Not Your Grandma's Yoga 2012


“Not Your

Grandma’s Yoga”

2012 JMU

Victoria A. Otto 2012 Midwest District Teacher of the Year

Highland Park High School, Highland Park, IL


Sun Salutation A

-Stretch tall, squeezing the quads and gluteus slightly, pulling in the abs, stretching through the arm pits, elbows behind the ears, fingers reaching up. Elongate the body as much as possible.

-Bending at the hip joint (not the waist), reaching out, ideally placing the palms on the floor. Modify into 1 st option by placing the hands on the quads above the knees, 2 nd option by placing the hands below the knees on the top of the shins, 3 rd option, by the ankles and gradually work your way down to the floor and hold

-From the last position, lift the head up to elongate the spine, then relax the head down, eyes looking at the knees

-Place the palms on the ground (knees might need to bend), either step or jump back into plank position (push-up)

-Lower the body evenly to the ground

-place the hands under the shoulders, relax the shoulder away from the ears and push up keeping your hip pointers in contact with the ground (for some the elbows will be straight, for others they will be bent)

-Push back into downward dog, evenly placing weight on the palms and feet.

-Think of a Sun Salutation A as a modified Burpie

Crescent Moon

Sun Salutation A



Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

External obliques, Teres maximus, Infraspinate muscles, Latissimus Dorsi, Back Extensions,

Glutes, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius/ Soleus

Flexors/extensors of the feet


 Inhale into this position

 Squeeze gluts and quads

 Pull belly button into the spinal cord

 Ground feet into floor

 elbows behind the ears


Stretches and opens the sides of the body, improves core strength, balance and concentration, strengthens the ankles, knees and improves overall body circulation.




Muscles & Flexibility Areas:

External obliques, Teres maximus,

Intraspinate muscles, Latissimus Dorsi

Back Extensions, Triceps, Deltoids,

Hips, Ankles


 Exhale into this position

 Squeeze gluts and quads

 Pull belly button into the spinal cord

 Ground feet into floor

 elbows behind the ears

 Object is to move the belly button off the center of the feet.

Return to center and repeat on other side

Crescent Moon


Muscles & Flexibility Areas:

Rectus abdominals, Glutes, Quadriceps,

Rhomboids, Trapezoid, Deltoids, Triceps

Back Extensions, Hips, Ankles, Neck


 Inhale into this position

 Squeeze gluts REALLY HARD (protects lower back) and quads

 Drop the head back

 Reach back with the arms



Major Muscle and Flexibility Areas:

Hamstrings, Gluteus, Gracilis, Gastrocnemius, Soleus,

Lumbosacral Fascia, Erector Spinae, Latisimus Dorsi


 Exhale into this position

 Squeeze gluts and quads

 Pull belly button into the spinal cord

 Ground feet into floor, Bend at the hips, not in the lower back, the goal is to keep the back flat (swan dive)

 If the spine begins to curve, place hands on the legs (pictured) , if more flexible place hands to ankles, then palms to the floor

 Last position is to wrap the forearms around the legs and pull the chest into the thighs.

How to come out: regardless of position, lift chin and pull with the hamstrings NOT the lower back. I find an easy cue to help people understand the movement is to cue: Isometrically push the heels into the floor and turn into each other. They will NOT physically move but will help rotate the femur and allow the hamstrings to do the lifting verses the back extensors.


Creates space between the vertebrae, benefits the nerves, improving circulation around the spine, positive impact on every bodily function

Forward Bend


Muscle and Flexibility Areas: hamstrings, gluteus, gracilis, , gastrocnemius, soleus, lumbosacral fascia, erector spinae, latisimus dorsi, sacroiliac joints, sacrotuberous ligaments


 Cross the right leg over the left so the side of the feet touch,

 Bend at the hips reaching the hands to the ground.

 Once at an ending position, reach the heal of the left hand to the heal on the left foot.

 Repeat on other side


Slightly fits one hip higher than the other, thus, stretching the sacroiliac joints. For those who can’t reach the floor use a block or chair to release the muscles around the joint

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Deltoids, rectus abdominals, gluteus, gastrocnemius, pectoralis major, soleus, trapezius, rhomboids, back extensors, posterior deltoid, serratus anterior


 Hands are shoulder width apart with the wrists directly under the shoulders

 Feet are hips width apart

 Push thorough the shoulders to prevent sinking in the joint

 Pull the abs into the spinal cord to stabilize the abs.

 If a curve appears in the lower back lift the hips to form a modified triangle. Eventually strength and stabilization will develop to allow full extension


Strength building in the upper body and core muscles

Great for developing the muscles for the flex arm hang!!



Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Triceps, deltoids, pectoral, abdominals, gluts, gastrocnemius, soleus, trapezius, Rhomboids, back extensors


 From plank position

 Pull the elbows into the sides of the body, lowering the body to the floor

 Try to touch the whole body to the floor at the same time

 Keeping the elbows into the sides

 Place the hands under the shoulders

 Squeeze the gluts (this protects the lower back)

 Push-up through the hands inhaling, through the shoulders (no sagging in the shoulder)

 Again keep the elbows into the sides

 You should be able to hold the position for 30-60 seconds


 If Cobra is difficult, place the forearms on the ground with the elbows directly under the shoulder

 Palms flat on the ground with finger tips spread

 Push the palms in the ground while pulling the sternum forward

Downward Facing Dog

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Gasteronemious, soleus, hamstrings, gluts, back extensors, rhomboids, deltoids, flexors and extensors of the wrist, quadireceps, abdominals, pectorial major


 Starting on all fours with the wrists directly under the shoulders and the knees directly under the hips

 Drop the gluts to the heels (child’s pose) straighten the arms at the armpits

 Lift the knees forming a triangle with your body and the floor

 Hands shoulder width apart and feet hips width apart

 Spread the fingers wide and press weight into the index finger and thumb

 Turn the “eyes “ of the elbows to face each other, thus, turning the upper arms

 Ideally, the heels should be on the ground, if you can’t get the heels to the ground, lift the heels and bend the knees slightly

 Extend through the shoulders, moving the ears away from the shoulders

 Once in position, roll the hips up and squeeze the gluts, alternate lifting the heels for an add calf stretch

 Hold for 30-60 seconds


 There are many variations to do in downward dog

 Great ab workouts by lifting the legs and bring the knee to the shoulder or crossing to opposite shoulder

Plié Squat

Sun Salutation A

Plié Squat

Muscle and Flexibility Area:

Quadireceps, glutes, gastreonemious, soleus,


Stand with your feet wider than hips with apart (2-3 feet) and your toes pointed out at 45 degree angle

Squat down keeping your knees on top of your ankles

(Don’t let the knees go beyond the toes)

Chest up


Builds all over lower body strength, increases flexibility in the groin area

Modified Triangle

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Gluteus medius, Tensor fascia lata, Piriformis,



Feet are horizontal to each other with toes facing forward

Extend the arms laterally to the ground

Bend at the hip, tipping to one side

Place the hand on the side of the shin; avoid the knee joint)

Extend the top arm up to the ceiling actively reaching up

Keep the body in one plane

Once at full extension, turn the head up, looking at the ceiling

Turn the palm of the top hand toward the head so the eyes can see the palm

Repeat on other side


Exhale on the bending down and inhale as the body comes up

Keep the glutes squeezed

Standing A Pose

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus, gluts, back extensors, triceps deltoids and flexors & extensors of the feet


Position feet about 3-4 feet apart (the closer together,

 the more difficult)

Feet should be straight forward or slightly turned in;

 inhale

Exhale as you swan dive down (same as forward bend)

Place the hands on the floor lining up finger tips and toes

Push palms into the floor and try to get your head inbetween your legs

Lift the arches of the feet, this will cause the outside of the lower leg to activate and strengthen


Hold for 30-60 seconds


To come out, drive the heels into the ground with a slight turn inward, this loads the hamstrings not the lower back making it easier to lift the chest up

You will feel this in the hamstrings, calves, outside of the lower leg and feet, shoulders, triceps

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Deltoids, rectus abdominals, gluteus, gastrocnemius, pectoralis major, soleus, trapezius, rhomboids, back extensors, posterior deltoid, serratus anterior


 Hands are shoulder width apart with the wrists directly under the shoulders

 Feet are hips width apart

 Push thorough the shoulders to prevent sinking in the joint

 Pull the abs into the spinal cord to stabilize the abs.

 If a curve appears in the lower back lift the hips to form a modified triangle. Eventually strength and stabilization will develop to allow full extension


Strength building in the upper body and core muscles

Great for developing the muscles for the flex arm hang!!


Downward Facing Dog

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Gasteronemious, soleus, hamstrings, gluts, back extensors, rhomboids, deltoids, flexors and extensors of the wrist, quadireceps, abdominals, pectorial major


 Starting on all fours with the wrists directly under the shoulders and the knees directly under the hips

 Drop the gluts to the heels (child’s pose) straighten the arms at the armpits

 Lift the knees forming a triangle with your body and the floor

 Hands shoulder width apart and feet hips width apart

 Spread the fingers wide and press weight into the index finger and thumb

 Turn the “eyes “ of the elbows to face each other, thus, turning the upper arms

 Ideally, the heels should be on the ground, if you can’t get the heels to the ground, lift the heels and bend the knees slightly

 Extend through the shoulders, moving the ears away from the shoulders

 Once in position, roll the hips up and squeeze the gluts, alternate lifting the heels for an add calf stretch

 Hold for 30-60 seconds


 There are many variations to do in downward dog

 Great ab workouts by lifting the legs and bring the knee to the shoulder or crossing to opposite shoulder

The Challenge Series

Jump to Frog

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Iliopsoas, glutes, Sartorius, tensor fascia lata, pectineus, gracilis, adductor longus, rectus femoris, quadriceps, Hamstrings, gastrocnemius,, rectus abdominus, transversus, back extensors, Latissimus



 Bring your heels together, toes turned out balancing on the ball mounts

 Knees are spread out and your arms are inside your knees

Finger tips touching the floor

Look up, pulling the chest through

Begin by raising the glutes as high as your flexibility allows while still touching the floor with the finger tips


Great for heart, respiration and overall circulation, increases hamstring and the calves flexibility, builds over all endurance

Finish the rest of Sun Salutation A

& Jumping to Garland


Major Muscle Groups:



From spinal twist, bring the knees together

Begin to rock the body in a ball position

Rock up and down the spine, giving yourself a mini massage


This is just plain fun!! I nice little massage for the back. You can practice abdominal stabilization by stopping the roll in an upright position (pictured) without touching our toes

Lots of advanced abdominal workouts can come from this position, use the imagination and have fun 

Stand Up

Sit Down the Yoga Way

V-Sit (Boat)

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Rectus abdominals, hamstrings, rectus femoris, sternocleidomastoid, hip flexors, spinal extensors


 Balance on the gluts; lifting the heels, wrapping the arms around the legs under the knees

 Slowly straight the legs until the abdominals max

 Release the hands with the palms facing the sides of the knees


 Stimulates the thyroid, kidneys , intestines and prostate gland

 Helps to relieve stress

Garland Pose

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Psoas, gluteus, sartorius, hamstrings, quadriceps, Gastrocnemious, soleus, erector spinae, lumbosacral fascia, serratus posterior, adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus, back extensors


 Place your feet hips width apart, feet slightly turned out

 Bring the hands to prayer position

 Shift the weight into the heels and begin to slowly squat down

 Those with knee injuries should take extra caution and may not go all the way down


The Garland pose helps to tone the abdominals while stretching the ankles, groin area and back .


Muscle & Flexibility Areas: triceps, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, erector spinae, biceps, muscles of the forearm and wrist, abdominals,


 Coming from a squat position

 Bring your hands shoulder width apart

 Bending the elbows

 Bring the knees to rest on the triceps

 Roll the weight forward into the hands coming up on the toes

 Lift the gluts up engaging the abs, lifting one foot then the other off the ground, balancing on your hands

 Find the balance point


Excellent for balance, heats up the bodies core, promotes lightness and patience, courage,

Next Pose: See Previous Notes




Facing Dog

High Lunge Pose

Major Muscle Groups:

Gastrocnemious, soleus, hamstrings, quads, gluts, hip flexors, abs, back extensors, pectoralis


From downward dog, step your left foot in-between the hands OR from a standing position, step the right foot back

Stack the front knee directly above the front ankle

(caution: be sure to keep the knee behind the toes)

Back foot should be on the ball mount with the heel driving backward

Place your hands on each side of the front foot

Push through the palms and shoulders

“Sink” into the front hip flexor

Hold for 30-60 seconds

Repeat on other side


Control the depth of the lunge by using the quads

Keep the front knee directly of the front ankle

Increases strength, flexibility, balance and endurance, opens hips and lengthens torso, strengthens legs, opens calves and ankles, increases concentration, confidence, focus

Warrior 1

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Gastrocnemious/ soleus, hamstrings, quads, gluteus, hip flexors, abs, back extensors, pectoralis


 From downward dog, step your foot inbetween the hands

 Stack the knee directly above the ankle

(caution: be sure to keep the knee behind the toes)

 Back foot should be flat on the ground, at a

45 degree angle, picking up the arch of the foot

 Stretch the arms above the head, reaching the finger tips to the ceiling with the palms facing each other

 Shoulders are dropped down and away from the ears

 Square the hip pointers forward by spiraling the back thigh inwardly and tuck the tailbone


Increases strength, flexibility, balance and endurance, opens hips and lengthens torso, strengthens legs, opens calves and ankles, increases concentration, confidence, focus

Reverse Warrior

Muscle & Flexibility Areas: Gastrocnemious/ soleus, hamstrings, quads, gluteus, hip flexors, abs, back extensors, pectorals


From Warrior 1

 Drop the back hand to the back thigh or calf

Reach the front arm high and follow the hand back arching the torso

 Face the palm of the top hand down

Sink lower into the front hip


Stretches the entire side body and arm

Enhance balance and stability

Strengthen ankles and quadriceps

Warms the spine and increases its flexibility

Creates flexibility in the intercostal muscles

Warrior 3

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Quadireceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemious, soleus, flexors and extensors in the feet, gluts, hip flexors, deltoids and back extensors


 Toe the right foot back

Square the hips towards the front

Extend the arms out like an airplane

Squeeze the gluts, lifting the right leg

Bring the torso to a parallel position to the ground

Square up the right hip pointer to the ground

Move the “airplane arms” forward so the elbows are by the ears and the finger tips are reaching forward; palms face each other

Place the head in-between the elbows so the eyes see the ground

Extend through the finger tips and toes

Lift the back leg high enough to activate the gluts and upper parts of the hamstrings

Hold for 30-60 seconds

Repeat on other side


Focus and spot your point

Transition to High Lunge

Set foot down into high lunge


--Switch feet

--plank to down dog

Repeat Series on other side

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Quadriceps, hamstrings, gasteronemious, soleus, flexors and extensors of the feet, gluts, rhomboids, trapezius, deltoids, triceps


Shift your weight to the right foot, lifting the left foot off the floor

Place the sole of the left foot high on the inner right thigh

Press the foot into the thigh and squeeze the right quad to

“lock” the foot into place

Keep the hip points parallel to the ground and straight forward

Bring the palms to the sternum in prayer position

Keeping the palms together, straighten the arms with palms above the head

Repeat on other side


Beginners: If you can’t bring the foot to the inner thigh, lower the foot but avoid the knee

Advanced: Try closing your eyes!!

Advanced Tree:

If not comfortable with this position, refer back to Basic Tree

Shift your weight to the right foot, lifting the left foot

Place the outside edge of the left foot in the hip crease

Press the side of the foot into the hip cress and squeeze the right quad

Bring the hands into prayer position, lifting above the head

Transition to High Lunge & Finish Sun Salutation A



Major Muscle and Flexibility Areas:

Hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus, abdominals, Pectoralis, rhomboids, trapezius, erector spinae, cervicis muscles, Deltoids, muscles of the forearm and wrist


Lie flat on the back

Bend the knees and slide the heels toward the gluts

In hale. Keeping the feet flat on the floor, lift the gluts off the floor and support your weight.

Place the hands on the lower back, upper gluteus with the finger tips going up the spine

Push the pelvic up

Roll the shoulders under the body, grasping the ankles

Push the pelvis up higher

Interlace the fingers and roll the shoulders further under the body

Lift the pelvis even more

Benefits: energize, refresh and invigorate the body- opening the chest, encouraging inhalation, an action associated with embracing life.

Increases circulation to the heart and lungs, stimulates immune function (thymus is pressured) increase in metabolism, digestive system cerebral-spinal fluids

Dead Bug

Major Muscles and Flexibility Areas:

Hamstrings, gracilis, gluteus, erector spinae, latisimus dorsi, rhomboids, serratus posterior, deltoids, forearm muscles


On the back, bring the knees to the chest

Grab the outer edges of your feet keeping the feet flexed

Ideally, stack your ankles over your knees, letting the knees fall to the sides of the body

Pull down on the feet, drawing the knees and quads toward the ground

Roll on the back, back and forth and side to side


Restful pose, calms the mind and promotes relaxation

Excellent back stretch

Lengthens the inner thighs and hamstrings

Opens hips, chest and shoulders

Releases the lower spine

Slows the heart rate, releases tension promotes calmness

Bonus Options

Bonus Options

Plank Options

--Forearm Push-Ups


--Side Planks

--Plank Curls

Down Dog Options

--Plank/Down dog

--Leg Circles

--Side Circles

Frog Repeats

--Start with sets then work up to repeats

Plié Squat Options


--Foot Angle


V-Sit Options

--Leg Position

--Criss Cross



Crow Options

--Straighten Elbows

--Side Crow

--Head Stand (Advanced)

Lunge Options


--Foot Angles

--Upper Body

Tree options

--Advanced Tree

--Toe Stand (Advanced)

Side Plank Pose

Muscle & Flexibility Areas:

Biceps brachoradius, flexors and extensors in the wrist, deltoid, biceps, triceps, abdominals, gluts, quadireceps, hamstrings, and latissimus dorsi


From plank position, shift the weight to the outside edge of your left foot

Stack the right foot on top of the left

If stacking is difficult, move the top foot forward for better balance

Push the right hip towards the ceiling

Reach your right arm towards the ceiling

Make sure the left arm isn’t directly below the shoulder, it should be slightly in front of the shoulder activating the triceps

Hold for 30-60 seconds

Rotate back to plank

Repeat on other side


There are lots of variations to do in plank and side plank

Start by lifting one leg at a time, performing slow circular rotations, etc. etc.
