Name:_____________________________________________ Period:_________________ Notebook for Homer’s Iliad Check off each of the following items as you place it into your notebook/folder. Make sure everything is in order and is easy to read. “The Homeric Hero” pages 119-122 in the text _____/30 Graphic Organizers: Cast of Characters _____/30 The Iliad: Prologue and Chapter 1 notes _____/10 Chapter 2 “Reading a Text” (True/ False) _____/10 Venn Diagrams on the differences and similarities between the openings of Troy and The Iliad ______/10 A paragraph in which you take a stand on which opening is better, supported with 3 examples ______/10 10-minute write on the Greek assault of Troy _______/ 10 Homeric similes and analysis from chapters 2-4 _______/30 Modern versions of 5 similes _______/10 List the differences: Troy/ The Iliad Paris-Menelaus duel and write a paragraph on specific film techniques to heighten tension _______/10 Comparison of two works with a common theme _______/10 Notes on Greek/ Trojan views of death/ women chapter 8 & epilogue ______/30 Achilles’ Shield _______/10 Neatness and Organization _______/25 Total Points: _______/235 Scoring Guide: Notes on the Homeric Hero 30: Each paragraph is covered with the required number of bullet points (17 paragraphs). Handwriting is neat, and the notes are spatially organized. Each paragraph as adequate notes/ bullets/ questions in the left-hand column. 24: Each paragraph is covered, though some important details may be left out. Handwriting is legible, and the notes are spatially organized well enough that main points stand out. Most paragraphs have adequate coverage in the left-hand column. 15: Most paragraphs are covered, though some are missing. Sporadic coverage in the left-hand column. 0: Half-hearted attempt; incomplete; sloppy and/or illegible work. Graphic Organizers (3) 10: Each graphic organizer is neat and clearly written, and very well organized spatially so that the relationships between characters are apparent. Color or some other method of visually enhancing the organizer is apparent. 7: Each graphic organizer is neat and clearly written, and spatially organized in some fashion (not merely a list of characters as appears in the book) 5: A list as appears in the book. 0: Incomplete or missing. Notes for the prologue and chapter 1 10: Notes include all main points and show insight into character/ plot/ etc. Material is typed or written VERY neatly. 7: Notes include 80%+ of main points and show some insight. Material is written VERY neatly. 5: Notes are brief and uninsightful. Material is not neatly written. 0: Incomplete or missing. Chapter 2 reading a text 10: Each of the five questions is answered in full and is well-supported by appropriate evidence from the chapter. 7: Each of the five questions is answered in full. 5: Three-four of the questions are answered. 0: Incomplete or missing. Venn Diagrams 10: 7-10 valid items are in each of the three areas described by the diagram. Material is either typed or written very neatly. 7: 5-6 items are in each of the three areas described. Material is written very neatly. 5: 3-4 items are in each of the three areas described. Material is not neatly written. 0: Incomplete or missing. Paragraph on the opening 10: Good paragraph structure with topic sentence, THREE examples, and a concluding sentence. Paragraph is typed or written neatly. 7: Paragraph has a topic sentence, TWO examples, and a concluding sentence. Paragraph is neatly written. 5: Paragraph makes a good attempt to persuade as to which opening (movie/story) is better. Not neatly written. 0: Incomplete or missing. 10-minute write on Greek assault of Troy 10: 7: 5: 0: One full page of quality writing. (One page = approximately 250 words) More than half a page. (140 – 249 words) Half a page. (125 – 139 words) Less than half a page. (<125 words) Homeric Similes and analysis 30: All 11 Homeric similes are listed. All 4 questions are answered in complete sentences for each of the 11 similes. Handwriting is very neat or work is typed. 24: 8-10 of the 11 Homeric similes are listed. All 4 questions are answered for each. Handwriting is neat. 15: 6-7 of the 11 Homeric similes are listed. All 2-4 questions are answered for each. Handwriting is legible. 0: Incomplete, missing, or illegible. Modern versions of 5 similes 10: 7: 5: 0: 5 similes of at least two lines each. 4 similes of at least two lines each; 4-5 short similes. 2-3 similes. < 2 similes. Differences between movie and text battle between Paris and Menelaus : 3-column notes + Paragraph 10: 8-10 items in each column. Paragraph is at least 11 sentences, follows correct structure, 3 chunks. 7: 6-7 items in each column. Paragraph follows correct structure, 2 chunks. 5: 5 items in each column. Paragraph follows correct structure, 1 chunk. 0: Under 5 items. Paragraph incomplete or missing. Theme comparison 10: Contains 6 quotes. Good paragraph structure with topic sentence and concluding sentence. There is twice as much interpretation and commentary as concrete details. Two themes (one from each work) are correctly identified and supported with evidence from the texts. VERY neatly written or typed. 7: Contains 4-5 quotes. Good paragraph structure. Paragraph has a topic sentence. There is as much interpretation and commentary as concrete details. Two themes (one from each work) are identified and supported with evidence from the texts. VERY neatly written. 5: Contains 2-3 quotes. There are more concrete details than interpretation and commentary. One theme is identified and somewhat supported with evidence from the texts. Legible. 0: Incomplete or missing. Contains 0-1 quotes. Role of death/ women 10: You have 7-10 items. Each item contains 1 quote and at least 1 sentence accurately explaining the quote and what it reveals about the role of death/women in Ancient Greece. VERY neatly written or typed. 7: You have 4-6 items. Each item contains 1 quote and at least 1 sentence explaining the quote and what it reveals about the role of death/women in Ancient Greece. Neatly written. 5: You have 3 items. Each item contains 1 quote and at least 1 sentence explaining the quote and what it reveals about the role of death/women in Ancient Greece. Legible. 0: Incomplete or missing. Illegible. Shield of Achilles 10: You have at least 5 items in each column. Answers to questions (How would you characterize the worldview presented on the shield? Why do you think Hephaestus would give Achilles a shield with a picture of life in the world on it?) are complete, thoughtful, and at least 250 words. 7: You have at least 3 items in each column. You answer both questions thoughtfully in 210-249 words. 5: You have at least 2 items in each column. You have 160-209 words answering both questions. 0: Less than 2 items in each column, under 160 word answer, or incomplete or missing. Neatness and Organization 25: All entries are very neatly written or typed. Entries are in order (follow the order on the checklist/ table of contents). Entries are clearly labeled. 16: Entries are neatly written. Entries are mostly in order (one or two might be out of order). 80%+ entries are labeled. 8: Entries require effort to read due to illegibility. Entries are unlabeled. Notebook contains loose papers. 0: Entries are very difficult to read due to illegibility. Entries are not in order and are unlabeled.