Aim: Review for test on The French Revolution & Latin American

Aim: Review for test on The
French Revolution & Latin
American Independence.
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pencil and a pen.
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Essay Topics: Cause and results of
Revolution is a change.
Science was not only based on
Scientists started to experiment.
Scientific method.
Opposed by the church.
Intellectual Revolution.
 John Locke- natural rights (life, liberty and
 Social Contract.
 Right to Revolution.
 Montesquieu- separation of powers and a
system of checks and balances.
Encouraged revolutions- America, France
and Latin America.
 Ideas included in the Declaration of
Independence and U.S. Constitution.
causes: high taxes on the 3rd estate, France
was in debt (bankrupt), 3rd estate owned no
land, impact of the Enlightenment.
 Results: Napoleon ends the French
Revolution. Established a military
dictatorship. Napoleonic Law Code- said
everyone was equal. Bank of France,
University of France. Conquer all of
Causes: mercantilism, encomienda system,
strict class system, influence of American
and French Revolutions.
 Results: Bolivar gains independence.
Becomes first president of Bolivia.
Unstable nations.
Political- government. People of Latin
America had no say in the government.
Economic- mercantilism- colony provides
raw materials to mother country. Mother
country makes a finished product and sells
it back.
Encomienda system- large plantations.
Social- class
Creoles, mestizos,
Robespierre- Reign of Terror- killed anyone
who opposed him.
 Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI.
 Napoleon ends the revolution with a coup
d’ etat.
Haiti- Toussant L’Overture- born a slave.
Liberated Haiti. France wanted Haiti for
profitable sugar cane. Died a year before
independence in a French prison. French
soldiers got malaria and yellow fever. 1st
nation to gain independence.
 -Simon Bolivar- “The Liberator” and “The
George Washington of South America.”
Liberated- Bolivia, Colombia, Peru,
Argentina. Goal- United Gran Colombia.