Topics in the Kite Runner

The Kite Runner
A general idea that a piece of literature
Topics are usually universal and allow the
reader to relate to.
Topics can be one word
A novel may address several topics.
Topics in the Kite Runner
Fathers and sons
Lies and Secrets
Guilt and Redemption
Human Nature
Class differences
The roles of women
Good Vs Evil
Value and morals
The role of a Mother
A message the literature provides the reader
Usually relates to the topics presented
Must look at the piece of literature as a whole to
determine the theme
Cannot be one word
Theme must be a concept that is fully developed
Themes are often universal
Themes allow the reader to have greater
understanding of the text
Determining Theme
To determine theme look at the literature in
it’s entirety
Ask questions about the specific topics
Find evidence that supports the idea
Phrase the theme in a sentence or series of
Determining Theme
How doe lies impact the lives of the characters?
Amir does not know Hassan is his brother and treats him badly
throughout his youth. He greatly regrets this and his guilt over this
treatment of Hassan. This guilt shapes his life
Theme– Lies told by others can shape a person’s decisions and life.
Questions to Consider (determining
theme in the Kite Runner)
Topic: Guilt
 How does Amir demonstrate his guilt?
 How does guilt shape Amir’s life?
 How does Baba demonstrate his guilt?
 How does guilt shape Baba’s life?
 What impact can guilt have?
Questions to Consider (determining
theme in the Kite Runner)
Topic: Choice
 How do the choices of others influence Amir?
 How do the choices of others influence
 Can one choice shape a person’s life? (Amir,
Baba, Soraya)
Questions to Consider (determining
theme in the Kite Runner)
Topic: Father and Son Relationships
 Rahim Khan and Baba both act as father
figures to Amir. How do each of these men
influence Amir?
 How do fathers influence sons?
 Which of these men are better father figures?
Questions to Consider (determining
theme in the Kite Runner)
Topic: Honour
 What makes a man honourable?
 Who is more honourable: Baba, Amir,
Hassan? Why?
 How does honour shape a persons choices?
Remember when determining theme ask
yourself questions about the topic
Dig deep
Theme should demonstrate depth,
understanding and express a complex idea!
Comparing and Contrasting
Compare: to look for the similarities between
two things (objects, characters, ideas,
places, etc) and find similar meaning or
arrive at a specific conclusion.
Contrast: to look for the differences between
two things (objects, characters, ideas,
places, etc) and find similar meaning or
arrive at a specific conclusion.
Comparing and Contrasting
When look at two things determine what they
have in common and how they differ
Then select a conclusion
Phrase that conclusion as an overarching
point– not as a statement of evaluation or
Comparing and Contrasting
 Needs constant care
(feeding, walking, cleaning,
 Very social animal
 Sheds
 Expenses
 No independence
 Needs care (feeding), but
has some self reliance (no
need to walk. Cleaning)
 Less social, likes to be self
 Sheds
 Expenses
 Independence
Comparing and Contrasting
Not an Overarching point:
Cats are better than dogs because they allow
for the owner to have an easier lifestyle.
Overarching point:
A pet owner must select the appropriate pet
based on his/her lifestyle.
Keep in mind
Next week we will be comparing and
contrasting various characters in The Kite
Runner to demonstrate theme.