Tour Guiding Techniques

Tour Guiding
Content and Methodology
 People who leave their homes to temporarily
visit a place
 They should be spending and not earning
money from the place they visit
 Reasons can be pleasure, meetings or
 With the intention of learning something about
the place like its history, people, culture
Basic factors for a
successful tourist
 Attractions which can be site itself or an
 Amenities or facilities like
accommodation, food, local,
transportation, communication and
entertainment at the site
 Accessibility
 Peace and order
Characteristics of Tourism
 Product is not brought to the consumer;
 The tourism product is not used up, it doesn’t
exhaust the country’s natural resources;
 People-oriented;
 Labor-intensive;
 Multi-dimensional;
 Seasonal;
 Dynamic;
 Characterized by the changing ideas of its
Nature of Tour Reception
& Guiding
 First impression of tourists play a very
important role
 Receiving tourists is just like receiving
guests in your home
 Show the best without boasting or
 Guiding is not simply telling them “to your
left, to your left”, there’s a lot more into it.
Duties and
 Provide them information and explanations
about the place honestly without prejudice;
 Ensure a factual presentation, make sure to
distinguish the truth stories, legends, traditions;
 Act fairly and reasonably in all dealings with
colleagues and co-workers;
 Always act with tact and diplomacy in dealing
with the guests
 Always report for duty healthy and positive
 Never take advantage of the ignorance of the
 Never allow yourself to be used by
unscrupulous organizations who want to take
advantage of the tourists
 Use common sense and be honest by saying “
I don’t know,…I will check,..”
 Ensure guest’s safety, warn them on:
 Plants that might cause some allergies
 Food and drinks that might not suit their
digestive system
 Elevation for those with vertigo and fear of
 Dogs that might bite
 Presence of pickpockets in crowded areas
 Protect the reputation of tourism by
making every assignment a treat, with
respect to the environment, wildlife,
sights & monuments, local customs &
 Act responsibly as representative of the
country and the people
Communication Skills
 Language proficiency
 Avoid using highfalutin words, use
simple, easy to understand words
 Try to get rid of regional accent
 Use synonyms to explain, to describe
 Use non-verbal communication in a
difficult thing or situation
 Speak audibly, not too soft and not too
 Conduct your commentary in a relaxed,
entertaining manner (they came here to
enjoy, remember)
Guiding Techniques
 Be prepared, study the destination
 Plan your spiel or commentary, it should be
 Have an update on the local and global news
and environmental issues
 Intercede when necessary in the interaction
with the guest and the locals
 Be aware on the basic human behavior and
 Do not research to back up your facts
 Be ready for pertinent and impertinent
 In cases of having more than one guide, find
some time to sit down, discuss to synchronize
information & learn from each other
 Never tell your personal life at first meeting
 Never sell anything at first meeting
unless they ask
 Be punctual at all times. Be there at least
one hour before the tour starts
 Learn map reading
 Learn how to say NO to indecent
 Always make a head count before, during
and after the tour, especially on stops
 Be practical when making judgment,
think if the benefit of the majority
 Be a good decision maker
 Learn basic first aid
Qualities of an effective
Tour Guide
Love of country
Proper decorum
Self- confidence
Sense of humor
Fairness in treatment
Good health
Good communicator
Humble and polite
Steps on how to make a
 Begin with a smile, greeting and
 Brief the guests about the tour for the day
 Review the inclusions and exclusions of
the tour
 Give the distance and traveling time of
the destination
 What to expect from the tour
 Give necessary precautions
 Do not miss to point important landmarks
along the way
 Announce comfort stops
 Always do the head count
Tips for an effective tour
 Start with a greeting or introduction
 Information should be delivered in a
manner that would interest the guests
 Sense of humor should be part of the
delivery of information
 Remember, commentaries help people
understand and appreciate what they
actually see
Face the group, not a few
Speak slowly and clearly
Voice should be audible
Practice eye contact
Prepare yourself for questions to be
 Take control of your breathing and
emphasize important words
 Use synonyms, example in explaining
 When mentioning a name, repeat it or spell it
 Maintain silence, if the need arises
 Listen carefully to questions and other
 Never argue with the guests
 End your tour always by thanking the guests
 Discuss the Tour guide Personality
Kinds of tour guides
Types of tour guides
Scope and responsibilities
Rewards of the profession
 Research Skills
Domestic tourism
Natural and man-made attractions
Historical sites
Events, fiestas
National, local and regional boundaries
Geography and topography
 Communication Skills
 Reading
 Thinking and writing
 Delivery of commentary
 Verbal and non- verbal
 Mock tour
 Inside the classroom
 Individual commentary-making
 Delivery of commentary
 Actual tour to a destination
 Observation from a licensed, professional
tour guide how to conduct a tour
 Critiquing based on tour guiding principles
and techniques
 Tour to a destination with a prepared,
memorized spiel or commentary on a chosen
tourist attraction ( on the bus)
 Invite resource speaker, tour guide for
additional hands-on lecture/presentation
 Mock and actual tour is required to complete
the competencies of a tour guide