RIP 1 1. Warm Up (I Like It – Enrique Iglesias) 16 cts intro 1X 4/4 deadlift 4X 2/2 deadlift 4X 3/1 deadlift 4X 1/1/1/1 deadrow 1X 4X 4X 8X 4/4 upright row 2/2 upright row 3/1 upright row (transition to OH press) 1/1 OH press (transition to squats) 8X 4X 2X 8X 2/2 squat 1/3 squat 2/2/2/2 alt squat 1/1/1/1 alt squat 3X 2/2 OH press 4 cts release bar 4 cts transition to underhand grip 8X 4X 2X 8X 2/2 bicep curl 1/3 bicep curl 2/2/2/2 bicep row 1/1/1/1 bicep row Page 1|9 RIP 1 2. Legs 1 (Telephone – Lady Gaga feat. Beyoncé) 16 cts intro 1X 4/4 squat 4X 1X 4X 4X 4X 2/2 squat 4/4 squat 2/2 squat 3/1 squat 4X dbl T B½ squat 1X hold at bottom 1X 2/2 squat (UP ONLY) 16X 1/1 squat REP 16 cts transition to wide stance 1X 8X 4X 4X 4/4 squat 2/2 squat 3/1 squat 4X dbl T B½ squat 1X hold at bottom 1X 2/2 squat (UP ONLY) 16X 1/1 squat Page 2|9 RIP 1 3. Chest (Love The Way You Lie – Eminem feat. Rihanna) 16 cts intro 1X 4/4 chest press 8X 1/1 chest press 4X 7/1 chest press 4X 2X 1/1 chest press 1X 2/2 chest press 12X 1/1 chest press REP 16 cts transition to plates 4X 7/1 chest fly 4 cts pause 4X 2X 1/1 chest fly 1X 2/2 chest fly 12X 1/1 chest fly Page 3|9 RIP 1 4. Back (Whataya Want From Me – Adam Lambert) 16 cts intro – front foot on step 1X 4/4 rev fly 14X 1/1 rev fly 8 cts change lead leg 4X 1/1 T½ 4-rep rev fly 2X 4/4 rev fly 32 cts transition to one-arm bent-over row 4X 2/2 bent over row R 4X 3/1 bent over row R 4X 1/3 bent over row R 16X 1/1 bent over row R 32 cts transition to left leg REP 32 cts transition to standing with bar 8X 2/2 deadlift 4 cts pause 4X 3-rep deadrow 8 cts shoulder roll 8 cts transition to wide grip 4X 3-rep deadrow Page 4|9 RIP 1 5. Triceps (Push Up – Freestylers) 16 cts intro 1X 4/4 tricep press 8X 1X 1X 1X 2X 2/2 tricep press 4/4 pullover (UP ONLY) 4/4 tricep ext 4/4 pullover (DOWN ONLY) 3X 1/1 tricep press 1X 2/2 pullover (UP ONLY) 3X 1/1 tricep ext 1X 2/2 pullover (DOWN ONLY) 8X B½ tricep press REP 4X 2/2 tricep press 32 cts transition to standing with plate 2X 4/4 tricep OH ext 8X 1/1 B½ tricep OH ext 4X 2/2 tricep OH ext 16X 1/1 tricep OH ext Page 5|9 RIP 1 6. Biceps (Cowboy Casanova – Carrie Underwood) 16 cts intro 2X 4/4 bicep curl 7X 1/3 bicep curl 1X 4/4 bicep curl (UP ONLY) 14X 1/1 bicep curl REP 1X 4/4 bicep curl (DOWN ONLY) 32 cts recovery or isometric hold at 90° 4X 3-rep bicep row 14X 1/1 bicep curl 4X 4/4 bicep curl Page 6|9 RIP 1 7. Legs 2 (Listen To Your Heart – DHT) 16 cts intro 1X 4/4 squat 2X 2/2/2/2 alt squat 4X 1/1/1/1 T½ alt squat 12X 1/1/1/1 alt squat 16 cts transition to lunge 1X 4/4 lunge R 8X 2/2 lunge R 4X 1/1 T½ lunge R 12X 1/1 lunge R 16 cts recovery 1X 4/4 lunge R 16X dbl T T½ lunge R 16X dbl T B½ lunge R 16 cts transition to other leg REP L Page 7|9 RIP 1 8. Shoulders (Louder and Prouder – Brooklyn Bounce vs. Sample Rippers) 16 cts intro 2X 4/4 lat raise 4X 2/2 lat raise 16X 1/1 lat raise 16 cts transition to bar 8X 1/1 upright row 4X 2/2 upright row 2X 2/2/2/2 clean & press 8 cts shoulder roll 6X 2X 1/1 upright row 1X 1/1/1/1 clean & press 24 cts transition to plates 2X 4/4 dbl front raise palms up 8X 1/1 front raise 4 cts pause 2X 2/2/2/2 front raise + open arms wide 6X 1/1/1/1 stagger front raise + open arms wide Page 8|9 RIP 1 9. Core (Tik Tok – Ke$ha) 4X 2/2 crunch 4X 1/H/2 crunch (feet up on last one) 2X 12X dbl T crunch 1X 2/2 leg ext REP cross crunch R REP cross crunch L 16 cts bridge 16 cts transition to hover 32 cts hover 1X hover + 1/1/1/1 feet wide & narrow 3X 3X hover + 1/1/1/1 feet wide & narrow 1X 2/2 knees down/up Page 9|9