Language Arts Lesson Plan Name: Judith Guerrero Population: 3rd Grade Subject/Content Area/Topic: Language Arts – Synonyms/Antonyms Materials: Mystery Box Sentence Strips Thesaurus Two large t-charts Markers Objective: The student will demonstrate understanding of the meaning of synonyms/ antonyms and will learn to identify them by playing a game called “Name that Synonym/Antonym” and rewriting a paragraph in a story. Rationale: §110.14. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010. (4) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to: (C) identify and use antonyms, synonyms, homographs, and homophones; Anticipatory Set: The teacher will show the students a mystery box and ask students to predict what will come out of the box. The teacher will pull out a thesaurus from the box followed by sentence strips with different antonyms and synonyms (all/none, day/night, best/worst and data/information) taken out of the mystery box. Instructional Input: After drawing sentence strips from the mystery box. The teacher will ask students if they saw any patterns within each sentence strip. This will lead to a class discussion on the definition of synonyms and antonyms. The teacher will explain that antonyms are opposites and synonyms are the same. These definitions will be written on the board. Furthermore, the teacher will ask students to look under their chairs. There they will find an index card with an antonym or synonym written on it. Students will be asked to read the word aloud then they will walk around the classroom and pair up with their antonym/synonym by standing next to that student. Modeling/Guided Practice: The teacher will create two t-charts; one will be for synonyms and the other for antonyms. The charts will have a column of either synonyms or antonyms and together as a class these will be filled. Checking for understanding: Review and discuss the meanings of antonyms and synonyms. The teacher will call out a two words and say “Raise your hand if those were antonyms? Or “Raise your hand if those were synonyms”. Guided Practice: The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will be given a thesaurus. A game will be played in which the teacher will call out a word and tell the students to find its synonym. The group that finds it first will get one point. The game will go on for a few minutes and then there will be a winning group. This will give the students to become familiarized with synonyms and antonyms and learn the use of a thesaurus. Independent Practice: The teacher will give each student a short paragraph from a story. Students will rewrite sentences in the paragraph using synonyms. Then they will do the same with antonyms. Closure: The teacher will ask some students to share with the class the paragraphs they re- wrote with the synonyms/antonyms. The teacher will ask the students what they learned in class and review vocabulary. Assessment: Provide students with a (handout) where they will match synonyms and antonyms.