribbean, including any connection to the African Diaspora. Students will
write a paper documenting their findings and complete a family feedback form.
Last updated:3/21/2016
Family Involvement Model Chart
Spring 2010
Spring 2010
Mountain View College
Drawing I
Common Book Course
ARTS 1316-6002
Mountain View College
2D Design
ARTS 1311-6501
James Behan
James Behan
Spring 2010
Eastfield College
DMAT 0090-4001/4002/4006/4501
Leticia Escobar
Yolanda Manzano
Renita Rollerson
Dr. Terrance
Students will instruct their family member on the ten themes in art.
Family members will then attend a local art museum with the student and assist
in choosing ten art works that each employ one of the ten themes found in art.
Student will record the family member’s response to the assignment in their
Students will instruct their family member on the ten themes in art.
Family members will then attend a local art museum with the student and assist
in choosing ten art works that each employ one of the ten themes found in art.
Student will record the family member’s response to the assignment in their
Order of Operations Family Project: Student will construct three numbered
cubes (one each with fractions, decimals and integers) and one operational cube
(containing one addition sign, one subtraction sign, 2 multiplication signs and 2
division signs). The student will then use the cubes like dice to produce the
operands and operations for 12 problems. The family member will assist by
helping put together the cubes, throwing the cubes and/or recording the results.
The family member will also answer three reflection questions in the assigned
family journal.
Fractions Family Project: Students will challenge their family member to solve
4 arithmetic fractional problems that the student has created, utilizing diagrams
the student has drawn. The student will record their family members’
reflections of the project in a journal.
Last updated:3/21/2016