The First Triumvirate Biographies

The First Triumvirate
The First Triumvirate was the unofficial political alliance of Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Lincinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus. This alliance between three of Rome’s
most powerful men lasted from 59BC to Crassus’ death in 53BC. These three used their power and connections to obtain even more power and wealth. Eventually the
triumvirate began to crumble as the men became jealous of each others success; (notably Pompey jealous of Caesar’s success in Gaul).
Their alliance was all but finished when Julia (Caesar’s daughter, and Pompey’s wife) died in child birth (53BC), along with Crassus defeat and death by the Parthians in 53BC.
This uneasy alliance lasted until 49BC when Caesar cross the Rubicon (river in northern Italy) with an army and started a civil war, which ultimately cause Pompey’s death, and
installed Caesar as the lone survivor of the Triumvirate and eventual dictator of Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar
Gained great power through the Triumvirate,
and became one of the greatest military powers
in Roman History.
o This threatened Pompey as he was
previously known as the great general.
Conquered Gaul in the Gallic Wars, and became
the first Roman General to invade Britain.
Caesar’s daughter Julia was married to Pompey,
she later died during child birth (53BC)
Caesar and Pompey eventually began a civil war
in 49BC which started when Caesar took his
troops across the Rubicon (River in northern
Caesar won the civil war and was named
“dictator in perpetuity”
“Ides of March” (March 15th, 44BC)
o Julius Caesar was assassinated by
senators led by Brutus “Et tu Brute”
o This led to another Civil War and the
creation of the “Second Triumvirate”
Eventually Caesars Nephew (adopted son)
Octavian took full control of Rome, he was later
known as Augustus, the first EMPEROR of
Marcus Lincinius Crassus
Crassus is considered the wealthiest man in
Roman history, and possible one of the richest
men to ever live.
o He gained much of this fortune
through real estate speculation.
He also played a pivotal role in stopping the
slave revolution led by Spartacus. (71BC)
He was a patron of Julius Caesars political
career. (Caesar and Crassus were life long allies,
but Crassus and Pompey did not ever get along)
Crassus died at The Battle of Carrhae, against
the Parthians, and many people suggest he died
because of his own strategic error. (53BC)
After Crassus death the relationship between
Pompey and Caesar was strained and ultimately
broken following Julia’s death (53BC).
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Usually referred to as Pompey or as Pompey the
Became powerful in Roman very quickly as a
successful military leader under Sulla.
His marriage to Julia (Caesar’s daughter)
secured the First Triumvirate.
Once Julia and Crassus both died (53BC)
Pompey sided with the Optimates (Conservative
Pompey was defeated at the Battle of Pharsalus
during the civil war against Caesar.
He fled to Egypt to rebuild his military power,
and instead was assassinated.
After Pompey’s death Rome quickly began to
transition from a republic to an empire.
At the beginning of the Civil War Pompey
claimed “I can raise armies by stamping my foot
on the soil of Italy”.
o He didn’t stomp fast enough because
he was forced to flee Rome as Caesar
advanced across the Rubicon (while
Pompey awaited his soldiers from
Caesar was furious at the Egyptians for their
assassination of Pompey and punished his
Questions: Please answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each, or receive no credit for that question.
Why would three men who all wanted power, ally themselves together?
Describe the deaths of all three members of the First Triumvirate, what do they have in common?
What was the major turning point(s) in the dissolution of the First Triumvirate?
How/why might Julius Caesar and Pompey’s life been different if Crassus had not died in battle?
Explain the relationship between Pompey and Caesar, why did they get along, why did they fight?