Sea Empire - APHGFoppiano

Sea Empire
• Definition: A group of nations
or peoples ruled over by an
emperor, empress, or other
powerful sovereign or
government: usually a territory
of greater extent than a
• Examples: British Empire and
Modern America
• Sentence: Modern day
America is the only sea empire
remaining. There is six aircraft
carriers around the sea. We
don’t control a lot of land but
we control the Pacific and
Atlantic seas.
Land Empire
• Definition: A group of nations
or peoples ruled over by an
emperor, empress, or other
powerful sovereign or
government: usually a territory
of greater extent than a
• Examples:, as the former
British Empire, French Empire,
Russian Empire, Byzantine
Empire, or Roman Empire.
• Sentence: The Mongoloids
controlled most of Asia and
some of Europe.
International Law of the Sea
Taylor Johnson, Sammie Doty
Haley Curtis
February 17, 10
Definition: A body of legal
rules governing interaction
between sovereign states (self
Sentence: The International
Law of the Sea is an agreement
between sovereign states.
Example: The law of the sea
establishes the entrance and
exits of ships with in a certain
boundary of a state.
Definition- Zone with
exclusive natural resources
(fishing, minerals) that
extends 200 miles into the
ocean from coast to
Example- Conflict in
Southeast Asia over EEZ
that overlaps between
island nations. (Philippians,
Sentence- With the law of
exclusive economic zone, a
state has the right to
explore and use marine
Haley Curtis
Taylor Johnson
Sammie Doty
1st period
•Definition: United Nations
Conference on Law of the sea.
•Sentence: The UNCLOS
decides which part of the ocean
belongs to that different countries of
the UN.
•Example: The Law of the Sea
has been named the law that gives
the most protection for the sea.
•The United States follows this law
but did not sign the treaty.
Sammie Doty, Haley Curtis, and Taylor Johnson 1st Period
By: kamahl Lewis and sanjin masic
• Def: An embassy is a place that assists
the u.s. in its job, internationally.
• Exp: African embassy
• Sentence: an embassy is a place you go
to represent your country and its affairs.
By: kamahl Lewis and sanjin masic
• Def: The lead officials that represent an
• Exp: The Chinese ambassador.
• Sentence: The Chinese ambassador can
aid the u.s. with relations between china
and the united states.
By: kamahl Lewis and sanjin masic
• Def: secondary offices that usually deal
with economic issues, as well as granting
visas to enter there countries.
• Exp: Chinese consulates
• Sentence: I went to the consulate for a
visa to enter china.
Satellite States
Kyle Booth Ian Lynch
states KAPLAN
• Independent
that are controlled
and orbit a larger
• Ex. Former soviet
union had control of
Ukraine and Poland
making them also
buffer states.
Iron Curtain
Kyle Booth Ian Lynch
• A divider between
eastern Europe and
western Europe that was
used to keep citizens in
and invaders out.
• The soviet union made
the Iron Curtain to help
protect themselves
against the rest of
Buffer State
Kyle Booth Ian Lynch
• A country that lies
between two states that
are in conflict and are
used as a shield to
slow down foreign
• The soviet union used
Ukraine and Poland as
buffer states to defend
themselves against the
rest of Europe.
Forward Capital
By: Hailey Blackburn
• Definition-A capital that is
relocated to sparsely
populated areas and
amazons to get people to
move to those areas.
• Sentence-The capital of
Brazil is an example of a
forward capital because it
is located on the Amazon
• Example-Brasilia
Samantha Cruger, Russell Guy, Ciante McLemore
•A microstate is a sovereign state having a very
small population or very small land area.
•Examples: Nauru, Singapore, Liechtenstein,
Monaco, and Vatican city are all microstates.
Samantha Cruger, Russell Guy, Ciante McLemore
• A Ministate is a small independent state.
• Examples: Taliban is a Ministate that is
trying to become part of the Taliban.
Territorial Morphology
Samantha Cruger, Russell Guy, Ciante McLemore
• The physical shape of a
• Example: The countries
have 5 main shapes. The
five main shapes are
compact, elongated,
fragmented, perforated,
and prorupted. Chile is an
elongated state in South
America, which means a
long state.
ReunificationTaylor M. and Ariana A.
• Def-
to cause a group, party, or
state to become unified again
after being divided.
• Ex.
The German Reunification
was the discrepancy in the ways
the west Germans and east
• Sen.
Family Reunification has
been the cornerstone of our
cornerstone of our immigration
policy for decades and under
Taylor M. and Ariana A.
• Def-
to describe a region into
several small states that are
often hostile or has no
cooperation with each other.
• Ex-The former USSR balkanized
into sixteen independent countries
with Russia being the largest.
• Sen. When diversity is really
balkanization -- separating cultures
so they can retain their purity -- it has
a negative effect on the melting
pot/salad bowl that is the U.S.
Compact Country
Kenneth P. & Simon S.
• definition: a
between two
• Example: Belgium
because of
cultural division
between Flanders
and Wallonia
within Belgium
Elongated Country
Kenneth P. & Simon S.
• Definition: Are states with very long and
narrow bodies
• Example: Hawaii
Fragmented Nations
Kenneth P. & Simon S.
• Definition: Fragment Nation is a nation that
have been divided or split.
• Example: U.S.
Perforated Country
Kenneth S. & Simon S.
Definition: A country
that can only be
reached by going
through another
Ex: South Africa is
one example of a
perforated country,
Which completely
surrounds Lesotho.
Land Locked Country
Kenneth P. & Simon S.
• Definition: A land locked country is a land
enclosed or nearly enclosed by land
• Example: Afghanistan
Alice Lopiano
Centrifugal Forces
Sheryl Taulbee
Tsi S Qua Robinson
Forces that tend to divide a country. Such as
internal religious or ethnic differences.
Centripetal Forces
Alice Lopiano
Sheryl Taulbee
Tsi S Qua Robinson
Forces that tend to unify a country-such as
widespread commitment
to a national culture, shared ideological objectives,
and a common faith.
Alice Lopiano
Sheryl Taulbee
Tsi S Qua Robinson
The movement of power from the central government to
regional governments within the state.
In the United Kingdom the parliament
In northern Ireland resulted
From devolution. They arrive from
Several sources: ethnocultural,
Economic, and spatial.
Self determination
Desiree Garcia Keya Morrow Caitlyn Brown
• Definition-The power
of the people to
create a government
that they approve of.
• Example- Imperialism
(the up keeping of an
economy) has
become a extended
problem for
South American
Desiree Garcia, Keya Morrow, Caitlyn Brown
• Definition- the power
to vote on issues
regarding their
welfare. The power to
vote on problems
• Example- up until
1965, African
Americans did not
have the suffrage to
vote or even to be
considered equal.
Woman’s Enfranchisement
Desiree Garcia Keya Morrow Caitlyn Brown
• Definition- Women’s
right to vote.
• Example- the
publication of Mary
Wollstonecraft's “A
vindication of the right
of woman”(1792)
Def: People get to
decide who they get to
vote for with no inside
or outside influence.
Example: Afghanistan
for only the second
time in it’s history held
an election for
president last year.
By: Danielle H. Destinee R.
& Tatiana V.
Women’s Enfranchisement
Def: The right for
women to vote, esp.
in a political election.
Example: In 1920
when women got the
right to vote.
Danielle H. Destinee R. &
Tatiana V.
Def: The right to vote
in a political election.
Example: Anne Smith
decided to vote for
Barack Obama!!
By: Danielle H. Destinee R. &
Tatiana V.
Adam Hooper
Josh Turney
Michael F
Land empires
Definition- Politically, an empire
is a geographically extensive
group of states and peoples.
Examples: is the roman empire
because the roman empire
controlled all of the land
throughout Europe.
Adam Hooper
Josh Turney
Michael F
Sea empire
The Sea Empire is an empire that controls
the sea
An example would be: the British Empire
because the controlled the sea’s of Europe
and the sea by the Nile.
Adam Hooper
Josh Turney
Michael F
Settlement empire
An empire or group of people that move and are settled
The Empire Settlement Act committed Britain to
coordinate and subsidize settlement programs with the
Government of Canada and other immigration
Definition: A state that is
smaller than most and has
less resources, population
and smaller in area. Usually
bigger than a micro state.
Sentence: I live in a state
that I no pretty much
everyone, its called a mini
Example: Monaco is a small
state in Europe and as you
can tell it is way smaller than
all the others. The top pic is
a enlarged version.
By: Steven Peterson and
Torice Sullivan
Microstates: small
little population, like
The state I live in has
very little people
where I know most
Malaysia is a
microstate due to is
little population, and
small land mass.
Kaplan pg.
By: Torice S. & Steven
Satellite states
by Terry H, Emma W, Cori T, Marisa M.
States that are part of
a country that have
more independence
then a buffer state but
not completely
Example: the soviet
union had several
satellite states;
Poland, Hungary,
Czech republic etc.
Kaplan pg: 263
Buffer states
by Terry H, Emma W, Cori T, Marisa M.
States that are part of a
country that reinforce that
country, and has little
independence. They act
as a buffer to prevent
invasion of the home
Example: soviet union
controlled Ukraine from
WWII to mid 1980s
Kaplan pg: 264
Iron curtain
by Terry H, Emma W, Cori T, Marisa M.
A “wall” that separated
democratic capitalist
western Europe from
totalitarian communist
eastern Europe.
The Berlin wall was part
of the iron curtain
Kaplan pg: 263
Shatter belt Regions
by Terry H, Emma W, Cori T, Marisa M.
The region between a
conflict of two
superpowers that
have their boundaries
changed because of
the conflict
Eg: Europe's end
result of WWII,
Vietnam and, Korea
Kaplan pg: 263
Reunification is the
act of coming
together again.
An example would
be the Germany and
the Berlin wall and
when they tore it
down and reunified.
The destruction of
the Berlin wall.
by: Tiara M.
Definition: is the right for a
nation to govern itself
autonomously to determine its
own destiny.
Example: Iraq just
celebrated their second year of
self governing themselves.
Source: Barron’s Book
pg.163 &&Google.
Landlocked Country
A country enclave or surrounded
by another country.
Mongolia is
a landlocked country, as it is
bordered all around by Russia,
Mongolia, and Kazakhstan.
By: Michael Easterling
Coloring By: Michael Easterling
and Mariesa Davis
Source(s): Kaplan and De Blij
Perforated Country
Made by:
Mariesa Davis
 Definition: It has an entire state
completely inside it borders.
 Example: South Africa and
Italy. South Africa contains the
country of Lesotho completely
inside of its borders. Italy
contains two countries, San
Marino an the Vatican City,
also inside its borders.
 Source: Kaplan book, pg.261
Alexander Mullins, Donnie Burton
3rd period
Definition: A term used in geography to describe a
country or territory that belongs to another country but
is surrounded by countries to which it has no belonging
or affinity.
Example: Alaska.-Part of U.S but not connected.
Elongated country
By: Anna Z.
Definition: countries that
are twice long as they are
wide, these are long and
skinny countries.
Sentence: Italy is a
elongated country.
Example: Italy, Chile
Kaplan book page 260
Land Empire by Ishmael Ryan
Land Empire: a geographically extensive group of states
and people and is ruled by a monarch (king, emperor)
The Mongol Empire was the largest land empire In
Compact country
By: Justin Z.
Definition: countries who’s borders are
equidistant from the center of the
country most compact countries are
small and in the shape of a circle or
Sentence: compact countries provide
easy military moment and
communications and transportation
Example: Poland, Uruguay
Kaplan pg.259
The Lead official representing
the United States in other
countries; A representative a
country appoints to a foreign
country; The highest ranking
diplomat that represents a
Sentence: Guillermo Sacasa
was an ambassador who
served for Nicaragua from
Source – Kaplan page 263
Wikipedia for the picture
Yasemin Suggs period-3
Embassies Stephanie Thrasher
To represent U.S
interests to the
leadership of other
Where the
ambassador lives.
In the united states,
the department of
state runs offices,
called embassies, in
most countries
around the world.
Source: Kaplan pg.
Boundary evolution
by: Jacob Hyder
Definition: the transition
of the fancy wording used
in treaty’s to define
boundaries and the
physical creation of said
Example: the boarder
between the U.S and
Canada is the 49th
Source: Kaplan pg-253
Faryal Miakhel
Def: To set up a settlement
in a different part of the
world, whose main
purpose is to benefit the
mother country.
Example: Britain creating
colonies in America, for
the benefit of Britain.
Source: De Blij pgs. 229,