Sleep dreams specimen paper


Sleep, Dreams and Sleeping


Specimen Paper Question

Revision Task

• Use psychological approaches , theories and relevant research to analyse circadian rhythm sleep disorders and their effects on behaviour.

• Task – break down this question and develop a paragraph plan which would allow you to fully answer this question. Bullet point the information you would include in each section.

▫ Your answer should:

 Explain 2 psychological approaches to explain sleep and their implications eg how we treat sleep disorders.

 Explain 2 theories as to why we sleep and their implications eg what will happen according to these theories if we do not sleep.

 Explain 2 pieces of research into sleep and their implications.

SQA Answer scheme:

• 20 marks can only be gained if all 4 of the following areas have been addressed, 15 if 3, 10 if two and 5 if only one area is addressed:

▫ Identify and make the clear the relationships between at least 2 psychological approaches and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

▫ Identify and make clear the relationships between at least 2 theories and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

▫ Identify and make clear the relationships between relevant psychological research and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

▫ Draw out and relate implications/consequences of theories and/or research (linking back to the task).

Possible structure:

• Background – what is circadian rhythm? What is the sleep cycle? What are the consequences of lack of sleep? Dement and Kleitman, 1957 – implications of lack of sleep

• Theories: Restoration theory (Oswald, 1966) supporting evidence, implications – what effects will lack of sleep have according to this theory?

• Theories: Reorganisational Theory of Learning (Crick and

Mitchison, 1983) supporting evidence, implications – what effects will lack of sleep have according to this theory?

• ( Optional)Theories: Evolutionary Theory (Meddis, 1979 and Webb, 1983) supporting evidence, implications – what effects will lack of sleep have according to this theory?

• Biological Theory – factors which impact sleep cycle – endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers. Any supporting evidence

• Treatments under the biological theory – Drugs

(sleeping pills), melatonin supplement. Czeisler,

1990 – exposure to bright light

• Cognitive Approach – stress appears to be a major cause for sleep disorders – cognitive theory of dreaming – role in learning and problem solving.

Therefore lack of sleep will impair learning and problem solving abilities. Supporting evidence.

• Treatments under cognitive approach – CBT and

Stimulus Control Therapy – supporting evidence


• It is important to remember that this is not the definitive structure – just a suggested one.

• Make sure that before you answer any question you are breaking it down and planning your response to ensure that you are answering ALL aspects of it.

• Don’t just start to answer – you will start to get confused and missed things.
