
Core Course Review Documentation
Foundational Component Area: CREATIVE ARTS
Component Area Option? Yes – Undergraduate Inquiry & Creativity
Proposed Course:
Credit Hours:
Proposed by:
THEA 1613 Performance Make-up
Elizabeth Lewandowski, Professor of Theatre
June 17, 2013
Please document how the proposed course meets each of the following requirements. (You may
provide a written explanation or copy and paste the appropriate information from the syllabus.)
CONTENT: Courses in this category focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative
artifacts and works of the human imagination.
Students will read and discuss Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and use
the characters within the play for the basis for their make-up designs throughout the
semester. For each design the students will write an analysis of the character to be
used for that design.
2. In a paired assignment, students will analyze and assess the design and application
of another student’s make-up project.
SKILLS: Courses involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic expression and enable
critical, creative, and innovative communication about works of art.
1. Students will develop skills in the application of stage make-up.
2. Students will develop skills in the design of stage make-up.
3. Students will verbally assess their own design and application of stage make-up.
4. Students will assess in writing the design and application of a make-up project for
another student.
ASSESSMENT OF CORE OBJECTIVES: Assessments should be authentic, intentional and
direct. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill
this category requirement.
Communication Skills – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of
ideas through written, oral, and aural communication.
Throughout the semester, students will be writing a character analysis for each of their
designs. The attached written communication rubric will be used for the assessment of the forty
year-older make-up assignment. Character analyses will be written using the following
Character Analysis Guidelines
When analyzing your character, carefully consider and write out the following. You may use an
outline form, but you must write in complete sentences.
1. Name of character
2. Age of character
3. Race of character and how that is a factor
4. Gender of character and how that is a factor
5. Environmental influences
6. Time period in which the character lives
7. Personality of the character
8. Health of the character
9. How the above listed information impacts your design of the make-up. Be specific! This
is usually where students fail to adequately complete the analysis.
Critical Thinking Skills – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis,
evaluation and synthesis of information.
The process of design is based in creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis. For
each design project, the students will create the character analysis, provide sample research
pictures and draw sketches of both the front and side views of the design, as well as execute the
design during an out-of-class session. The critical thinking for the design process will be
assessed using the attached critical thinking skills rubric.
Teamwork – to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively
with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
For the most time-consuming project, the crepe hair make-up assignment, students will
work in groups of two or three. The team will work together to write the character analysis, do
the research, draw the sketches, prepare the crepe hair and apply the make-up. During the
grading session, each student will discuss her/his part in the project and participate in the grading
assessment of the project.
At the next class meeting, each student in the team will turn in an assessment of the other
team member(s) using the attached student teamwork rubric. Based on observation and the
student rubrics, the professor will complete the teacher teamwork rubric.
Social Responsibility – to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility,
and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communication.
Working in any theatrical design area requires an understanding of the knowledge of both
the ethics of being a theatrician and the safe use of the materials specific to that field of design.
In this course. the students read, participate in discussions and take a quiz over the safe use of
make-up materials. In addition, a discussion is held regarding the ethics of being a theatrician.
During one class period, the professor will observe the student’s activities in practicing a makeup application and, based on that observation, complete the attached ethics rubric.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Provide additional information supporting course inclusion
in the core (optional).
1. Syllabus
2. Assessment for Critical Thinking Skills
3. Assessment for Communication Skills
4. Assessment for Teamwork
5. Assessment for Social Responsibility