Newsletter October English 2015

October 2015
October 7th
October 16th
October 19th & 20th
October 21st
October 27th
October 3oth
CSC 3:15pm
NED Assembly
NO SCHOOL for students
Basketball begins 3:00-4:30pm
Family Art Night and Pizza!
Halloween Fun- dress up if you’d like
Kinder Party 10:50-11:20am
1st grade Party 11:10-11:40am
2nd-5th Party 2:30-3:00pm
Happy October Doull Families,
We are off to a GREAT start to our school year. A BIG thank you for making
sure your students are at school on time every day. Remember we begin at
7:50am. Students can be on the playground before school (starting at 7:40am),
when we have teacher supervision. Numerous staff members every morning are
stationed at the exterior and interior doors to greet all students before they start
their day. All students at Doull are offered breakfast in their classroom every
morning and this is FREE to all students. If your child is late they need to enter
through the main door and get a tardy slip. Instruction starts at 7:55am, so please
be on time so that your son/daughter doesn’t miss instruction.
Conferences are scheduled for November 17th and 19th. Teachers are
required to meet with 100% of their classroom parents. Please make sure you
come in to hear about the learning that’s taking place and how your son/daughter
is performing. Some teachers will be adjusting their schedule and will be doing
home visits. Please make sure that you are working with your child’s teacher to
schedule a conference. This communication between school and home is vital to
the success of all of our kids.
Sincerely, Ms. Carrigan
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
October 30th:
 Costumes may be
worn to school all
 No masks, no blood,
no gore, no
weapons, no
costumes, no short
skirts, etc.
*Elementary school
costumes please!
 Regular learning
day, 30 minute
*Kinder 10:5011:20am
*1 Grade 11:1011:40am
*2nd-5th 2:30-3:00pm
[Issue] :: [Date]
As a reminder- please pay close attention when
dropping off students. We have staff members doing
crosswalk duty at Utica and Harvard and Stuart and
Harvard. Please pay close attention and drive safely
around our school. The safety of our students and staff
members is of the utmost importance!
WE NEED YOU TO BE a part of our school wide FACT campaign!
Each grade level MUST master basic facts this year and we need
YOUR HELP to accomplish this!!
Kinder= Count to 100 and recognize numbers 0-20
-Count by 10’s up to 100
-Count by 5’s up to 50
-Count by 2’s up to 20
-Know their shapes and be able to make -patterns
-Know how to solve basic + and - with number 0-5
1st grade= Know all addition up to 10 + 10
-Know all subtraction up to 20-10 instantly and everything
from Kinder
2nd grade= Know all addition up to 10 + 10
-Know all subtraction up to 20-10 instantly and everything
from Kinder and 1st Grade.
3rd grade= Know all addition up to 10 + 10
-Know all subtraction up to 20-10 instantly
-Know multiplication facts up to 10 X 10 instantly and
everything from Kinder, 1st and 2nd
4th grade= Know all addition up to 10 + 10
-Know all subtraction up to 20-10 instantly
-Know multiplication facts up to 10 X 10 instantly and
everything from Kinder-3rd
5th grade= Multiplication facts up to 12 X 12 instantly and
everything from Kinder-4th
Please help your student memorize their basic facts, these facts
must be mastered this year! Practice in the car, at the store,
every chance you get! Practice with flash cards, written tests,
orally and even by playing math games. PLEASE HELP YOUR
CHILD BE SUCCESSFUL! Mastery of these skills are required
this year at each grade level.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Issue [#] :: [Date]