Enlightenment & French Revolution Test

Name: __________________________
French Revolution Test
I. Multiple Choice
___ 1. King Louis XIV was famous for commissioning the Palace at _______________.
A. Bastille
B. Versailles
C. Bordeaux
D. Marseilles
___ 2. The second estate would include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Lords
B. Nobility
C. Ladies
D. Clergy
___ 3. John Locke is a man who is most famous for being the "Father of the ________."
A. National Assembly
B. 1st Estate
C. Enlightenment
D. 2nd Estate
___ 4. Considered a great uprising by peasants who would steal food and destroy
shops and grain elevators following the storming of the Bastille, the ________________
ravaged Paris.
A. Great Fear
B. Reign of Terror C. Grain Uprisings D. Food shortages
___ 5. This man, exiled to Corsica twice, tried very hard to bring France back into the
world spotlight:_____________________
A. Maximilien Robespierre
B. King Louis XVI
C. John Locke
D. Napoleon
___ 6. The original legislative assembly of the estates, the ____________________
disbanded when the National Assembly was formed.
A. King's Court
B. Estates-General
C. National Assembly
D. Parisian Parliament
___ 7. Which of the following was one cause of the French Revolution?
A. New taxes on the Second Estate
B. Strong leadership from Louis XVI
C. Enlightenment ideas
D. Economic prosperity
___ 8. Which European campaign was a disaster for Napoleon?
A. The Russian Campaign
B. The Peninsular War
C. the Saint Domingue Expedition
D. the Continental System
___ 9. The major goal of the French Revolution was
A. To execute the king
B. To liberate the peoples of Europe
C. The abolition of slavery
D. Create a more democratic government
____ 10. Under the Old Regime, the burden of paying taxes fell largely on the
A. Nobles and middle class
B. First Estate
C. Third Estate
D. Peasants and clergy
___ 11. The Paris Bastille was which of the following?
A. A tennis court
B. An armory and prison
C. Louis's palace
D. A restaurant
II. Chronology – Decide which event in each pair happened first and mark its letter on
the blank.
___ 12.
A. Louis XVI is executed.
B. Fall of Bastille
___ 13. .
A. Napoleon invades Russia
B. Battle of Waterloo
___ 14. .
A. Napoleon is exiled to Elba
B. Louis XVI calls the Estates General
___ 15.
A. American Revolution begins
B. French Revolution begins
___ 16.
A. French Revolution begins
C. Enlightenment begins
III. True or False
___ 17. Isaac Newton and John Locke led the reformation movement.
___ 18. The publishing and reading of books increased during the Enlightenment.
___ 19. The Enlightenment led to revolutions in American and France.
___ 20. The bourgeoisie were made up of nobles and clergy.
___ 21. The Estates General was the government of England.
IV. Matching
___ 22. John Locke
___ 23. Montesquieu
___ 24. Diderot
___ 25. Rousseau
___ 26. Thomas Hobbes
___ 27. Thomas Jefferson
___ 28. Louis XVI
___ 29. Guillotine
___ 30. Estates
___ 31. The Directory
A. Wrote The Social Contract
B. Authored the Declaration of Independence
C. Wrote The Spirit of Laws
D. Popular method of execution in France
E. The social classes of France
F. Government destroyed by Napoleon
G. Wrote Two Treatises on Government
H. Condemned to death in France
I. Wrote Leviathan
J. Created the Encyclopedia
V. Short Answer
32. Who were the san-culottes?
33. Who was the Council of Elders?
34. What took place at Waterloo?
35. What is a coup d'état?
BONUS: Draw below the punishment given to Napoleon.