Name: Communication Skills FSTU 206001 1200-word Essay Instructions: Essay Plan and Draft Essay must be attached to this booklet, with the checklists on pp. 6, 21 & 22 completed. DUE: Thursday, 5th November 1 PM – handed into the dropbox Final Essay DUE: Thursday, 12th November 1 pm – submitted through Turnitin 2 Communication Skills FSTU 206001 1200-word Essay Plan and Draft Essay Marking Guide Plan and Draft Essay Marks PLAN Mark Plan shows clear essay structure including all main ideas. 5 Possible sources are identified – at least 5 (3 must be from your own research). 3 DRAFT Mark There is an introduction, 3-4 body paragraphs and a conclusion. Introduction includes a thesis statement, with the points to be made in the essay – all paragraphs follow the guidelines laid out in the Essay Working Plan. 10 Supporting sources are referenced using APA. There are in-text references and a reference list. 4 Paragraph ideas are linked – within paragraphs and between paragraphs. 4 The draft is handed in on the due date. 2 Total This provides the marks for the Application of writing process section in the marks for the Final Essay. 28 /8 / 20 /28 /7 3 Communication Skills FSTU 206001 Marking Guide Final Essay – 1200 words Marks Essay format Mark Folder presented as required in task instructions 2 Formatting conforms to course requirements 2 Introductory paragraph Introductory statement is well-constructed and distinct; clearly sets out direction of essay, with thesis statement and overview of main ideas. Essay parameters are described. Body of essay (minimum of three central paragraphs) Mark Mark 10 Technical terms are explained accurately and used appropriately 2 Evident and relevant topic sentences. Transition/flow between ideas within, and between, paragraphs is clear and coherent with ideas and information grouped together in a logical manner. 6 Concluding sentences summarise paragraph contents and may link to following paragraphs. 2 Content is adequately summarised with no new material presented. Thesis statement is reiterated and a final evaluation on the significance of the material is presented Research /5 5 Topic and task correctly addressed/core issue(s) are identified. Development of topic is relevant, logical, expanded and examples are incorporated. Diverse ideas are linked to develop a broader, overarching theme. Conclusion /4 Mark / 20 /5 5 Mark A good range of relevant, well integrated, fully discussed and correctly presented quotations/paraphrases is used. 7 Evidence of having read widely in the relevant area. A Reference List with a minimum of 5 correctly presented citations is required – at least 2 of the citations must be for books. 7 / 14 4 Application of writing process Mark Plan outlines essay direction 2 Drafts show on-going progression of thought and crafting with final essay showing further refining. 5 Accuracy Mark Appropriate academic style and tone adopted. A wide range of vocabulary used appropriately and accurately. Punctuation and spelling are accurate. /7 / 15 5 5 Effective use of a range of sentence structures. 5 Mark out of 70 / 70 Percentage /100% Penalties Marks lost Plus or minus 10% of word limit 5% Minor plagiarism; % deducted from mark e.g. minus 20% % Evidence of major plagiarism All Lateness: each day (including weekends) of unexcused lateness 5% Penalties Final Total /70 Percentage MARK (40% of final mark for the course) Lecturer’s comments: 5 Communication Skills FSTU 206001: 1200-word Essay WORKING PLAN – CHECK THE BOXES! Essay Topic Recently Angelina Jolie described the world’s refugee crisis in a speech as follows: “Our world has never been richer or healthier or more advanced. Yet never before have so many people been dispossessed and stripped of their basic human rights. We should call this what it is: not just a ‘refugee crisis’ but a crisis of global security and governance, that is manifesting itself in the worst refugee crisis ever recorded – and a time of mass displacement.” Outline several examples of why people pay, and put their trust in, ‘human traffickers’ to get them out of their homeland. Should the developed world work harder at making the homeland a safer place i.e. resolving the starting point of this problem, or should more than the 25 developed countries who currently accept refugees open their borders to accept displaced persons? Does the UN have a role to play here? GUIDELINES A. Essay Plan – This should be your original first notes, which should clearly show additions and changes. You may be able to show this process more clearly if your plan is handwritten. o Brainstorm ideas and then use the resource materials provided, and one other resource that you have found yourself, to help develop your plan. B. Draft Essay –Must show: working/modification/improvement and meet the requirements in the Marking Guide on p. 5 o These changes can be shown as ‘tracked changes’ or as inserted handwritten notes. C. Final Essay – Must be formatted according to the instructions on p. 24 and submitted through Turnitin. 6 ESSAY PLANNING AND DRAFTING Remember, you can submit your essay to Turnitin before the due date and get feedback about your paraphrasing and quoting – this feedback will help to show whether you have sufficiently paraphrased material and whether you have referenced it correctly. However, it does not necessarily pick up all the reference material online, so we will still check if we think you have not sufficiently paraphrased, or have incorrectly referenced, your work. A. ESSAY PLAN 1. KEY WORDS/ PHRASES These will help you get started on your research (you may want to add more to the list – just add more links) as your reading takes you further along. Add citations to help you keep track of your reading too: Why are people desperate to leave their homeland? Refugee Does the UN have a role to play? Asylum seeker Topic: Humanitarian aid Causes Refugee Crisis Examples Syria Myanmar Turkey Iraq Afghanistan Somalia Eritrea Solutions Should a greater number of developed countries open their borders to accept displaced persons? Australia? Britain? Austria Should the UN world work harder at ensuring people’s homelands are safer so they do not need to become refugees? 7 2. WORDS AND PHRASES YOU NEED TO DEFINE Refugee Displaced person IDP Human trafficker Developed world/countries UNHCR “open their borders” Refugee crisis 8 3. READINGS The Global Struggle to Respond to the Worst Refugee Crisis in Generations By PATRICK BOEHLER and SERGIO PEÇANHA, updated July 1, 2015 The New York Times. Retrieved from world/ migrants-global-refugee-crisis-mediterranean-ukraine-syria-rohingya-malaysia-iraq.html?_r=0 Eleven million people were uprooted by violence last year, most propelled by conflict in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and Afghanistan. Conflict and extreme poverty have also pushed tens of thousands out of parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Here’s a look at the international response to what has become the worst migration crisis since World War II, according to the United Nations. Refugees and Displace People Worldwide 1989-2014 Syria and Iraq Syria’s neighbours have been making it harder for migrants to cross into their territories. About 11 million Syrians displaced, four million abroad, since 2011. In Iraq, nearly three million displaced since December 2013. Taxing the Neighbours Years of violence in Iraq and Syria have stretched the capacities of neighbouring countries to accommodate the displaced. In Jordan, unemployment has almost doubled since 2011 in areas with high concentrations of refugees, according to a recent International Labor Organization study. Lebanon began to require visas from Syrians in January. Refugees now make up about 20 percent of Lebanon’s population. In March, Turkey announced it would close the two remaining border gates with Syria. 9 Syrian refugees Iraqis and Syrians displaced in their own countries Southeast Asia Thousands of Bangladeshis and Rohingya, an ethnic minority from Myanmar, have fled from poverty and persecution. 25,000 boarded smugglers’ boats in the first quarter of this year. The Rohingya are denied citizenship and basic rights in Myanmar. Fleeing by Sea Indonesia and Malaysia, countries that in the past have quietly taken in many refugees from Bangladesh and Myanmar, first reacted to the new rise in migrants by vowing to send back smugglers’ boats. Facing public pressure, they reversed their stance in mid-May, saying they would provide shelter to migrants still at sea. An absence of landings and fewer sightings suggest that the inflow has subsided. 10 Mediterranean Sea The European Union wants to stop smugglers near the African coast. European governments are divided over the fates of those who reach shore. 137,000 people migrated this year. 1,800 died in the sea. Civil war in Libya has made human trafficking easier. Division Over How to Respond In May, European leaders said they would form a naval force based in Italy to combat people-smuggling. The European Commission also appealed to the bloc’s member states to accept quotas of migrants to relieve the burden on southern states, like Italy and Greece, which are the main landing points. Poverty and war in places like Libya, South Sudan and Nigeria are driving migrants to make the perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea. Ukraine Fighting between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian separatists has severely damaged Ukraine’s industrial belt. 1.3 million displaced inside Ukraine. 867,000 Ukrainians have left the country, most to Russia. Crippled Economy Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have fled to Russia. But European Union countries, like Poland, Germany and Italy, which are among the top destinations for asylum seekers, have rejected most applications from Ukrainians. Less than a third of the $316 million needed in 2015 for the United Nations’ humanitarian response has been raised so far. The conflict was particularly damaging to Ukraine’s economy, which is expected to shrink 9 percent by the end of the year. 11 Sources: Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, International Organization for Migration Additional work by Joe Burgess, K.K. Rebecca Lai and David Furst. 12 Jackson, G. (2015, April 22). UN’s Francois Crepeau on the refugee crisis: ‘Instead of resisting migration, let’s organise it’. The Guardian. Retrieved from world/2015/apr/22/uns-francois-crepeau-on-the-refugee-crisis-instead-of-resistingmigrationlets-organise-it 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pages excerpted from: Hanhimaki, J. (2015). The United Nations : A Very Short Introduction (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. What is the role of the UNHCR? 127 128 130 20 129 21 How does the UN work to improve conditions in countries that people are fleeing from because of war, persecution and poverty? 116 22 4. SOME USEFUL INTERNET SITES Refugee crises ‘reflect the world in chaos’ Mapping Displaced People Around the World ( a good summary of the facts and terms used) Global refugees: Is the world failing? Aljazeera Refugees “Nope, nope, nope”: Tony Abbot says Australia will not resettle refugees in migrant crisis Greek island Kos sees surge in migrants 23 B. ESSAY DRAFT BELOW YOU WILL FIND AN ESSAY OUTLINE. You should use this as a guide to developing your essay. Introduction Using your resource material, write: 1. An introductory statement or hook (1-2 sentences) – what is the topic of the essay and what are some words that will hook people into reading further? While this should be a general statement, it must be directly linked to the topic. For example: the following opening sentence tells the reader nothing new and is far too general. Refugees are a growing problem worldwide. Rather: You need and opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and highlights the magnitude of this problem and how it is continuing to grow – statistics can help here. 2. Some further information about the topic that narrows it down. What are the most important issues – make sure these sentences relate to the points you will be addressing in the essay. 3. The thesis statement/overview. What is the main idea you are discussing in the essay and what are the 3-4 points you are going to make in the body of the essay – in the order of the paragraphs for each point? Body Paragraphs 1. What are the 3-4 points you want to make for this essay? Here are some suggestions: a) * What is a refugee? Give examples of different types of refugees. * Why is there a refugee crisis? Provide examples of countries that refugees come from and examples of why they are leaving these countries. Make sure you provide statistics. b) * How do people leave their home countries to become refugees? Give examples. * What are human traffickers? Why do refugees pay human traffickers? What are the dangers of human trafficking? Give examples. c) * What is the effect of refugees on the countries they go to? Provide examples for several different countries. d) * What are some solutions to the refugees crisis? * What is the UN? What is the role of the UN in the refugee crisis – UNHCR? Greece: Refugee Crisis in Europe Over 100,000 refugees have arrived to Greece by sea this year. UNHCR is mobilizing emergency teams, resources and delivering basic humanitarian assistance in order to address the most urgent gaps and support government efforts. Volunteers, local communities and NGOs are providing invaluable assistance but they need support. (UNHCR). (2015, January 30). UNHCR welcomes asylum process reforms in Greece, but more needs to be done. Retrieved from * Should the UN be working with countries that refugees are coming from to make them safer, and thus reduce the number of people trying to escape? OR Should the UN be encouraging developed countries to take more refugees? * From your research and reading provide some examples of other solutions that have been proposed?? 24 2. Write the topic sentence for each of these paragraphs – remember, the topic sentence needs to introduce the paragraph topic. – Remember to paraphrase the material you use and to use in-text referencing. – Each time you paraphrase, or find a quote you want to use, carefully note where you got it from so you can find the reference later – you will need it for both in-text referencing and your Reference List. 3. Put your ideas together, with your own words, to construct your paragraphs – ensure you link the sentences within your paragraphs. 4. The final sentence of your paragraph should sum up the paragraph content: Paragraph 1 should have a link to Paragraph 2, Paragraph 2 should have a link to Paragraph 3 etc. However, you do not need to link your final body paragraph to the Conclusion. Conclusion Using the Introduction and the paragraphs you now have, write: 1. Your thesis statement restated. 2. Follow this with a brief summary of the main points you introduced in the Introduction. 3. ... and an effective final statement – your resource material can help you with this but make sure you do not add any new information. Reference List This should: follow APA guidelines be on a separate page at the end of your essay contain a list of the resources you have used be in alphabetical order include ALL of the in-text references only include resources that you have referred to in-text. C. FINAL ESSAY This should follow the instructions above for the draft essay and be formatted according to the guideline’s below: Formatting Guidelines – Compulsory Font: Times New Roman 12, Arial 11 or Calibri 12 Margins: 2.5 cm Line spacing: 1.5 Word Count: At the end of the essay Name: In Header Printed: One side of paper only 25 26