E3_Daily_Unit3 - Flipped Out Teaching

Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/13/12
• DOL Warmup
• Thematic Focus
• today
 INs
• this week
 AoW 11 Friday
• next week
 RJ1 Monday
Thematic Focus
• Open textbook to pages 216-217
• Using the time line displayed, answer the
critical questions on the handout, on a piece of
binder paper
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/14/12
• DOL Warmup
• Literary Genres of the Period
• this week
 AoW 11 Friday
• next week
 RJ1 Monday
Literary Genres of the Period
• Using your textbooks (Story of our Times p220)
or internet-enabled devices, research your
assigned topic
 Romanticism (literary/artistic/philosophical
 Transcendentalism (philosophical movement)
• On your group poster, write a brief
introduction/overview in bullet points, including
 Major/Core Beliefs
• How is it defined/recognized from other
 Important Figures (authors, philosophers)
 Origins/Contributing Causes
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/15/12
• DOL Warmup
• Literary Influences
• “The Devil and Tom Walker”
• tomorrow
 AoW 11
• next week
 RJ1 Monday
Literary Influences
• Romanticism
 elevates imagination over reason
 elevates intuition over fact
 revels in nature
 accents the more fantastic aspects of the
humans experience
Literary Influences
• Transcendentalism
 the understanding a person gains intuitively, not
from traditional education
 the most fundamental truths lie outside the
experience of the senses
• “the Over-Soul…a universal and benign
 not always optimistic
• darker depths of the human soul/common
“The Devil and Tom Walker”
• On a piece of paper, answer the following
questions in reframed sentences:
 What is the thing that you want most in the
world? What would you be willing to give, sell, or
trade for it?
• Follow along in your textbook starting on p236
 I will be pausing to give questions to be
answered on that paper
“The Devil and Tom Walker”
1. Summarize what you have learned about the
Walkers at this point in the story
2. What do you think is the identity of the black
man Tom encounters in the old fort? What
details from the text support that?
3. What happened to Tom’s wife? What does his
reaction show about his feelings for her?
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/16/12
• DOL Warmup
• “The Devil and Tom Walker”
• Turn ‘n’ Talk
• today
 AoW 11
• next class
 RJ1 & Analysis Monday
• next week
 DOL + Reflection Tuesday
“The Devil and Tom Walker”
4. What are the terms of the Devil’s agreement?
5. What does “In proportion to the distress of the
applicant was the hardness of his terms”
6. How did Tom change as he grew old?
(Specifically, what did he start doing) Why?
“The Devil and Tom Walker”
• Do you think Tom deserved what he got?
Why/why not?
• In your table groups, identify elements of the
story that show either the Romantic or
Transcendentalist influence and write them
down on your individual papers.
Turn ‘n’ Talk
• Get out your AoW
• Turn to someone at your table who also did it
 If no one at your table did it, find someone who
• Write down on the back of your reflection the
name of your TnT partner
• Share
3. Three things you found interesting
2. Two questions you have after reading
1. One new thing you learned
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/19/12
• DOL Warmup
• Fireside Poets
• today
 RJ1 & Analysis
• tomorrow
 DOL + Reflection
Fireside Poets Jigsaw
• In your table groups for your assigned poem
(starting on p248):
1. summarize the stanzas
If stanzas are long (“Thanatopsis” or “from
Snowbound”, break it down and summarize
every 4-6 lines
Stanza/Lines Key Details
2. identify the major theme or message
3. identify elements of Romanticism and/or
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/20/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary 3-1 Definitions
• Review Literary Influences
• today
 DOL + Reflection
• next class
 Reading Journal 2 & Analysis
• next week
 Vocabulary Definitions & Sentences Tuesday
 DOL & Reflection Wednesday
 Vocabulary Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #12 Friday
Vocabulary Definitions
1. Teacher reads word
2. Class repeats word
3. Teacher reads sentence
4. Students individually guess word’s meaning
5. Repeat 1-4 to end
6. Students get definitions for HW
 Do NOT use word as part of definition
 Definitions must be 3 words or more long
 Definition must match both part of speech and
way word is used in sample sentence
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/26/12
• DOL Warmup
• “The Fall of the House of Usher” Groupwork
• today
 Reading Journal 2 & Analysis
• tomorrow
 Vocabulary Definitions & Sentences
• this week
 DOL & Reflection Wednesday
 Vocabulary Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #12 Friday
• next week
 Reading Journal 3 & Analysis Monday
“The Fall of the House of Usher”
 Reader: Reads story aloud to rest of group in
private voice
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Vocabulary Enricher: Looks up words that are
unknown by any group member, esp if it
interferes with understanding
 Connector/Questioner
• Connects events/characters to
Other events/characters in real life
Other events/characters in other stories
Personal life
Major ideas in unit
• Asks questions for discussion
• If only 3 in group, Reader is also V.E. or C./Q.
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/27/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary Review 3-1
• “The Fall of the House of Usher” Groupwork
• today
 Vocabulary Definitions & Sentences
• tomorrow
 DOL & Reflection
• this week
 Vocabulary Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #12 Friday
• next week
 Reading Journal 3 & Analysis Monday
Vocabulary Review: Unit 3-1
• Column 1: Fill in the words & parts of speech
demarcation (n)
ostentation (n)
parsimony (n)
efface (v)
extort (v)
multifarious (adj)
multitudinous (adj)
ominous (adj)
querulous (adj)
sublime (adj)
• Column 2: Your best recollection of the
• Column 3: Rate your knowledge/comfort with
the word now
• Column 4: The actual definition, from your chart
or dictionary (for HW)
“The Fall of the House of Usher”
• Must choose DIFFERENT roles for pt2
• If not finished with pt1, finish that first
 Reader: Reads story aloud
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Vocabulary Enricher: Looks up unfamiliar words
 Connector/Questioner
• Connects events/characters to
Other events/characters in real life
Other events/characters in other stories
Personal life
Major ideas in unit
• Asks questions for discussion
• If only 3 in group, Reader is also V.E. or C./Q.
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/28/12
• DOL Warmup
• “The Fall of the House of Usher” Groupwork
• today
 DOL & Reflection
• tomorrow
 Vocabulary Review & Quiz
• this week
 AoW #12 Friday
• next week
 Reading Journal 3 & Analysis Monday
“The Fall of the House of Usher”
• Must choose DIFFERENT roles for pt3
• If not finished with pt2, finish that first
 Reader: Reads story aloud
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Vocabulary Enricher: Looks up unfamiliar words
 Connector/Questioner
• Connects events/characters to
Other events/characters in real life
Other events/characters in other stories
Personal life
Major ideas in unit
• Asks questions for discussion
• If only 3 in group, Reader is also V.E. or C./Q.
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/29/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary 3-1 Quiz
• “The Fall of the House of Usher” Groupwork
• today
 Vocabulary Review & Quiz
• tomorrow
 AoW #12 Friday
• next week
 Reading Journal 3 & Analysis Monday
Vocabulary Quiz
• I will distribute tests when it is quiet
• Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the
word bank
 Points will be deducted if word is misspelled
• Turn test over on desk when finished
 Non-disruptive electronics use is welcome once
test is completed
• Remain quiet until everyone is finished or time
is up
Vocabulary Quiz Reflection
• Complete the following sentences on the back
of your quiz
1. On this quiz I scored a _____.
2. I expected to score a _____.
3. The reason(s) why I did/not meet my
expectation is/are ___________________.
*You WILL still be doing a Word Wall this grading
period, just on a separate sheet of paper
“The Fall of the House of Usher”
• Finish what you haven’t; today’s the last day
• Everyone in the group should have served at
least once in each role
 Reader: Reads story aloud
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Vocabulary Enricher: Looks up unfamiliar words
 Connector/Questioner
• Connects events/characters to
Other events/characters in real life
Other events/characters in other stories
Personal life
Major ideas in unit
• Asks questions for discussion
• If only 3 in group, Reader is also V.E. or C./Q.
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 11/30/12
• DOL Warmup
• AoW Turn ‘n’ Talk
• “The Fall of the House of Usher” Review
• today
 AoW #12 Friday
• next class
 Reading Journal 3 & Analysis Monday
Turn ‘n’ Talk
• Get out your AoW
• Turn to someone at your table who also did it
 If no one at your table did it, find someone who
• Write down on the back of your reflection the
name of your TnT partner
• Share (and write down your partner’s answers)
3. Three things you found interesting
2. Two questions you have after reading
1. One new thing you learned
Usher Review
• Work with your group to answer the question on
your card
 Write group names on the red line and answer
on the blue lines
 Use evidence from the story to support
• Best answer of the 2 wins candy!
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/3/12
• DOL Warmup
• “The Minister’s Black Veil”
• today
 Reading Journal 3 & Analysis
• this week
 DOL & Reflection Wednesday
 Vocabulary 3-2 Definitions Thursday
 AoW 13 Friday
Group Discussion
• Choose letter A, B, C, & D
a. What are all the reasons someone might wish
to cover his/her face?
b. How would it feel to have a long conversation
with someone whose face was completely
covered? What would make it different than any
other conversation? What would be lacking?
c. What effects can it have on a group when
someone familiar to them dramatically changes
his/her appearance? How might they feel?
d. How much effect does a person's appearance
have on how s/he is judged by society? Why do
you believe this is so?
“The Minister’s Black Veil” p318
• Listen to audio and, while listening, complete
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Connector
• Connects events/characters to
Other events/characters in real life
Other events/characters in other stories
Major themes/ideas in unit
*At least two connections must be discussing symbolism
*At least one connection must be identifying Romantic
 Questioner: creates questions for discussion
• If 4 in group, 2 are connectors
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/4/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary Definitions 3-2
• “The Minister’s Black Veil”
• tomorrow
 DOL & Reflection
• this week
 Vocabulary 3-2 Definitions Thursday
 AoW 13 Friday
Vocabulary Definitions
1. Teacher reads word
2. Class repeats word
3. Teacher reads sentence
4. Students individually guess word’s meaning
5. Repeat 1-4 to end
6. Students get definitions for HW
 Do NOT use word as part of definition
 Definitions must be 3 words or more long
 Definition must match both part of speech and
way word is used in sample sentence
“The Minister’s Black Veil” p322
• Listen to audio and, while listening, complete
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Connector
• Connects events/characters to
Other events/characters in real life
Other events/characters in other stories
Major themes/ideas in unit
*At least two connections must be discussing symbolism
*At least one connection must be identifying Romantic
 Questioner: creates questions for discussion
• If 4 in group, 2 are connectors
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/5/12
• DOL Warmup
• Author’s Message
• “The Minister’s Black Veil” Review
• today
 DOL & Reflection
• tomorrow
 Vocabulary 3-2 Definitions
• this week
 AoW 13 Friday
Important Announcements
• All late work must be turned in by Friday, 12/14
 NO EXCEPTIONS (even if absent)
Author’s Message
• What does this passage suggest about human
 Each member of the congregation, the most
innocent girl, and the man of hardened breast,
felt as if the preacher had crept upon them,
behind his awful veil, and discovered their
hoarded iniquity of deed or thought.
Author’s Message
• What does this passage suggest about human
 The next day, the whole village of Milford talked
of little else than Parson Hooper’s black veil.
That, and the mystery concealed behind it,
supplied a topic of discussion between
acquaintances meeting in the street, and good
women gossiping at their open windows. It was
the first item of news that the tavernkeeper told
his guests. The children babbled of it on their
way to school…
Author’s Message
• What does this passage suggest about human
 At length it was found expedient to send a deputation of the
church, in order to deal with Mr. Hooper about the mystery,
before it should grow into a scandal…But that piece of
crape, to their imagination, seemed to hang down before his
heart, the symbol of a fearful secret between him and them.
Were the veil but cast aside, they might speak freely of it,
but not till then. Thus they sat a considerable time,
speechless, confused, and shrinking uneasily from Mr.
Hooper’s eye, which they felt to be fixed upon them with an
invisible glance. Finally, the deputies returned abashed to
their constituents, pronouncing the matter too weighty to be
handled, except by a council of the churches, if, indeed, it
might not require a general synod.
Minister Review
• Work with your group to answer the question on
your card
 Write group names on the red line and answer
on the blue lines
 Use evidence from the story to support
• Best answer of the 2 wins candy!
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/6/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary Flashcards
• The Transcendental Club
• today
 Vocabulary 3-2 Definitions
• tomorrow
 AoW 13
• next week
 Reading Journal 4 & Analysis Monday
 Vocabulary 3-2 Sentences Tuesday
 DOL & Reflection Wednesday
 Vocabulary 3-2 Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #14 Friday
Vocabulary Flashcards
• Share w/ partner your definition
 Decide which of you has the best definition
• On the red line:
 Write your assigned word (on the left)
 Write your names (on the right)
• On the lined side of the index card:
 LABEL & write the dictionary definition (3+ words)
 LABEL & write the paraphrased definition (3+ words)
• On the unlined side
 Create a graphic or symbol to represent your word
• Words/letters can be no more than 25% of total
Transcendental Club: Emerson
• Quarter your paper and label each quarter with
the letters A, B, C, & D
• In your group of 4, determine who is A, B, C, &
D, then circle your chosen letter
from Nature p364
from Self-Reliance p366
“The Snowstorm” p368
“Concord Hymn” p369
Transcendental Club: Emerson
1. Read your assigned reading to yourself and
 1-2 sentences summarizing theme
 1 sentence IDing transcendentalist influences
2. VERBALLY share out with your group briefly,
filling in the quarters for their selections
3. When finished, complete the front of the
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/7/12
• DOL Warmup
• Turn n Talk: AoW 13
• Review Transcendentalism
• Challenge
• today
 AoW 13
• next class
 Reading Journal 4 & Analysis
• next week
 Vocabulary 3-2 Sentences Tuesday
 DOL & Reflection Wednesday
 Vocabulary 3-2 Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #14 Friday
Turn ‘n’ Talk
• Get out your AoW
• Turn to someone at your table who also did it
 If no one at your table did it, find someone who
• Write down on the back of your reflection the
name of your TnT partner
• Share (and write down your partner’s answers)
3. Three things you found interesting
2. Two questions you have after reading
1. One new thing you learned
Transcendentalism Worksheet
1. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic
or a mourning piece. In good health, the air is
a cordial of incredible virtue.
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Transcendentalism Worksheet
2. The currents of the Universal Being circulate
through me; I am part or parcel of God.
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Transcendentalism Worksheet
3. The greatest delight which the fields and
woods minister is the suggestion of an occult
relation between man and the vegetable.
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Transcendentalism Worksheet
4. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Transcendentalism Worksheet
5. The power which resides in him is new in
nature, and none but he knows what it is which
he can do.
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Transcendentalism Worksheet
6. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Transcendentalism Worksheet
7. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of our
own mind.
A. The human spirit can intuitively comprehend the
fundamental truths of the universe.
B. The human spirit is reflected in nature.
C. All forms of being are spiritually united.
Challenge Accepted!
• Complete the worksheet “Challenging the Text”
with your table groups
 Feel free to use the textbooks if you need to
• Due at the end of class in the tray (along with
your AoWs)
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/10/12
• DOL Warmup
• Transcendentalism: Thoreau
• today
 Reading Journal 4 & Analysis
• tomorrow
 Vocabulary 3-2 Sentences
• this week
 DOL & Reflection Wednesday
 Vocabulary 3-2 Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #14 Friday
Back to Nature
• In your table groups discuss the following:
 What would it be like to live without modern
 What might a person learn or experience by
returning to Nature?
 How, in your life, do you maintain a connection
with Nature/the natural world?
“from Walden”
 Reader: Reads story aloud to rest of group in
private voice
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Vocabulary Enricher: Looks up words that are
unknown by any group member, esp if it
interferes with understanding
 Investigator
• Finds quotes/info to answer directed question:
– What is the author’s philosophy?
• If only 3 in group, Reader is also V.E.
• Switch roles each section (2 pgs)
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/11/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary Review 3-2
• Transcendentalism: Thoreau
• today
 Vocabulary 3-2 Sentences
• tomorrow
 DOL & Reflection
• this week
 Vocabulary 3-2 Review & Quiz Thursday
 AoW #14 Friday
Vocabulary Review: Unit 3-2
• Column 1: Fill in the words & parts of speech
iniquity (n)
obeisance (n)
vagary (n)
anomalous (adj)
equivocal (adj)
impertinent (adj)
indecorous (adj)
sagacious (adj)
tremulous (adj)
venerable (adj)
• Column 2: Your best recollection of the
• Column 3: Rate your knowledge/comfort with
the word now
• Column 4: The actual definition, from your chart
or dictionary (for HW)
“from Walden”
 Reader: Reads story aloud to rest of group in
private voice
 Summarizer: Writes brief summary of key points
 Vocabulary Enricher: Looks up words that are
unknown by any group member, esp if it
interferes with understanding
 Investigator
• Finds quotes/info to answer directed question:
– What is the author’s philosophy?
• If only 3 in group, Reader is also V.E.
• Switch roles each section (2 pgs)
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/12/12
• DOL Warmup
• Transcendentalism: Thoreau
• today
 DOL & Reflection
• tomorrow
 Vocabulary 3-2 Review & Quiz
• this week
 AoW #14 Friday
• next week
 Word Wall & Practice Monday
 Grading Period Reflection Day of Final
 Book review Day of Final
What is Thoreau’s philosophy?
• “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could
not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to
die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live
what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to
practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I
wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to
live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that
was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to
drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms,
and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole
and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to
the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience,
and be able to give a true account of it in my next
How do you measure up?
• Write a reflection evaluating Thoreau’s
philosophy. Include the following topics:
 Do you believe this is a worthy philosophy to live
your life?
 If you were to die tomorrow, could you say that
you had really lived?
 What do you do to “suck out all the marrow of
• A=1pg, C=1/2pg
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/13/12
• DOL Warmup
• Vocabulary Quiz 3-2
• Emily Dickinson
• today
 Vocabulary 3-2 Review & Quiz
 Thoreau Reflection
• tomorrow
 AoW #14 Friday
• next week
 Word Wall & Practice Monday
 DOL & Reflection Monday
 Reading Journal & Reflection Monday
 Grading Period Reflection Day of Final
 Book review Day of Final
Vocabulary Quiz
• I will distribute tests when it is quiet
• Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the
word bank
 Points will be deducted if word is misspelled
• Turn test over on desk when finished
 Non-disruptive electronics use is welcome once
test is completed
• Remain quiet until everyone is finished or time
is up
Vocabulary Quiz Reflection
• Copy & complete the following sentences on
the back of your quiz
1. On this quiz I scored a _____.
2. I expected to score a _____.
3. The reason(s) why I did/not meet my
expectation is/are ___________________.
*You WILL still be doing a Word Wall this grading
period, just on a separate sheet of paper
 “suck out all the marrow of life”
 “to cut a broad swath and shave close”
 “to drive life into a corner”
• What is poetry?
Emily Dickinson
• On a piece of paper, write down the first five
words that occur to you when you hear the
• very private
• most works unpublished until death
Emily Dickinson
• Open TB to p396
• As you listen, jot down on your paper 3 things
you notice about each poem, perhaps things
that seem anomalous
• Discuss in your table groups what those things
might mean? Why were the poems constructed
that way?
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/14/12
• DOL Warmup
• Turn ‘n’ Talk
• Emily Dickinson
• today
 AoW #14
• next class
 Word Wall & Practice
 DOL & Reflection
 Reading Journal & Reflection
• next week
 Grading Period Reflection Day of Final
 Book review Day of Final
Turn ‘n’ Talk
• Get out your AoW
• Turn to someone at your table who also did it
 If no one at your table did it, find someone who
• Write down on the back of your reflection the
name of your TnT partner
• Share (and write down your partner’s answers)
3. Three things you found interesting
2. Two questions you have after reading
1. One new thing you learned
Emily Dickinson Oddities
• irregular use of meter
 deviation from pentameter to trimeter or
hexameter, sometimes dimeter
• slant rhyme
• unconventional capitalization
• unconventional punctuation (hyphens)
• short lines
• direct language
Emily Dickinson
• Answer the following questions from p397 in
reframed sentences
 Critical Thinking #1
 Compare Literary Works #5
• Feel free to discuss the questions with your
table mates if you like, but write your own
answers on your own paper
• Turn into the tray by the end of class
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: 12/17/12
• Walt Whitman
• Unit Test Review
• today
 Word Wall & Practice
 DOL & Reflection
 Reading Journal & Reflection
• this week
 Grading Period Reflection Day of Final
 Book review Day of Final
Walt Whitman
• Open TB to p414
• Read the three poems given and discuss the
following topics with your table:
1. How do his poems differ stylistically from those
of Dickinson and other poets?
2. What transcendentalist influences do you see?
Unit Test Review
• 50 Multiple Choice Questions
• 1 Short Essay
 1/4p=B
 1/2p=A
Unit Test Review
• Part 1: Literature (25 questions)
 Historical Background/Literature of the Period
• Influences: Romanticism, Transcendentalism
 Fireside Poets: Bryant, Holmes, Lowell, Whittier
 Romantics: Irving, Poe, Hawthorne
 Transcendentalists: Emerson, Thoreau
 Poets: Dickinson, Whitman
Unit Test Review
• Part 2: DOL Review (25 questions)
 Capitalization, apostrophes, commas, pronouns
& antecedents, plurals, compound subjects,
subject-verb agreement, comparisons, precise
word revision, quotations, subordinate clauses,
hyphens, dangling modifiers, underlining/italics,
combining sentences, restrictive & nonrestrictive
phrases, commonly misspelled words, question
marks, split infinitives, parentheses, semicolons,
run-on sentences
Unit Test Review
• Part 2: DOL Review (25 questions)
Ex: James wanted to go to the park, however; his
Mom says he was too sick and needed to rest.
What is the best way to correct the underlined
park, however, his Mom says
park; however, his Mom said
park; however, his mom says
park; however, his mom said
An Early Holiday Gift
• You are welcome to use 1 3”x5” notecard on
the multiple choice portion of the test 
Ms. Oing English 3
Unit 3: A Growing Nation
Agenda: Semester 1 Finals
• Unit Test
• Book Reviews
• today
 Grading Period Reflection
 Book review
Unit Test
• Mark answers on bubble sheet only
 Ignore “Form”; there is no Form Letter
• Turn in Multiple Choice part of test before
beginning essay, then pick up textbooks
 Write essay on back of answer sheet
• Non-disruptive use of electronics is welcome
after test is completed and turned in
• Book Reviews will start when all tests have
been turned in, or halfway through the period
(whichever comes first)
Book Reviews
• Group yourselves into equal groups (3-4)
 No two of the same book
 Evenly distributed speakers/oral presenters
• At LEAST one per table
 Someone with a stopwatch/timing device
• Do IR activities on a piece of binder paper with
your name on it (Chart on the front, Thoughts
on the back)
• Staple ALL of your IR activities with your book
reviews together in ONE packet to turn in
(unless you are turning in book review online)