World History/Cultures Chapter 15 Section 2 Unification of Germany

World History/Cultures
Chapter 15 - Reaction & Nationalism
Section 2 Unification of Germany
What do you know about Germany? Web
it in groups!
 Terms
realpolitik- political theory that
national success justifies the use of
any means.
 kaiser- title of the German emperor.
 chancellor- title of the chief minister.
 Add: Militarism: def: building up a
nation’s military forces and
equipment. Germany, France and
Russia all did this before WW1.
1815: 39 independent German states
north & south from Baltic Sea to the Alps
and east & west from Rhine River to
Russian Empire.
 Austria & Prussia most powerful of
German states.
 Divided & economically disadvantaged.
The Reformation & Thirty Year’s War
divided Germany socially & politically.
 1871: Germany unites, excluding Austria &
Toward Unity
1815: German Confederation a buffer
against France created by the Congress of
Vienna. Established closer economic ties in
German states.
 German Confederation tied together by a
diet at Frankfurt. Austria dominated
 Austria head of diet conflicted with
Prussia. Austria & smaller German states
want unification. Why? They were afraid
of economic competition & didn’t want to
be controlled by Prussia.
Toward Unity con’t
Prussia: strong government & economy. Political
power held by Junkers who were landowners.
Business people demand share of political power.
 1834: German states form Zollervein or economic
union- wanted to reduce trade barriers. This
unification step strengthened Prussia &
weakened Austria.
 1848: Power shifts to liberals in German states &
Assembly tries to unify under a liberal
constitution. Feuding occurs & conservatives stay
in power. Liberals & radicals fled to U.S.
 1850’s: conservatives control nationalist causes.
 Bismarck
Conservatives depend on Prussia for
 1861: William I becomes King of Prussia.
Wants strong military. Liberals oppose
army & want democratic policies to gain
support from German states. Large army
not supported by Prussian assembly.
 King William I appoints Otto von Bismarck
prime minister who supports strong
 Bismarck
Bismarck supports realpolitik- right of a
nation-state to pursue own advantage by
any means, including war and repudiation
of treaties.
 1862: Bismarck defies finance committee
of Prussia’s lower assembly by getting
army budget through by collecting taxes
without authorization.
 Bismarck’s
Raise money to expand army.
 Use Prussia’s military & economic
power to reduce Austrian influence in
German states.
 Unify Germany excluding Austria &
Switzerland under Prussian rule.
 To accomplish goals, goes to war
three times.
War Against Denmark
King of Denmark ruled Schleswig & Holstein
 Schleswig- part German & part Danish. HolsteinGerman.
 Germans in Holstein appeal to larger German
states when King Christian IX proclaims
Schleswig a Danish province in1863.
 1864: Bismarck persuades Austria to join Prussia
to fight Denmark to prevent them from getting
 Austria & Prussia win war & force Denmark out.
Prussia had control of Schleswig and Austria
gains control of Holstein. This strained
relationships between Prussia & Austria.
 War accomplished 2 of Bismarck’s goals: made
Europe aware of Prussia’s military strength &
reason to fight Austria.
Seven Weeks’ War
Bismarck sides with Russia, France & Italy
& eliminates allies for Austria.
 Bismarck gained support when Austria
sided with the Duke of Augustenburg who
claimed Schleswig & Holstein.
 To stop alliance between Austria & the
Duke, Prussian troops sent to Holstein.
 Austria asked German Confederation to
take military action against Prussia for
invasion of Holstein. Bismarck declares
war against Austria.
Seven Weeks’ War con’t
June 15, 1866: Start of Seven Weeks’ War
between Austria & Prussian. Prussian
victory. War’s purpose- separate Austria
from Germany & prevent a united
Germany under Austrian control.
 Austria not treated harshly as could be ally
 Treaty ended Seven Weeks’ War: dissolved
German Confederation; gave Holstein to
Prussia & Venetia to Italy; & new
organization for Germany without
Austria’s participation.
Seven Weeks’ War con’t
1867: New North German Confederationmost German states north of Main River &
controlled their own domestic affairs.
Prussia controlled foreign policy and
national defense. Legislative authorityfederal council made of representatives
from governments & a diet (assembly)
elected by males.
 Establishing a strong confederation by
Prussia made Bismarck a hero among
German nationalists.
 Bismarck still had to complete unification
of Germany.
 Franco-Prussian
Catholic Southern German states not
part of new German Confederation.
Feared Protestant Prussia’s military
& control of Germany.
 Kingdoms of Bavaria & Wurttenburg
opposed unification under Prussia.
 France opposed German unification &
wanted some territory to agree to it.
 Bismarck lured France into war.
Franco-Prussian War con’t
1866: Queen Isabella of Spain dethroned.
Spanish government offers their throne to
Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern, Catholic
cousin of William I of Prussia.
 Napoleon III protested- feared SpanishGerman alliance against France. Leopold
declines throne.
 July 1870: France demanded promise from
William that no one from Hohenzollern
take the Spanish throne. He refused & sent
telegram from German resort at Ems to
Bismarck about his meeting with French
 Franco-Prussian
War con’t
Bismarck changed telegram & made
it appear William insulted the French
& released telegram to the press.
 French enraged & declare war on
 July 19, 1870: Franco-Prussian War
starts. Southern Germany which had
previously not joined Prussia now
allies with Prussia. Prussians defeat
French. Bismarck gains support from
all German states for unification
under Prussia.
Jan 18, 1871: William I becomes Kaiser or
emperor of a united Germany.
 Bismarck became Chancellor or chief minister.
 25 German states become one nation.
 Kaiser head of national government- made
appointments, commanded military during war &
determined foreign policy.
 Prussian Junkers shared power with wealth
 Unification did not make Germany a model
democratic state.
 Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia, William’s son a
liberal who supported reform. Did not like
Bismarck’s tactics & policies but did nothing
about them.
VLA Review: Web IT!!
 Franco- Prussian War: Make a Timeline of 5 events
 7 weeks War: