HERE - Warren County Schools

What would you expect to see in the Roman Forum
(think back to your work on Google Earth)?
Public gathering place; marketplace; temples and public buildings built
around it.
Why did the Roman Emperors give the poor “bread
and circuses?”
To avoid a revolt
How did Rome have so many forms of worship?
Romans allowed foreign people to bring their form of worship to Rome
How did you become a Roman slave?
Captured during war
What are two differences in Judaism and Christianity?
Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah, and Jews are still waiting on
the Messiah
Christians read the Old and New Testament, and Jews only read the Old
Judaism in Rome
Judea is the birthplace of Christianity
Jewish people were devoted to their belief in ONE God
How well do you think they related with others in the
Roman Empire?
Judaism in Rome
Rome appointed Herod to be
king of Judea
Jews distrusted him; they felt
like he was controlled by
Rome and wasn’t loyal to the
Jewish people
Rome put in a military
governor to keep order
Left local affairs to the
Judaism in Rome
Jews hated the Romans
According to sacred writings, they
believed God would send a savior
to restore their old kingdom and
eliminate their enemies (Messiah).
Much of our information about Jesus comes from the writings
of his followers, called the New Testament
The four Gospels tell about Jesus life (Matthew, Mark, Luke,
The Gospels say that Jesus was born during a census taken by
Augustus. What is a census?
When Jesus was 30, he was
identified as the Messiah
Jesus began preaching
His followers were called
The focus of Jesus’ teachings
was love and mercy
“You shall love your God with
all your heart and all your
“You shall love your neighbor
as yourself.”
Taught using parables, which are
simple stories with a moral or
religious message
Many of his teachings angered the Jews
Said the kingdom of God was coming
What kind of kingdom do you think the Jews
He said the kingdom of God meant a time when
people would live according to God’s will.
Parable about the Good Samaritan angered them. Why?
Jesus did not teach his followers to revolt against the
Roman Empire, but people were still afraid of his following
Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover
Romans kept close eye on this festival already, but
especially now
Jesus’ Death and
Jesus betrayed by Judas
Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of
Judea, did not find fault in Jesus
Jews insisted he be crucified
Followers claim he rose from the dead.