Bible Stories


Programme of Scripture from Alive-O-to Alive O 8

Reviewed January 2015

Please note that the page numbers in the references below apply to the pages in the Teacher Manuals (Alive-O-Alive-O 8).

Alive-O Junior Infants

Miriam and Moses and Mum, (adapted), The Birth of Moses, Exodus 2:1-10, p. 16, 17

Anna, (adapted), Jesus is presented in the temple, Lk 2:22-38, p. 96

Simeon, (adapted), Jesus is presented in the temple, Lk 2:22-38, p.98, 99

A Time for Everything, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, p.100

Mary and Joseph go on a Journey, (adapted), The Birth of Jesus Christ, Mt 1:18-24 p. 104, 110

An Easter Surprise, (adapted), The Resurrection, Lk 24:1-10, p. 187

The Passover, (adapted), Exodus 12:1-14, Exodus 12:21-28, p.208, 209,

Alive-O 2 Senior Infants

Our Father, Teaching about prayer, Mt 6:9, p. 46, 89, 99,

David cares, (adapted), David is anointed as King, 1 Samuel 16: 19-22, p. 102

Psalm 23 (adapted), Feeling God’s Care, My Shepherd is the Lord,

Two Cousins (adapted): Mary visits Elizabeth: Mary’s Song of Praise, Lk 1:39-56, p.109

The City Prepares (adapted), The Birth of Jesus: The Shepherds and the Angels: Jesus is named:

Jesus is presented in the temple, Lk 2:1-24, Mt 2:1-12, p. 116, 118, 119, 120, 122,

Jesus is born, (adapted), The Birth of Jesus, Lk 2:1-7, p.127

An Easter Surprise, (adapted), The Resurrection, Lk 24:1-10, p. 205

The Long Walk, (adapted), The Passover, Exodus 12:1-11, 12: 21-28, p. 241

Alive-O 3 First Class

A Time for Everything, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, p.19, 38

Jesus blesses little children, Mk 10:13-16, p. 50

The Passover, Exodus 12:1-14, p.68, 69, 305

Jesus goes to Jerusalem (adapted), The Boy Jesus in the Temple, Lk 2:41-50, p.83, 85

The Parable of the Sower, Mt 13:4-10, p.93, 95, 97, 98, 281

Micah’s story, (adapted), Jesus feeds a great crowd, Lk 9:10-16, p. 106

The Woman at the Well, (adapted), Jesus and the Samaritan woman, Jn 4:7-14, p.117, 121,

Jesus prays, (adapted), Teaching about prayer, Mt 6:9, p.126, 126, 127,130,264,

One Moment, (adapted), The Birth of Jesus is announced, Lk 1:26-38, p.133,

Watching, Waiting, Wondering, (adapted), Visitors from the East, Mt 2:1-3, p. 143

The Moment they had all been waiting for, (adapted), The Birth of Jesus, Lk 2; 1-20, p.153

The People in the Wilderness, (adapted), Bitter Water, Exodus 15:22-25, p. 165

We are the greatest? (adapted), Who is the greatest? Mt 18:1-5, p.185, 189, 240, 249,

Jesus went into the desert, The Baptism and the temptation of Jesus, Mk 4:12-13, p.200

The Good Shepherd (adapted), The Lost Sheep, Lk 15:3-7, p. 211, 242, 245, 282

The Last Supper, (adapted), Jesus prepares to eat the Passover meal, Lk 22:7-20, p. 253, 293,


Jesus dies on the Cross, Lk 23:26-43, p.256

Stations of the Cross, p.257

An Easter Surprise, (adapted), The Resurrection, Lk 24:1-10, p.259

One Moment, The Annunciation: The Birth of Jesus is announced, Lk 1:26-38, p. 263

Two Cousins, (adapted), Mary visits Elizabeth, Lk 1:39-56, p.265

The Moment they had all been waiting for,(adapted), Visitors from the East, Mt 2:1-3, p.267

Jesus goes to Jerusalem; (adapted), Mary visits Elizabeth, Mary’s Song of Praise, Lk 2:41-50, p. 271

The Market Place, (adapted), Who is the Greatest? Lk 9:46-48, p. 277-78

The Parable of the Sower, (adapted), Mt 13:4-10, p. 281

Jesus visits three special friends, (adapted) Jesus visits Martha and Mary, Lk 10:38-41, p. 312

The Story of Pentecost, (adapted), The Coming of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2: 1-13 p. 322

Alive-O 4 Second Class

The Anointing of David, David becomes King of Israel and Judah (adapted), 2 Samuel 5:1-5, p. 56

Follow me (adapted), Jesus calls Simon and Andrew Mt 4:18-22, Mk 1:16-20, Lk 5:1-11, p.79

Micah’s Story (adapted), Jesus feeds a great crowd, Lk 9:10-16, p. 97

The Parable of the Sower, Lk 8:4-8, p.114, p.118,

The Parable of the Lamps, Lk 8:16-18, p.114, 118

The Parable of the Yeast, Lk 13: 20-21, p.114, 118

The Parable of the Lost Coin, Lk 15: 8-10, p.114, 118

The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lk 15:1-7, p. 118, p. 232

Sarah’s recovery from sickness to health, (adapted) Lk 4: 38-39, p.128

Jesus is born, (adapted) The Birth of Jesus Christ, Mt 1:18-25, p. 174

The People who walked in Darkness: Visitors from the East, Mt 2:1-12, p. 141, 160,

The Christmas Story, Visitors from the East, Mt 2: 1-12, p.167, 179,

Jairus rejoices, (adapted), Jairus’ Daughter, Mk 5:22-24, 35-43, p. 200, 207, 275, 337

The Great Commandment, Mt 22:37, p.220

Sheep and Shepherd Celebrate, (adapted) The Lost Sheep, Lk 15:1-7, p.226, 266, 269

The Last Supper (adapted) Lk 22:7-20,p. 285

The Crucifixion, Mt 27:32-44

The Stations of the Cross, p. 290-291

Follow Me,(adapted) :Jesus and Peter, Jn 21,p.295

The Agony in the Garden Lk 22:39-46, p.308

The Scourging at the Pillar, Lk 22:63-65, p.308

The Crowning with thorns, Mk 15:16-20, p.308

The Carrying of the Cross, Mk 15:21-31, p.308

The Crucifixion Mk 15:33-41, p.308, 344 (adapted)

The Passover, (adapted), Exodus 12, p. 318

The Ten Lepers, (adapted), Lk 17:11-19, p. 355

Father, forgive them, (adapted), Jesus is crucified, Lk 23:32-43, Mt 27:33-37, p. 367

The Last Supper (adapted), Lk 22:7-20, John 13:3-9, p. 376

Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles 2:1-3, p.397

Alive-O 5 Third Class


Jesus goes to Jerusalem (adapted): The boy Jesus in the temple, Lk 2:41-50, p. 18

The Parable of the Sower, (adapted), Mt 13:4-10, p.18

The woman at the well (adapted: Jesus and the Samaritan woman, Jn 4: 7-14, p.18

The Good Shepherd (adapted): The Lost Sheep, Lk 15:3-7, p.18

Follow me, (adapted): Jesus calls four fishermen, Mt 4:18-22, Mk 1:16-20, Lk 5:1-11, p.18

Micah’s Story, (adapted), Jesus feeds a great crowd, Lk 9:10-16, p.18

Sarah’s Recovery, (adapted), Jesus heals many people, Lk 4:38-39, p.18

Jairus Rejoices, (adapted), Jairus’ daughter, Mk 5:22-24, 35-43, p.18

The Baptism of Jesus, (adapted) Mk 1:9-11, p.27, 39

Prepare! Prepare! The Baptism of Jesus, (adapted) p.38

The Parable of the Sower, Mt 13:3-9, p.41

The Centurion’s Servant, Mt 8:5-10, Lk 7:1-10, p.51, 59

The Calming of the Storm, Mk 4:35-41, Mt 8:23-27, Lk 8: 22-25, p. 91

The Annunciation to Mary, Lk 1:26-38, p.108

Who is the one who is coming? (adapted), p. 113

John the Baptist tells the people to get ready, (adapted), The Preaching of John the Baptist, Mk 1:

1-8, p. 125

Joseph and the Angel: A good dream, (adapted), The Escape to Egypt, Mt 2:13-15, p. 129

God and Abram, (adapted): God’s call to Abram, Genesis 12: 1-9, p.144

Abraham and Sarah (adapted), The Birth of Isaac, Genesis 17, 21: 1-7, p. 145

The Call of Moses (adapted), God calls Moses, Water from the Rock, Exodus 3:1-10, 17, God gives

Moses miraculous power, Exodus 4:18, p. 157

Moses and the Commandments; The Ten Commandments, Exodus 20; 1-17, p. 160

The Angelus Story (adapted), The birth of Jesus is announced, Lk 1:26-55, p. 169

Jesus goes into the Wilderness, (adapted) The temptation of Jesus, Mt 4:1- p. 188

A Call to repentance, Joel: 2:12-15, p.190

Zacchaeus, (adapted), Jesus and Zacchaeus, Lk 19:1-10, p. 197, 228,231

Psalm 104:24, In Praise of the Creator, p.216

The cure of the man paralysed: Jesus heals a paralysed man, Mk 2:1-12, p.238

Jesus enters Jerusalem, Lk 19: 28-39, p. 253

The Last Supper (adapted) Lk 22-7-20, p. 254

The Crucifixion, Mt 27:32-44, p. 258

The Empty Tomb: The Resurrection Mt 28:5-7, p. 272, 277

The Road to Emmaus, Lk 24:13-35, p. 303

Follow Me, (adapted), Jesus and Peter, John 21:1-13, 19, p. 315, 319,

The Ascension Story,(adapted) Jesus is taken up to Heaven, Lk 24:44-53, Acts of the Apostles:1:3-

11,p. 326

The Parable of the Talents (adapted), Mt 25:14-28, 31-37, p.328

Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4, p.338, 341

The Early Christian Community, (adapted) Acts 2, 11:26, p.349

Alive-O 6 Fourth Class

The Beginning of the World, Genesis 1:1-4, p. 2

Psalm 139, v. 13-14, God’s Complete Knowledge and Care, p. 5

Salt and Light, Mt 5:14-16, p. 9


Psalm 95, God the Supreme King, p.20, 21, 23

The Beginning of the World, Genesis 1: 26-27, p.24

Trees, Book of Judges 9:8-15, p. 38

The Parable of the Fig Tree, Lk 13: 6-10, p.32

Don’t worry, Mt 6:25-30, p. 39

The Mustard Seed, Lk 13:18-20, p.35

Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles, Lk 6:12-13, p. 37

God and Possessions, Mt 6:26, p.44

Psalm 148:3, 5, 8-12, A Call for the Universe to praise God

The Lost Sheep, Lk 15: 4-6, p.48

The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Mt 18:12-14, p.49

The Wedding in Cana, John 2: 1-11, p. 69

The Annunciation, Lk 1: 26-38

The Visitation, Lk 1:39-45

The Birth of Jesus, Lk 2:1-7

The Presentation, Lk 2: 22-38

The Finding in the Temple Lk 41-52

The Agony in the Garden, Lk 22-39-46

The Scourging at the Pillar, Lk 22:63-65

The Crowning with thorns, Mk 15:16-20

The Carrying of the Cross, Mk 15:21-31

The Crucifixion Mk 15:33-41

The Resurrection Mk 16:1-8

The Ascension, Mk 16: 19-20

The Descent of the Holy Spirit Acts of the Apostles 2:1-13

The Assumption (not a Bible Story)

The Crowning of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven

Psalm 104:10-14, 27-28, 30, 33, 35, In Praise of the Creator, p. 81

The Good Samaritan, Lk 10:25-37, p. 94

Pentecost (The Beginning of the Church), Acts 2:1-4, p.103

Life after Death, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Revelation 21:3-4 p.120

Moses and the Commandments, Exodus 20: 1-17, p. 124

The Great Commandment, Mt 22:36-39, p. 126, 127,

Jesus and the Pharisees, (A Tricky Question) Mt 22:35-38,p. 131

The most important Commandment, Lk 10:25-28, p. 135, 136

The Birth of Jesus is announced, Lk 1:26-31, p. 143

The Birth of Jesus, Lk 2:1, 3-7, p. 145

The Shepherds and the Angels, Lk 2:8-16, 146

Visitors from the East, Mt 2:1-2, 7-12, p. 148

Jesus cures the man by the Sheep Gate, John 5:2-9, p.160

Saul and the Lord Jesus, Acts 9:1-9, p. 182

The Body of Christ, 1 Cor. 12:12, 13, 14-21, 25-27, p. 184,

Jesus blesses the Children, (Ishvah’s Story,) Lk 18:15-17, p.194

One Body with many parts, 1 Corinthians 12:12, p.208

One Body with many parts, 1 Corinthians 12:13, p.208


One Body with many parts, 1 Corinthians 12:24-28, p. 208

Jesus goes into the Wilderness, Mt 4: 1-11, p. 215

The Prodigal Son, Lk 15:11-32, p.231

The Lost Sheep, Lk 15:3-7, p. 232

The Lost Coin, Lk 15:8-10, p.232

The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, Mt 21:1-11, p. 250

The Last Supper, Mk 14: 12, 22-24, p. 252

Jesus is Crucified, John 19:16-18, 25-28, 30, p. 253

Mary Magdalene meets the Risen Jesus, John 20:13-16, p. 259

Jesus heals a man with Dropsy, Lk 14:1-6 (adapted), p. 273

Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners, Mt 9: 10-12, (adapted), p.274

The Last Supper, Mk 14:12, 22-24, p.252

Ruth works in the field of Boaz, Ruth 2:14-19, p.277

Psalm 42 The Prayer of someone in Exile, p.277

The Last Supper Mt 26:26-30, p.277

David becomes King of Israel and Judah, 2 Samuel 5:1-3, p.302

Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem, Ruth 1:15-17, p.304

The Servant’s Task, Genesis 24, (adapted), p. 315

A Wife for Isaac, Genesis 24:1-4, 7, 10, 12-15, p.319

Joseph and his Brothers, Genesis 37-45, p.326, 327

Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4, p.341

Alive-O 7 Fifth Class

Jesus heals two blind men Mt 9:27-30, p.4

Elijah on Mt Sinai, 1 Kings 19:8-12, p.15,

God calls Isaiah to be a prophet, Isaiah 6:1-8, p.15

The call of Jeremiah, Jer 1:4-10, p. 15

Jeremiah visits the potter, Jer 18:1-6, p.22

Jeremiah in a dry well, Jer 38, p.23

God calls Ezekiel to be a prophet, Ezekiel 2:1-8, p. 15

The Woman who fed Elijah, Ezekiel 19: 5-9, p. 17

Jesus is rejected at Nazareth Lk 4:16-30, p.29

A Woman who was bent over, Lk 13:10-17, p. 31

Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus, Mk 10-46-52, p. 32

The Baptism of Jesus, Mt 3: 13-17, Mk 1:9-11, Lk 3:21-22, p. 47

The Wedding Feast at Cana, John 2:1-11, p. 50

Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God, Mk 1:14-15, p. 51

The Wedding Feast at Cana, John 2:1-11, p. 50

The Transfiguration of Jesus, Mt: 17:1-9, p. 51

Jesus gives us the Eucharist, Jn 13:1, 4-5, 14

Psalm 65, A Song of Praise and Thanksgiving, p.58

Psalm 67, A song of Thanksgiving, p. 58

Psalm 96, God the Supreme Ruler, p.58

Psalm 98, God the Supreme King, p.58

Psalm 100, A Hymn of Praise, p.58


Psalm 104, In Praise of the Creator, p.58

Psalm 136, A Hymn of Thanksgiving, p.58

Psalm145, A Hymn of Praise, p.58

Psalm 148, A Call for the Universe to praise God, p. 58

Psalm 150, Praise the Lord, p.58

The Garden Story, Genesis 2:7, p. 69

Human disobedience Gen 3: 24, p.69

The Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:1-5, 7-8, 12-17, p. 72-74

Our Father, Mt 6:9-13, p.83

Advent Word, Waiting in Joyful Hope, The Road to Holiness, Isaiah 35:1-10, p.91

Advent Word, The Peaceful King Isaiah 11; 1-10. p. 93

Advent Word, God’s assurance to Israel Isaiah 41:10, p. 94,

Advent Word, Mary visits Elizabeth, Lk 1:39-45, p. 95

Advent Word, Anna, (adapted), Jesus is presented in the temple, Lk 2:22-38, p.97.

Advent Word, Simeon (adapted), Jesus is presented in the temple, Lk 2:22-38, p.98,

Advent Word, The Birth of Jesus is announced, Lk 1: 26-38, p.99,

Advent Word, The Shepherds and the Angels, Lk 2:8-20, p. 100,

Advent Word, Visitors from the East, Mt: 2: 1-12, p.101,

Advent Word, The Birth of Jesus, p.103

God’s Covenant with Noah, Genesis 9:8-17, p.106

The Seamless Garment, John 19:23-24, p.109

Faith, Lk 17:5-6, p. 114, 116

The Sermon on the Mount, The Beatitudes, Mt: 5:1-12, p. 131-32

The Purpose of the Law, Galatians 3:26-28, p.141

Jesus goes into the Wilderness, Mt4: 1-11 p. 149

Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4, p. 155

God calls Moses, The Burning Bush, Exodus 3: 1-23, p. 157

Breath and the Holy Spirit, Genesis 2:7, p.172

The Conversion of Saul, Acts of the Apostles 9: 1-9, p.173

Paul’s last visit to Troas, (Eutychus), Acts of Apostles 20:7-12, p.173

The seven gifts, p. 182

The Gospel is preached in Samaria, Acts of the Apostles 8:14-17, p. 194

Jesus prepares to enter Jerusalem, Mk 11:1-10, p. 201

Jesus washes the feet of the Disciples, John 13:1-20, p. 201

Jesus is alive, Mk 16:1-8, p. 209

Jesus and Thomas, John 20:24-29 p.209

Jesus appears to the seven Disciples, p. 209

Jesus appears to two Disciples, Lk 24: 13-33, p.209

Warnings against Idols, 1 Cor 10:16-17, p.221

Jesus is taken up into Heaven, Acts of the Apostles 1:1-8, p. 227

Miracles and Wonders, Acts of the Apostles 5:12-25

Peter cures a lame man, Acts of the Apostles 3: 1-10, p.233

Saul persecutes the Church, Acts of the Apostles 8:3-4, p.245

The Conversion of Saul, Acts of the Apostles 9:1-9, p.245

Jesus heals a paralysed man, Lk 5:17-26, p.246


Alive-O 8 Sixth Class

The Story of Creation Genesis 1:1-31; 2:5-25, p.11

All the nations of the earth, Daniel 3:62-85, p.14

Psalm of Thanksgiving: Psalm 136, p.28-9

The Word of Life, 1 John 1-4 p.21

The Prodigal Son, Lk 15:11-32, p. 41, 43

Simon the Pharisee, Lk 7: 36-39, 44-47, p. 49

Jesus is anointed at Bethany, Mk 14:3-6, p. 50

Jacob’s Stone, Gen 28:10-22, p. 55-58

The Woman at the Well (A Conversation), Jn 4:7-43, pp. 63-65

The Baptism of Jesus, Mk1:9-11, Mt 3:1-17, Lk 3:1-22, Jn1:19-34

Pentecost, Acts: of the Apostles 2:1-4, p.110

Jesus is taken up to Heaven, Acts of the Apostles 1:8, p. 112

Life among the Believers, p. 119, Acts of the Apostles 2:44-47

The ordination of Aaron and his sons, Leviticus 8:1-13, p.143

Samuel anoints David as king, 1 Samuel 16:1-13, p.143

Isaiah the prophet is anointed with God’s Holy Spirit, Isaiah 61:1-3, p.143

The vision of the lampstand, Zechariah 4:1-14, p.143

Jesus is anointed with the Holy Spirit, Lk 4: 16-19, p.143

Jesus is anointed at Bethany, Jn 12:1-8, p.143

The Gospel is preached in Samaria, Acts of the Apostles 8:14-17, p.150

The Birth of Jesus is announced, Lk 1:26-38, p.157

The Magnificat, Mary’s Song of Praise, Lk 1:46-55, p.159

The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday, Mk 21:1-11, p.171

Jesus Clears the Temple, Mt 21:12-17, p.172

The Last Supper, Mt 26:26-28, p.173

The Arrest of Jesus, Lk22: 47-53p.173-74

Peter denies Jesus Mt 26:69-75

Jesus is crucified, Lk 23 26-43, p.174-75

Jesus is Risen! Mt 28:1-10, p.179

The Resurrection, Mt 28:1-18, Mk 16:1-20, Lk 24:1-53, John 20:1-21:25

Peter’s Message, Acts 2: 14-47, p.182-183

Kingdom Children, Who is the Greatest? Mt 18:1-5, p. 187

Jesus blesses little children (Ishvah’s Story), Lk 18: 15-17, p.188-89

The Centurion’s Servant, Mt 8:5-10, 13, p.189

The Calming of the Storm, Mk 4:35-41, p. 190

Gabrielle’s Story John 18:12-18 and Acts 2, p.191

The Parable of the Yeast, Mt 13:33, p. 198

Psalm 139, The Lord is always near, p.204

The Parable of the Sower, Friendship Seeds, Mk4:3-9, p.209

Jesus feeds a great crowd, Mt 14:13-21, Mk 6: 30-44, Lk 9: 10-17, Jn 6:1-14, p.219

The Great Banquet, Lk 14:15-24, p. 240

