MANAGING MEDICAL NEEDS POLICY Policy Number Version Policy Date Review Date 22 04 April 13 September 2016 Managing Medical Needs Version 04 ISSUED April 2013 -1- St JOHNS MEAD MANAGING MEDICAL NEEDS POLICY TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 2 2 STATEMENT............................................................................................................................................ 2 3 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 SHORT TERM MEDICATION – ....................................................................................................................... 2 EMERGENCY SHORT TERM MEDICATION – ................................................................................................... 2 LONG TERM MEDICATION – ......................................................................................................................... 2 4 SCHOOL PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................... 2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 REQUEST TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION........................................................................................................ 2 ASSESSMENT OF REQUEST ......................................................................................................................... 3 HEALTH CARE PLAN.................................................................................................................................... 3 NOTIFICATION TO PARENTS ......................................................................................................................... 3 RECORD OF ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................................................... 3 REVIEW/REVISION OF HEALTH CARE PLAN................................................................................................... 3 5 STAFF LIABILITY .................................................................................................................................... 3 6 STAFF TRAINING.................................................................................................................................... 3 7 APPENDIX 1 – REQUEST TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION FORM ..................................................... 4 1 INTRODUCTION This policy is supplemental to the Council's Policy on the administration of medication and St John Mead's School H&S Policy. 2 STATEMENT The school policy is to try and accommodate requests from parents/carers to administer medication where this is necessary for the child to continue to be educated at school. To this end the following procedures must be followed to ensure that all concerned, staff, parents, pupils and, where relevant health professionals are aware of the pupil's condition and what steps have been agreed either to manage the condition or are in place should an emergency arise. 3 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Short Term Medication – This is medication which is needed to allow the pupil to return to the school for a few days whilst completing a course of antibiotics or whose administration is for a couple of weeks or less. 3.2 Emergency Short Term Medication – This is medication which parents/carers may approve of for administration as part of a school trip. 3.3 Long Term Medication – This is medication required to manage a long-term medical need, i.e. asthma, epilepsy etc., where the medication will be required for extended periods. 4 SCHOOL PROCEDURE 4.1 Request to Administer Medication The school will only administer medication where a "request to administer medication" form has been completed by the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a pupil. No medication will be given unless this form is completed. Managing Medical Needs Version 04 ISSUED April 2013 -2- The form is to be completed prior to the pupil starting at the school or, if already in attendance, as soon as the condition is identified. NB if a pupil simply turns up with medication it may be necessary to send the pupil home. In the case of emergency short term medication (e.g. administration of travel sick tablets on a school visit), parents are asked to sign an undertaking giving approval for their child to go on the trip, confirming the child is fit for the trip and they are asked to indicate any particular needs of the pupil, whether medical, dietary etc. Parents will be advised that the school can not administer medication to children aged 12 or younger without written permission from the parents/carers, and information on what medication the child can have. 4.2 Assessment of Request Following receipt of a "request to administer medication" form the Headteacher or designated person will discuss with staff the nature of the request and whether or not they are willing to administer the medication. The Headteacher or designated person will also identify whether staff are competent to administer the required medication. Staff are deemed competent to administer medication in tablet form orally or as medicine orally but must have received training in for any medical techniques required, e.g. use of EPI-PEN for anaphylaxis. 4.3 Health Care Plan A Health Care plan will be prepared for pupils with long term medical needs. This will indicate the date of the request for administration and approval of the medication to be administered. It also will provide as much information on the medical condition as is available. The health plan follows a standard format but will vary dependent on the medical needs. 4.4 Notification to Parents Parents will be notified that the school has agreed to administer the medication requested and a copy of the health plan provided. Parents will be advised that it is their responsibility to notify the school of any changes in the medication. 4.5 Record of Administration In cases where medication is administered a record is to be made of the dose and time when administered. This is necessary for all medicines administered but where it is a regular administration of medication this can be by a simple checklist. 4.6 Review/Revision of Health Care Plan This can occur quite often especially in the early stages when there is a degree of experimentation required with medication to find out what is most effective. Equally information gleamed from experience of administering medication at school can also have an effect on the plan. Generally the expectation is that it will be for parents to confirm changes in writing to the school and it will be for the school to alter the plan to reflect this information. 5 Staff Liability See Appendix 3 of the Council's Statement of Policy on Administration of Medication. 6 Staff Training First Aid training is provided for all staff. The school nurse also provides advice and training in the administration of specific medication e.g. use of an EPI –PEN for the treatment of anaphylaxis. Managing Medical Needs Version 04 ISSUED April 2013 -3- 7 APPENDIX 1 – REQUEST TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION FORM St JOHN'S MEAD SCHOOL REQUEST TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION FORM Parents/carers are advised that, unless you complete and sign this form the school will not administer medication to your son/daughter/ward. The Headteacher and staff must still agree to administer medication, as this is a purely voluntary act on their part. DETAILS OF PUPIL Surname______________________ Forename___________________________________ Home Address___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth_____________ Class____________ CONDITION OR ILLNESS Type of Condition or Illness________________________________________________________________ Name & Type of Medication________________________________________________________________ (as described on container) How long will your child require the medication ____________________________________________ __ (ongoing or specific time span?) FULL DIRECTIONS ON USE Does the medicine need to be kept in a refrigerator? __________________________________ Dosage & Method_____________________________________________________________________ Timing_____________________________________________________________________________ Special Precautions___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT DETAILS Name of Parent/Guardian______________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone Number____________________________________ Alternative Telephone Number__________________________________ I understand that 1 must personally deliver the medicine to Head/Secretary/Class Teacher and accept that this is a voluntary service provided by the school. Signature of Parent/Guardian ________________________________________Date_________ Managing Medical Needs Version 04 ISSUED April 2013 -4- Managing Medical Needs Version 04 ISSUED April 2013 -5-