Kaiser SNOMED Mapping Process

W3C HCLS 2009
Applications of SNOMED and DL in
Kaiser's EHR
Peter Hendler MD
Kaiser Permanente
Two Subjects
• How Does Kaiser Currently Use SNOMED
• How Can SNOMED Be Moved to
OWL(SHIQ) Expressivity
The Three Layered Terminology
• There are three layers in Kaisers E.H.R.
terminology system
• The providers (physicians) see the
interface terminology
• It is specific to Kaiser and created by
requests from our users
• This is mapped in the background to our
Reference Terminology which is SNOMED
• The interface term is mapped to billing
terminologies such as ICD and CPT
Interface terminology
 Display name heuristics developed for
different areas of each masterfile
 Display names are created to be user
friendly and are not necessarily the same
as those created as FSNs to be submitted
© Kaiser Permanente | For Internal use only
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Example of interface terminology to administrative and reference terminology
ICD-9 493,
© Kaiser Permanente | For Internal use only
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Multiple "Has Some" roles
Multiple IsA (more than one parent allowed)
Can do Structural Subsumption.
EL+ can not do Negation or Disjunction
Pulmonary Tuberculosis SNOMED
Multiple Hierarchies
• It IsA pneumonitis which in turn IsA
– Inflammatory disorder of lower respiratory
• It IsA Tuberculosis
• It IsA Pulmonary disease due to
Pulmonary Tuberculosis SNOMED
• Has causative agent Mycobacterium
tuberculosis complex
• Has associated morphology
Granulomatous inflammation
• Has finding site Lung structure
• Overall a much richer structured model
than single hierarchy with no relationships
Pulmonary TB
A pure Subsumption approach
It IsA Disorder
It Has Finding Site Lung Structure
It Has Causative Agent Mycobacterium
• Using Kaiser Query Tool to find Patients
who have any form of Pulmonary TB
Create Patient Cohorts
• Given this list of Kaiser Master File
Diagnosis terms, we can go into our
E.H.R. and bring back the MRNs of all
patients that have one of these conditions
that is subsumed by pulmonary TB.
• This can be used for Quality of Care or
Reporting or even Decision Support
• But we can’t do subsumption on terms that
include negation or disjunction
Structural Subsumption in EL+
• Compare terms in Normalized form
• Terms can get roles in two ways
• It can have roles asserted and it can
inherit roles
• In normal form a term is flattened to two
• Atomic Primitive Parents (with no roles)
• Flattened list of all roles inherited and
Normalized TB Pneumonia
• 154283005pulmonary tuberculosis
• is a=disease
,causative agent=Mycobacterium
tuberculosis complex
morphology=granulomatous inflammation
,finding site=lung structure}
Structural Subsumption
• If you have two normalized terms you can
see if one is subsumed by the other
• If they have exactly the same form, they
are equal.
• If one of them has everything the other
does, plus one or more additional features,
then it is more specialized and it is
subsumed by the other
• If they share features but each has
additional features, they may be siblings
But Kaiser Needs Negation and
Non infectious Pneumonia
Non genital herpes
Infectious or Malignant disorder of lung
Burn injury of face neck or scalp
• Poisoning by antineoplastic AND/OR
immunosuppressive drug
More Samples of KP terms rejected
because of negation or disjunction
Non renal secondary hyperparathyroidism
Localized infection of skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue
Warts non-genital
Sprain or strain of wrist
Closed fracture of skull or face with intracranial hemorrhage
without coma
OWL Web Ontology Language
Because Owl in Winnie the Pooh spelled his name WOL.
If OWL can do that, then
Web Ontology Language can be spelled OWL
Most often is SHIQ
But adds two things Kaiser wants.
Negation and Disjunction
Up until now, OWL/SHIQ expressivity could only be
used with small ontologies of 20k or so terms in tools like
Tableaux Reasoners
Once you add negation and/or disjunction to an ontology,
you can no longer do structural subsumption.
You must go to Tableaux reasoners that use a different
form of symbolic logic.
In a nutshell they test for the negative hypothesis.
If A is subsumed by B, then the only thing that can not be
true is that you can’t be an A and NOT a B.
If Chevy is subsumed by Vehicle, then the only thing that
can’t be true is that you are a Chevy and NOT a Vehicle
Tableaux reasoners
The reasoner has to prove that given all of the assertions
(triplets) in the ontology, that this one assertion is
This happens when all branches of the tableaux are
closed with a contradiction such as A and NOT A in the
same branch
Pellet and FaCT++ are free open source Tableaux
classifiers and they come packaged with the free tool
They apparently need to load the entire ontology into
Using Protege you can easily produce a small version of
a SNOMED like ontology and add negated and
disjunctive terms.
But in a 32 bit machine you can only address 4 gigs of
RAM and it turns out that is not enough to load
A 64 bit machine can address
enough memory
A 64 bit machine can have much more memory but..
They cost a lot.
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is able to
virtualize various machines which can be run for 40 to 80
cents an hour.
These virtual machines are intended to be desktopless
web servers, but you can create an image of 64 bit
Ubuntu Linux which Has a nice desktop
In order to use the Desktop remotely you must install
VNC or even better NoMachine NX server
Methods Continued
Once you have a 64 bit machine with a desktop and 14
Gigs of memory you can install 64 bit JAVA and you can
install Protege
The Protege start up configuration must be changed to
specify more memory for the Java Heap.
SNOMED is distributed in 3 very large text files
Kent Spackman has written a PERL script that will
convert this format to OWL RDF/XML which is the input
format for Protege
The First Experiment
The first test was to see if the entire (the large
inferred version) of SNOMED OWL/SHIQ could
be loaded and navigated in Protege on a
machine with 14 Gigs of RAM.
Happily it could, but it was indeed quite
The next test was whether it could be classified.
Resources Required
• Taking 37 min
• Using 100% CPU
• Using 5.5 Gigs of memory
Fully Classified
• Just under 40 minutes on High Mem
machine with 14 gig RAM and 4 CPUs
• This is the inferred Class Hierarchy view
• Next slide shows fully classified inferred
view of SNOMED CT
Ancestor Query
• On classified SNOMED OWL
• United Kingdom children's cancer study group
central nervous system tumor staging system
• Has Ancestors…
• SNOMED CT Concept
• Staging and scales
• Tumor staging
Subclasses and
• Of Bilateral Pneumonia
• Bilateral bronchopneumonia
• Bilateral basal pneumonia
But what about negation?
So far we proved you could load and classify all of SNOMED in
OWL/SHOIN xml/rdf but we haven't proved you can add
For the next experiment I modeled a negated term in Protege.
It is not recommended that humans try to write the XML by hand
Once this term was created I took the XML added it to the stated
SNOMED ontology
Disorder, FindingSite Lung, Morphology Inflamation
not(CausativeAgent some InfectiousAgent)
Note the negation has been
• In the “Superclasses” section on
lower right of Protégé the new role
can be seen.
Re Classify with Negation
After adding Negation
ReClassified and still took 37 min.
The addition of one negated term
did not effect much
Proof of Classification with
• In the next slide we see the now fully
defined Non-infectious pneumonia with
children of its own after re classification of
SNOMED with negation in OWL, the
children (display names) are
• Allergic pneumonia,Lupus
pneumonia,Traumatic Pneumonia, Chronic
chemical respiratory disease, Chemical
respiratory disease NOS, Endogenous
lipoid pneumonia, Foreign body pneumonia,
and Rheumatic pneumonia
And Proof of Classification
with Disjunction
Added one Disjunctive Term
Poisoning by antineoplastic
AND/OR immunosuppressive
Negation and Disjunction is OK
with Single Terms
• What happens if you add massive
amounts of Negation and disjunction?
The Test Negated terms
• Using a small JAVA for loop and a JAVA
collection with 25000 SNOMED codes for
anatomic structures, it was possible to
create 25000 Negated terms of the
• Non infectious disorder of <<anatomic
Negation test
Then using a text editor, these 25000 negated
terms were appended to SNOMED_stated.owl
This was successfully Classified.
Disjunctive Terms
• Similarly a template was created from a
model term in Protégé and then used to
auto generate 25000 disjunctive terms of
the format
• Infectious or Malignant disorder of
<<anatomic location>>
Switching from Protege
• Protégé had a GUI and when dealing with
these very large Ontologies it is a
drawback to have the GUI locked for over
an hour
Without Protege
A fully programmatic solution was wanted.
First I tried the DIG interface which is a way to send an
ontology over a web service to a reasoner and then get
back the classified ontology
It turns out that this approach was abandoned because
the time it takes to upload and then download the
ontology is greater than the time to classify the ontology
The latest way to interact with a reasoner is the OWL
API, a Java API which allows you to use an in memory in
process tableax reasoner.
Pellet, it turns out is dismally slow with SNOMED
But FaCT++ is good.
A small java program was written using this API which
loads a local file, classifies it, takes some statistics and
then saves a copy of the classified file
This set up was able to classify all of asserted SNOMED
in 35 min
• An Eclipse JAVA project was set up using
the OWL API and the FaCT++ reasoner
outside of the Protégé tool
• This way the classification could be done
without human interaction with a GUI
Look at XML of OWL
• A Sample Negated Term
xml first part
<owl:Class rdf:about="#NEG_TEST_0">
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en" >
TestTermNegated_0 (disorder)</rdfs:label>
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#SCTID_64572001"/>
xml middle part
xml final part
Negation test
Using both Protege with the built in FaCT++ as well as
the set up with OWL API I was able to classify this new
test copy of SNOMED with 25000 negated terms in just
under an hour.
Note that this significantly slowed down the task
Disjunction Was Added
A similar approach was taken for Disjunction
A test term was modeled in a small SNOMED like
ontology in Progege
The XML from that was taken as a template
A java program was written to generate 25000
disjunctive terms of the form
Infectious or neoplastic disorder of <<body part>>
xml for disjunction (fragment)
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
The Mother of All Classifications
25000 of the negated terms as well as 25000 of the
disjunctive terms were added to the asserted nearly
500,000 terms of the SNOMED file and then classified
It took about 1.2 hours to classify everything. (see screen
I believe that 25000 negated and 25000 disjunctive terms
is an adequate stress test for for how a SHIQ/OWL
version of SNOMED would behave.
Resources Used
• The following screen shot shows the task
taking 38.5% of a total of 8 Gigs of RAM
and consuming 100% CPU
• The machine was “pegged” for 1hr and 20
minutes classifying this test Ontology
which contained all of SNOMED stated
and 25000 Negated as well as an
additional 25000 Disjunctive test terms
A Peek At a New Reasoner
• Using an entirely different flavor of
reasoner, the resources needed could be
reduced by orders of magnitude.
• In fact, a $350 Asus EEE netbook was
able to classify the test ontology in a few
• Is it complete? I can’t test that myself, but
the spot checks I did on the results were
The experimental CB reasoner
Ian Horrocks of Oxford is one of the experts in reasoner
design for expressive ontologies like OWL
He and Yevgeny Kazakov (the author of CB) have
created a forward chaining reasoner that classifed all of
asserted SNOMED in about 30 seconds. When the
50000 extra terms were added it took one minute.
Next Steps
-SNOMED can move to a more expressive DL with
negation and disjunction
-It is no longer limited because of technical shortcomings
of hardware and software
-Policy will have to determine the flavors of negation and
disjunction to allow and which hierarchy they must reside
in (situation?)
-Tooling needs to be modified to handle new
Any Volunteers?
• Who would be willing to explore a joint
project with Kaiser to move our SNOMED
EL+ terminology to OWL?