Color Poetry (5th grade)

Color Poetry
(5th grade)
Lindsay R. Scott and Chanda Wright
ECED 4300-B
Dr. Tonja Root
Fall 2007
Color Poetry
Prewriting Stage
5th Grade
Lindsay R. Scott
ECED 4300-B
Dr. Tonja Root
Fall 2007
Color Poetry
• A form of poetry with each line beginning
with a color.
• Some poems use the same color in each
line or a variety of colors.
• Colors are sometimes used as adjectives
(description words) and/or focus on sensory
• In color poetry you will pick a color and
describe or compare things that have that
Prewriting Stage
• Choosing a topic: students will choose a
topic to write about.
• Considering a function: Students will
consider what the function will be when
writing. Ex: imaginative, personal
• Considering the audience: Students will
choose who they are writing for. Ex:
themselves or others
• Considering a form: journal, narrative,
poem, etc.
Graphic Organizer for Prewriting Stage
What things LOOK (color)?
What things SOUND (color)?
What things SMELL (color)?
How does (color) FEEL?
What makes YOU FEEL (color)?
What things TASTE (color)?
What EXPERIENCES or IDEAS seem (color)?
Can you think of (color) PLACES?
Read Write Think: Color Poems-Using the Five Senses to Guide Prewriting.
Retrieved April 14, 2007 from
Color Poem Example
Green is apples, markers, and cool.
Green is the taste of vegetables.
Green smells like grass and rain.
Green makes me feel envious.
Green is the sound of a lawnmower and a sigh.
Green is a garden, forest, and a swamp.
Green is renewal.
Green is beginning again.
Green is spring.
Read Write Think: Color Poems-Using the Five Senses to Guide Prewriting.
Retrieved April 14, 2007 from
Prewriting Practice Activity
• As a class, students will choose a color.
• As a class, students will complete
graphic organizer (The teacher will
complete the graphic organizer on the
board for students to follow along
individually. )
Prewriting Assessment Activity
• Students will choose a color.
• Students will complete graphic
organizer individually.
Color Poetry
Drafting Stage
5th Grade
Chanda Wright
ECED 4300-B
Dr. Tonja Root
Fall 2007
Color Poetry
• A form of poetry with each line beginning
with a color.
• Some poems use the same color in each
line or a variety of colors.
• Colors are sometimes used as adjectives
(description words) and/or focus on sensory
• In color poetry you will pick a color and
describe or compare things that have that
Drafting Stage
• Students will use graphic organizer to
convert ideas into complete
sentences forming a color poem.
• Students will not focus on correct
spelling and neatness.
• Students may skip lines to leave space
for making revisions.
• Draft is not to be used as a final copy.
Color Poem Example Using the Five Senses
Green is .... the color of spring.
Green is .... renewal.
Green is .... the color of envy.
Green is .... a new crayon.
Green tastes like .... a crisp apple.
Green smells like .... fresh cut grass.
Green sounds like .... a croaking frog.
Green feels like .... soft, velvety moss.
Green looks like .... shiny emeralds.
Green makes me .... go.
Green is .... my favorite color.
Read Write Think: Color Poems-Using the Five Senses to Guide Prewriting.
Retrieved April 14, 2007 from
Drafting Practice Activity
• As a class, students will use graphic
organizer completed during the
prewriting stage to complete a color
Drafting Assessment Activity
• Students will use graphic organizer
completed during the prewriting stage
to complete their own color poem.