
David Young
Maneuver Analysis
1. Maneuver – Short-Field Takeoffs and Climbs.
2. Description – A maneuver in which the aircraft accelerates down a short runway, lifts
off, and climbs in the least horizontal distance possible.
3. Objective – To develop the student’s ability to taxi, takeoff, and climb from a short field.
4. Contents –
a. An ability to maximize the amount of runway used.
b. An ability to liftoff in as little distance as possible.
c. An ability to climb using as little horizontal distance as possible.
5. Analysis –
a. A short-field takeoff is most similar to a normal takeoff.
i. The main differences are that you make available to yourslef every last
possible inch of runway in a short-field attempt and that you lift off and
climb away at Vx to clear any obstacles.
b. Follow the pre-takeoff checklist listed in your POH.
i. This should include 25º of flaps.
c. Before taxiing onto the runway, be sure to check both the approach and departure
ends of the runway for aircraft. This can prevent runway incursions.
i. Do not taxi onto the runway if an aircraft is on final.
ii. If in doubt as to whether or not you can make it off the runway before the
next aircraft lands, play it safe and assume you cannot.
d. Taxi into such a position that you have the entire runway available to you should
you need it.
i. If at a towered airport, advise the tower of your intentions.
1. If you need to back-taxi to maximize the runway space, advise the
tower of your intentions.
ii. If at a non-towered airport, alert the traffic in the area that you are taking
the runway.
1. If you need to back-taxi to maximize the runway space, advise of
your intentions on CTAF.
e. As you line up with the centerline, apply full brakes.
i. Smoothly increase the power to full power, check that your engine gauges
are all in the green, and release your brakes.
1. Check your fuel flow, oil temperature, oil pressure, RPM, and
manifold pressure gauges to ensure that you are getting maximum
performance out of the aircraft.
2. If at any point the takeoff does not feel right or the instruments do
not have normal indications, abort the takeoff by reducing the
throttle to idle, applying full brakes, landing on the remaining
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runway, landing straight ahead (if below 2,000 ft MSL), or coming
back for a landing (2,000 ft MSL or more).
f. As you roll down the runway, announce “airspeed alive” once the airspeed
indicator begins moving.
i. Use rudder to maintain alignment.
g. At Vr (60 kts in the Archer and 65 kts in the Arrow), smoothly pitch up to Vx.
i. If Vr is not specified, rotate at Vx – 5 kts.
ii. The Vx pitch attitude will place the cowling about 2 – 3 inches above the
1. It is EXTREMELY important to nail all of these speeds because
even small deviations can greatly reduce the aircraft’s
iii. As you leave ground effect, induced drag will increase. Therefore, you
will need to increase your overall lift by increasing your angle of attack.
1. This will put the aircraft’s cowling about 2 inches above the
h. As soon as a positive indication on the VSI has been established and there is no
more usable runway, apply the brakes to stop the rotation of the wheels, and
retract the landing gear.
i. If the wheels are still spinning, this reduces any vibrations on the gear
ii. The gear warning horn will go off because you have 25º flaps with the
gear up.
iii. Retracting the gear means that you now have an additional 2 foot
clearance, which you may need.
i. After clearing the obstacle (or if none exist, passing 50 ft AGL), retract one notch
of flaps and pitch down to Vy (76 kts in the Archer or 78/90 kts in the Arrow).
i. This will put the cowling about 1 – 2 inches above the horizon.
ii. The gear warning horn should stop.
j. Upon reaching Vy, retract the last notch of flaps and continue your climb out.
6. Visual Cues –
a. Use the horizon, in reference to the cowling, to determine you pitch attitude.
b. As you leave ground effect, a higher pitch attitude will be needed to maintain lift.
7. Instrument Cues –
a. Use the altimeter to determine the aircraft’s altitude.
b. Use the airspeed indicator to determine the aircraft’s airspeed.
c. Use your engine gauges to determine if any hazardous situation exists.
8. PTS Standards –
a. Private Pilot –
i. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to a short-field (confined area
ASES) takeoff and maximum performance climb.
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ii. Positions the flight controls for the existing wind conditions; sets the flaps
as recommended.
iii. Clears the area; taxies into takeoff position utilizing maximum available
takeoff area and aligns the airplane on the runway center/takeoff path.
iv. Selects an appropriate take off path for the existing conditions (ASES).
v. Applies brakes (if appropriate), while advancing the throttle smoothly to
takeoff power.
vi. Establishes and maintains the most efficient planing/lift-off attitude and
corrects for porpoising and skipping (ASES).
vii. Lifts off at the recommended airspeed, and accelerates to the
recommended obstacle clearance airspeed or Vx.
viii. Establishes a pitch attitude that will maintain the recommended obstacle
clearance airspeed, or Vx,+10/-5 knots, until the obstacle is cleared, or
until the airplane is 50 feet (20 meters) above the surface.
ix. After clearing the obstacle, establishes the pitch attitude for Vy, accelerates
to Vy, and maintains Vy, +10/-5 knots, during the climb.
x. Retracts the landing gear, if appropriate, and flaps after clear of any
obstacles or as recommended by manufacturer.
xi. Maintains takeoff power and Vy +10/-5 to a safe maneuvering altitude.
xii. Maintains directional control and proper wind-drift correction throughout
the takeoff and climb.
xiii. Completes the appropriate checklist.
b. Commercial Pilot –
i. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to a short-field (confined area
ASES) takeoff and maximum performance climb.
ii. Positions the flight controls for the existing wind conditions, sets flaps as
iii. Clears the area; taxies into takeoff position utilizing maximum available
takeoff area and aligns the airplane on the runway center/takeoff path.
iv. Selects an appropriate take-off path for the existing conditions (ASES).
v. Applies brakes (if appropriate) while advancing the throttle smoothly to
takeoff power.
vi. Establishes and maintains the most efficient planing/lift off attitude and
corrects for porpoising and skipping (ASES).
vii. Lifts off at the recommended airspeed, and accelerates to recommended
obstacle clearance airspeed, or Vx.
viii. Establishes a pitch attitude that will maintain the recommended obstacle
clearance airspeed, or Vx,,+5/-0 knots, until the obstacle is cleared, or until
the airplane is 50 feet (20 meters) above the surface.
ix. After clearing the obstacle, establishes the pitch attitude for Vy, accelerates
to Vy, and maintains Vy, ±5 knots, during the climb.
x. Retracts the landing gear, if appropriate and flaps after clear of any
obstacles or as recommended by manufacturer.
xi. Maintains takeoff power and Vy ±5 knots to a safe maneuvering altitude.
xii. Maintains directional control and proper wind-drift correction throughout
the takeoff and climb.
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xiii. Completes appropriate checklist.
9. Common Errors –
a. Improper runway incursion avoidance procedures.
b. Improper use of controls during a short-field takeoff.
c. Improper lift-off procedure.
d. Improper initial climb attitude, power setting, and airspeed to clear the obstacle.
e. Improper use of checklists.
10. References –
a. AFH, Ch. 5
b. Gleim’s Flight Instructor Flight Maneuvers, Part II, Unit VII
c. FAA-S-8081-12B
d. FAA-S-8081-14A