Odysseus: King of Ithaca Questions/Prompt

English 9
Mrs. Sharp
Odysseus: King of Ithaca Part 1
Video Questions
Directions: Watch the movie and answer the questions with as much information as you can. You can access the video
from home through the English 10 website to complete any questions you may miss in class.
1. What makes Odysseus different than other heroes?
2. Who is credited with writing the Odyssey? When was it written down?
3. What event(s) started The Trojan War?
4. What scientific evidence was found recently that leads scientists to believe that there might have been an actual city
of Troy?
5. Explain Odysseus’ idea to build the Trojan Horse.
6. How long should it have taken Odysseus to get home to Troy? How long did it actually take?
7. What evidence was found in 1988?
8. What happened back in Ithaca when Odysseus was away?
9a. What happened at Odysseus’ first stop on his journey (Ismarus)?
9b. What was his mistake?
10. Where did the hurricane send Odysseus and his crew?
11. Why did Odysseus and his men stop at the Cyclopes island?
12a. What problem do Odysseus and his men face when trying to decide how to escape Cyclops?
12b. How can Odysseus’ solution support the idea that he is an epic hero?
13. How did Odysseus “fool” Cyclops and prevent other Cyclopes from giving him help?
14. Explain the idea that Odysseus used “Brain over Brawn” to defeat Cyclops. How is this further proof that he is a
15. What is Odysseus’ character flaw that is apparent as he is leaving the Cyclopes’ island?
16. How does his mistake create more problems?
17. What is going on back in Ithaca with Penelope?
18a. Who is King Aeolus?
18b. What does he give Odysseus?
19. How do Odysseus’ men betray him?
20. What happens to all but one of Odysseus’ ships?
Name: ________________________
Period: _______
The Odyssey: Fact or Fiction?
Based on the film and what you have read so far from The Odyssey, do you think Odysseus’ story is true or just a “tall
tale”? Write a paragraph in which you state whether or not you think The Odyssey is a true story. Provide at least three
reasons to support your conclusion.
Check your paragraph with TEST:
T = Topic Sentence Underline your Topic Sentence
E = Examples
Put a dot next to your Example Sentences (there should be 3)
Put a star next to your Elaboration Sentences (there should be 3 to match your examples)
S = Summarizing/Conclusion Sentence Put a circled “S” next to your Summarizing Sentence
T = Transition Words
Put a checkmark on top of your transitional words/phrases
---------Check for these things:
____ Capital Letter s
____ Punctuation
_____ Spelling
_____ Complete sentences