EXPERT LECTURE FUTURE BIOMARKERS IN PROSTATE CANCER Reviewers Alexandre de la Taille, Inserm U955Eq07, Créteil, France Jack Schalken, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, The Netherlands PROSTATE CANCER: WHY ARE NEW BIOMARKERS NEEDED? Current biomarker system. Ideal characteristics of a biomarker for prostate cancer PSA Produced only by tumour tissue Non-invasive – easy to manage As inexpensive as possible to encourage widespread use Ability to detect prostate cancer at an early stage Ability to differentiate aggressive tumours leading to death only High specificity High sensitivity/low false-positive rate PSA: Prostate-specific antigen. PSA screening has not conclusively reduced prostate cancer mortality Reliable biomarkers needed to differentiate between indolent and aggressive cancers PROSTATE CANCER: WHAT NEW BIOMARKERS ARE AVAILABLE? Comparison of validated biomarker systems. Ideal characteristics of a biomarker for prostate cancer PSA PCA3 CTCs TMPRSS2–ERG Produced only by tumour tissue ? Non-invasive – easy to manage As inexpensive as possible to encourage widespread use ? Ability to detect prostate cancer at an early stage ? ? Ability to differentiate aggressive tumours leading to death only High specificity High sensitivity/low false-positive rate ? CTC: Circulating tumour cell; PCA3: Prostate cancer antigen 3; TMPRSS: Transmembrane protease, serine. PCA3 PCA3 mRNA is highly overexpressed in prostate cancer cells1 Measured in urine after DRE using nucleic acid amplification Non-invasive urine-based test Promising test for prostate cancer detection REDUCE trial2,3 Yet to be widely adopted in clinical practice Biospy-negative at 2 years – PCA3 significantly predicted outcome at 4 years (p < 0.001) Outperformed PSA Improved diagnostic accuracy in combination with PSA and other clinical variables May detect more aggressive and undiagnosed cancers DRE: Digital rectal examination; mRNA: Messenger ribonucleic acid; PCA3: Prostate cancer antigen 3; PSA: Prostate-specific antigen; REDUCE: Reduction by dutasteride of prostate cancer events. 1. de Kok JB, Verhaegh GW, Roelofs RW et al. Cancer Res. 62, 2695–2698 (2002). 2. Rittmaster RS, Aubin SM, Reid J et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010. 3. Groskopf J, Aubin SM, Reid J et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010. PCA3: USE AS DIAGNOSTIC TOOL Studies evaluating urinary PCA3 levels as a diagnostic tool. Author (year) Specificity (%) PCA3 test Patients (n) Area under ROC (95% CI) Sensitivity (%) Marks et al. (2007)1 72 APTIMA 226 0.68 (0.60–0.76) 58 Groskopf et al. (2006)2 79 APTIMA 143 0.75 (0.57–0.92) 69 Fradet et al. (2004)3 89 uPM3™ 443 0.86 (0.82–0.89) 66 Tinzl et al. (2004)4 76 uPM3 201 0.87 (0.81–0.92) 82 TRF-based RT-PCR 108 0.72 (0.58–0.85) Hessels et al. (2003)5 van Gils et al. (2007)6 66 Fluorescence based 534 0.66 (0.61–0.71) 65 Deras et al. (2008)7 74 ? 570 0.69 54 Haese et al. (2008)8 72 PROGENSA 463 0.66 47 de la Taille et al. (2009, 74 2010)9,10 PROGENSA 237 0.787 69 CI: Confidence interval; PCA3: Prostate cancer antigen 3; ROC: Receiver operating curve; RT-PCR: Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; TRF: Time-resolved fluorescence. Adapted with permission from: Wright JL, Lsanhe PH. Rev. Urol. 9, 207–213 (2007). 1. Marks LS, Fradet Y, Deras IL et al. Urology 69, 532–535 (2007); 2. Groskopf J, Aubin SM, Reid J et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010; 3. Fradet Y, Saad F, Aprikian A. Urology 64, 311–315 (2004); 4. Tinzl M, Marberger M, Horvath S, Chypre C. Eur. Urol. 46, 182–186 (2004); 5. Hessels D, Klein Gunnewiek JM, van Oort I et al. Eur. Urol. 44, 8–15 (2003); 6. van Gils MP, Hessels D, van Hooij O et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 13, 939–943 (2007); 7. Deras IL, Aubin SM, Blase A et al. J. Urol. 179, 1587–1592 (2008); 8. Haese A, de la Taille A, van Poppel H et al. Eur. Urol. 54, 1081–1088 (2008); 9. de la Taille A, Irani J, Graefen M et al. EAU, Barcelona, Spain, 16–20 April 2010; 10. de la Taille A, Irani J, de Reijke T, Graefen M, Kil P, Haese A. Eur. Urol. (Suppl. 8), 193 (2009) (Abstract 292). PCA3: USE AS A PROGNOSTIC MARKER PCA3 score among men scheduled for repeat biopsy. PCA3 score in: Patients (n) Median Mean ±95% CI All men with positive repeat biopsy 128 33.7 63.8 47.7–79.8 T1c 81 26.8 56.0 34.5–77.5 T2 30 61.7 88.4 56.9–119.9 Gleason score <7 70 28.1 62.1 35.6–88.6 Gleason score ≥7 52 45.3 68.6 50.8–86.5 Indolent prostate cancer‡ 15 21.4 24.5 14.9–34.0 Significant prostate cancer 72 42.1 75.9 50.3–101.5 p-value 0.005 0.0401 0.0059 High-grade PIN = higher mean PCA3 score Patient numbers in subcategories do not always add up to the total number of patients because of missing data. PCA3 score was calculated by multiplying the ratio of PCA3 mRNA to PSA mRNA by 1000. †Wilcox rank sum test. ‡Defined as clinical stage T1c, PSA density <0.15 ng/ml, Gleason score in biopsy ≤6 and positive cores ≤33%. CI: Confidence interval; PCA3: Prostate cancer antigen 3; PIN: Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Reprinted from Haese A, de la Taille A, van Poppel H et al. Eur. Urol. 54, 1081–1088 (2008), with permission from Elsevier. PCA3: POTENTIAL CLINICAL UTILITY May detect early prostate cancer more accurately than serum PSA Preliminary evidence suggests correlation between PCA3 and clinical severity – May have clinical utility in identifying low-grade/low-volume tumours Identification of exact PCA3 threshold for prostate cancer detection More accurate interpretation of results Increased probability of detecting prostate cancer at repeat biopsy Prevents repeat negative biopsies PCA3: Prostate cancer antigen 3; PSA: Prostate-specific antigen. TMPRSS2–ERG Non-invasive urine test First identified gene rearrangement in prostate cancer ETS-related gene fusions:1,2 – ~50% of prostate cancer patients – Of these, >90% are TMPRSS2–ERG – TMPRSS2–ERG is usually absent from benign prostatic tissue Correlation between TMPRSS2–ERG and prostate cancer prognosis is conflicting3 Chromosome 21 Gene fusion Occurs in 50% of cases TMPRSS2 ERG (oncogene) Deletion TMPRSS: Transmembrane protease, serine. 1. Tomlins SA, Rhodes DR, Perner S et al. Science 310, 644–648 (2005). 2. Laxman B, Tomlins SA, Mehra R et al. Neoplasia 8, 885–888 (2006). 3. Tomlins SA, Bjartell A, Chinnaiyan AM et al. Eur. Urol. 56(2), 275–286 (2009). Fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG TMPRSS2–ERG: CORRELATION WITH PROSTATE CANCER PROGNOSIS Studies investigating TMPRSS2–ERG in prostate cancer. Author (year) Key result More aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis Demichelis et al. (2007)1 Association between: TMPRSS2–ERG and Prostate-specific mortality (cumulative incidence ratio: 2.7; p < 0.01) Good prognosis Petrovics et al. (2005)2 Winnes et al. (2007)3 Association between: TMPRSS2–ERG and Increased disease-free survival, lower Gleason score and no metastases Superior to PSA Aubin et al. (2010)4 TMPRSS2–ERG superior to PSA for predicting cancer biopsy outcome Improved diagnostic accuracy in a model Day et al. (2010)5 Improved diagnostic accuracy for TMPRSS2–ERG with additional markers/risk factors vs TMPRSS2–ERG alone PSA: Prostate-specific antigen; TMPRSS: Transmembrane protease, serine. 1. Demichelis F, Fall K, Perner S et al. Oncogene 26, 4596–4599 (2007); 2. Petrovics G, Liu A, Shaheduzzaman S et al. Oncogene 24, 3847–3852 (2005); 3. Winnes M, Lissbrant E, Damber JE, Stenman G. Oncol. Rep. 17(5), 1033–1036 (2007); 4. Aubin SM, Tomlins SA, Sakamoto K et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010; 5. Day JR, Amberson JB, Cochran JS et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010. TMPRSS2–ERG: POTENTIAL CLINICAL UTILITY Potential biomarker for: – Diagnosing prostate cancer – Stratifying risk of prostate cancer patients Specificity rate of ETS fusions: – >90% in PSA-screened cohorts Under assessment as a surrogate end point1 Common gene fusions may alter chemo- and radio-sensitivity of prostate cancer cells2 Association between gene fusions and cancer aggressiveness needs clarification PSA: Prostate-specific antigen; TMPRSS: Transmembrane protease, serine. 1. 2. Swanson TA, Marples B, Grills IS et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010. CTCs: THE METASTATIC CASCADE A. Progression B C A B. Intravasation C. CTC dissemination D D. Extravasation E. Colonisation E CTC: Circulating tumour cell; EMT: Epithelial–mesenchymal transition. 1. Pantel K, Brakenhoff RH, Brandt B. Nat. Rev. Cancer 8(5), 329–340 (2008). Frequency of CTCs in blood depends on the type of solid tumour1 CTCs: DETECTION AND TESTS Tests Non-invasive blood sampling Commercially available CellSearch system (Veridex®, Warren, NJ, USA):1,2 – Only CTC technique for metastatic breast, colorectal and prostate cancers Detection methods3,4 Affinity purification Molecular analysis (RT-PCR) Flow-based cell-sorting methods – Immunofluorescent labelling – Immunomagnetic labelling Assessment of telomerase activity CTC: Circulating tumour cell; RT-PCR: Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. 1. de Bono JS, Scher HI, Montgomery RB et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 14(1), 6302–6309 (2008). 2. Massard C, Chauchereau A, Fizazi K. Ann. Oncol. 20, 197–199 (2009). 3. Tannock IF, de Wit R, Berry WR et al. TAX 327 Investigators. N. Engl. J. Med. 351(15), 1502–1512 (2004). 4. Fizazi K, Morat L, Chauveinc L et al. Ann. Oncol. 18(3), 518–521 (2007). CTCs: CellSearch SYSTEM METHODOLOGY CellSearch is a non-invasive blood sampling test for CTCs that uses Immunofluorescent labeling to isolate and count cells CTC Leukocyte EpCAM Anti-EpCAM Ferrofluid Anti-CD45-APC CD45 Nucleus DAPI Nucleus DAPI CK Anti-CK-PE Anti-CD45-APC: Anti-CD45-allophycocyan; Anti-CK-PE: Anti-cytokeratin 8/18/19-phycoerythrin; CK: Cytokeratin; CTC: Circulating tumour cell; DAPI: 4,2-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride; EpCAM: Epithelial cell adhesion molecule. Redrawn with permission from CTCs IN PROSTATE CANCER Studies investigating the CellSearch system in prostate cancer. Author (year) Key result Monitoring bone metastases Thalgott et al. (2010)1 Highest frequencies of CTCs in patients with bone metastases Use in monitoring chemotherapy in CRPC patients with bone metastases Predicts overall survival de Bono et al. (2008)2 Unfavorable pre- and on-treatment CTCs (≥5 CTC/7.5 ml) predicted poor overall survival Similar to PSA Thalgott et al. (2010)1 Early chemotherapy-induced reduction in CTC counts (68%) similar to PSA (59%) Superior to PSA De Bono et al. (2008)2 Post-treatment CTC count superior to PSA at predicting overall survival Minimal correlation between CTC and PSA Scher et al. (2010)3 ClinicalTrials.gov4 Little correlation between PSA and CTC in progressive CRPC treated with MDV3100; under further investigation CRPC: Castration-resistant prostate cancer; CTC: Circulating tumour cell; PSA: Prostate-specific antigen. 1. Thalgott MK, Nawroth R, Andergassen U et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010. 2. de Bono JS, Scher HI, Montgomery RB et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 14(1), 6302–6309 (2008). 3. Scher HI, Anand A, Beer TM et al. ASCO GU, CA, USA, 5–7 March 2010. 4. CTCs: POTENTIAL CLINICAL UTILITY Enumeration of CTCs is effective for predicting prognosis (overall survival) CTCs are also associated with the potential of detecting molecular abnormalities1 The use of CTC enumeration as a surrogate marker needs to be validated by large Phase III trials CTC: Circulating tumour cell. 1. Massard C, Chauchereau A, Fizazi K. Ann. Oncol. 20, 197–199 (2009). FUTURE BIOMARKERS Potential biomarkers under investigation for prostate cancer. Abbreviation Name uPA system and UPAR† Urokinase plasminogen activation system and urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor TGF-b1† Transforming growth factor-b1 IL-6† Interleukin-6 PSP† Prostate secretory protein PSMA† Prostate-specific membrane antigen GSTP1 methylation‡ Glutathione S-transferase P1 methylation hK2 (or KLK2)† Human glandular kallikrein (or kallikrein-2 ) cPSA† Complexed prostate-specific antigen Pro-PSA† Prostate-specific antigen precursor IGF-1, IGFBP-2 and -3† Insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 and -3 PCA-specific autoantibodies† Prostate cancer antigen-specific autoantibodies AMACR§ a-methylacyl-CoA racemase †Serum; ‡Urine; §Serum?/urine. CONCLUSION PSA is the main prostate cancer biomarker, but it has limitations and poor specificity New biomarkers: – Offer improved sensitivity and specificity – Useful surrogate marker in clinical trials (CTCs for CRPC) – Improved prognostic value vs PSA (CTCs for CRPC) – Facilitate diagnosis (PCA3), cancer risk stratification (PCA3 and gene fusion), and prediction of invasion and metastases – Predict disease recurrence – Monitor treatment efficacy (CTCs for CRPC) – Provide a more reliable tool to assess new therapeutic approaches (e.g., chemoprevention and gene therapy) New biomarkers may soon replace or complement PSA A biomarker panel may be needed Significant advances in patient management are possible CRPC: Castration-resistant prostate cancer; CTC: Circulating tumour cell; PSA: Prostate-specific antigen.