Prevention and Public Health Fund

The Prevention and Public
Health Fund
United Methodist Church
March 15, 2103
Richard Hamburg
Sue Pechilio Polis
About Trust for America’s Health
The Prevention and Public Health Fund: Background,
overview, funding, and how it’s working.
Key PPHF programs including the Community
Transformation Grants (CTGs)
How the faith community is engaged and future opportunities
About TFAH: Who We Are
Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) is a non-profit, non-partisan
organization dedicated to saving lives by protecting the health of
every community and working to make disease prevention a
national priority.
Building the Case for the Investment in
Community Prevention
Initially released in July 2008
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) called it
“the report he had been waiting
Key finding: an investment of
$10 per person per year in
proven community-based
prevention programs could save
the country more than $16B
annually within 5 years.
This is a return of $5.60 for
every $1 invested.
Prevention for a Healthier America:
Financial Return on Investment?
With a Strategic Investment in Proven Community-Based Prevention
Programs to Increase Physical Activity and Good Nutrition and
Prevent Smoking and Other Tobacco Use
$10 per person per year
$16 Billion annually
within 5 years
$5.60 for every $1
How do we make the healthy choice
the easy choice?
Individuals, communities, schools, faith
institutions, employers must help to assure:
We have the information we need
We can access healthy foods
We can find safe places to play and exercise
We promote smoke free environments
We create a culture of health
Impetus for the
Faith-Based Community
Religious leaders have historically played a
critical role in addressing the nation’s social
challenges, especially in protecting children,
seniors and other vulnerable populations.
Allowing people to lead fuller lives through the
prevention of chronic disease is a natural
extension of these efforts.
ACA & Public Health
Pillars for public health in health reform:
Universal coverage, including first $ coverage of clinical
preventive services
National Prevention Strategy
Reliable funding stream through creation of a Prevention
Fund (mandatory appropriation) to support:
Core public health functions
Community prevention
Public health workforce
Public health and prevention research
Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF)
Prevention and Public
Health Fund: now $12.5
billion over next 10 years
(reaching full $2 billion
level in FY2022)
$2.25 billion already
allocated for FY10-12, $1
billion annually for FY20132017.
FY11 PPHF Cooperative Agreement / Grant Awards
by State (By Award Amount)
NH $3.0M
VT $4.0M
ME $5.8M
NJ $5.3M
DE $1.3M
MD $9.2M
DC $6.4M
MA $15.8M
RI $2.4M
CT $6.2M
Key: Total Award
Amounts by State
Totals include awards to states, cities/counties, tribes, and partners ($358.8M). Awards to territories ($4.3M) are
1Programs included (16 total): National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII), Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Program (ELC), Emerging
Infections Program (EIP), Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI), Immunization, Prevention Research Centers (PRCs), Public Health Prevention Research,
Chronic Disease State Grants, Tobacco Quitlines, Community Guide, Public Health Workforce, Community Transformation Grants (CTG), Racial and Ethnic
Approaches to Community Health (REACH), Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT), Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO),
Prevention Fund Overview
Preventing disease and injury by making healthy choices the easy choices is the most
effective, common-sense way to improve health and reduce health costs for families and
The Prevention and Public Health Fund gives us a chance to turn our sick care system into a
health care system by bringing communities together on innovative projects that will help
reverse the obesity epidemic and bring health costs down. Congress should not make any
further attempts to reduce, eliminate or divert its funding.
The Prevention Fund is the first federal funding source dedicated to public health and
prevention. This year, the Fund will invest $1 billion in every state to allow communities to
move forward on proven, effective ways to keep Americans healthier and more productive.
Over the course of the next 10 years the Fund will invest a total of $12.5 billion in crosscutting prevention programs that have the potential to transform our public health system.
The Fund is supporting new programs such as Community Transformation Grants, a National
Tobacco Education Campaign, and new strategies to reduce hospital associated infections. It
is also supporting grants to allow every state to begin to build core, comprehensive capacity to
address common risk factors and determinants of health.
PPHF Funding By Agency
Approximately $800 million to CDC; $37 million to
HRSA; $88 million to SAMHSA; $50 million Office of
the Secretary; smaller amounts to AOA and AHRQ
69% of funding to states in 2010-11
Of the state dollars in 2010-11, $429 million to
infrastructure and workforce; $222 million to community
prevention; $156 million to clinical prevention; and $52
million to research and tracking
Selected CDC PPHF FY 2012 Investments
Investment Area
Community Transformation Grants
Tobacco Prevention
Worksite Wellness
Public Health Infrastructure
Environmental Laboratories
Healthy Weight Taskforce
$ 5m
Healthcare Surveillance
Public Health Workforce
Healthcare Associated Infections
Early PPHF Successes
CDC supported a national tobacco education campaign, including the airing
of Tips from Former Smokers, the first federally funded national, paid-media
campaign. In a 12 week period, the quitline received more than 365,000
calls, and there were 630,000 unique visitors to the website, up 428 % from
the previous year.
The New Mexico Department of Health is increasing access to physical
activity opportunities for over 50,000 children by creating active outdoor
school spaces for public use during non-school hours
The University of Rochester Medical Center has implemented a program to
provide intensive clinical and community prevention services, including the
Diabetes Prevention Program, to more than 700,000 people.
HRSA supported 24 Mental and Behavioral Health Training Grants to
institutions of higher learning to increase social workers and psychologists
prepared to serve high-need populations.
Prevention Fund:
Broad support from multiple sectors
Over 780 local, state and national organizations including hundreds of
traditional public health groups, but also:
Faith-based groups – National Council of Jewish Women, United Church
of Christ, Ascension Health, Justice and Witness Ministries, Adventist
HealthCare, Inc.
Medical providers – American Academy of Pediatrics, American College
of Cardiology, American Nurses Association
National advocacy groups – AARP, USPIRG, Families USA
Business groups – National Business Coalition on Health, Small Business
Majority, Pacific Business Group on Health
Policymakers – US Conference of Mayors, National Association of
Community Transformation grants –
True community-based prevention
Requires detailed plan for policy, environmental, programmatic
and infrastructure changes to promote healthy living and
reduce disparities
Create healthier school environments, including healthy food options,
physical activity opportunities, promotion of healthy lifestyles
Develop and promote programs targeting increased access to nutrition,
physical activity, smoking cessation and safety
Highlight healthy options at restaurants and food venues
NOT limited to chronic diseases or one disease at a time
Leadership teams for capacity building and represent over 900
organizations over the 60 grants in FY2011. This includes
24% public health, 19% healthcare; 14% education; 14%
agriculture/food services; plus faith-based, parks and rec.
housing and business groups.
CTGs in practice – Community Engagement
Awarded competitively, based on proposals
Available to state and local health departments, nonprofits, national
networks of community-based organizations and tribal organizations
At least 20% of funding to go to community prevention programs in
rural and frontier areas
Applicants must define concrete, achievable targets for meeting
prevention goals, and specific objectives to reduce health disparities
Applicants must demonstrate the ability to coordinate with multiple
community sectors – i.e. transportation, faith-based, businesses,
education, etc. to achieve broad-based participation in community
prevention activities.
CTG Funding
Funding allocated for Fiscal Year 2011/2012:
 Total of $145 million, including $103 million awarded to 61
states and communities, serving 120 million Americans
26 capacity-building grants ($147,000 - $500,000)
35 for implementation of evidence and practice-based
programs ($500,000 - $10 million)
 $4.2 million to national networks, APHA, Asian Pacific
Partners for Empowerment, Community Anti-Drug Coalition,
National Farm to School Network, ALA, REACH Coalition,
and YMCA.
 $70 million to 40 communities under 500,000 population.
CTG Goals
CTG National Goals
 Five year, measurable performance goals:
Reduce death and disability due to tobacco use by
Reduce the rate of obesity through nutrition and
physical activity interventions by 5%;
Reduce death/disability due to heart disease and
stroke by 5%.
Examples of CTG Grants
Full implementation
Capacity Building
Alaska: Southeast Alaska Regional
Health Consortium
Florida: Broward Regional Health
Planning Council
Illinois Department of Public Health
Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene
Massachusetts Department of Public
Health (to serve state minus large
counties) & Massachusetts
Department of Public Health (to serve •
Middlesex County)
New York: The Fund for Public Health
in New York & University of
Rochester Medical Center
Alaska: Yukon-Kuskokwim Health
Michigan: Spectrum Health Hospitals
Mississippi: My Brother's Keeper Inc.
New Mexico: Bernalillo County Office
of Environmental Health
Ohio: Austen BioInnovation Institute
and Public Health-Dayton and
Montgomery County
Virginia: Fairfax County Department
of Neighborhood and Community
Washington: Confederated Tribes of
The Chehalis Reservation & Sophie
Trettevick Indian Health Center
CTG Small Community Awards - 2012
Cherokee Nation (Oklahoma)
Community Health Councils (California)
County of Sonoma (California)
St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake (California)
County of Santa Clara (California)
Nemours Hospital for Children (Delaware)
DC Department of Health
Miami-Dade County School Board (Florida)
Tanner Medical Center (Georgia)
Chicago Public Schools (Illinois)
Quality Quest for Health of Illinois
Welborn Baptist Foundation (Indiana)
YMCA of Wichita (Kansas)
Microclinic International (Kentucky)
Linking the Parish (Louisiana)
Maine General Medical Center (Maine)
Maine Development Foundation
Maine Health
Healthy Acadia (Maine)
Institute for Public Health Innovation (MD)
Prince Georges County (Maryland)
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (MA)
YMCA Southcoast (Massachusetts)
Central Michigan District Health Department
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation (MN)
Ozarks Regional YMCA (Missouri)
Clark County School District (Nevada)
Health Research Inc. /NYS Dept. of Health
The Lima Family YMCA (Ohio)
Indian National Council of Governments (OK)
Little Dixie Community Action (Oklahoma)
Northeast Oregon Network (Oregon)
City of Beaverton (Beaverton)
YMCA of Greenville (South Carolina)
Project Vida (Texas)
Seattle Children’s Hospital (Washington)
Inland Northwest Health Services (WA)
West Virginia University Research Corporation
CTGs in Practice
Maryland CTG
Overview: The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
is receiving $1,945,289 to serve the entire state of Maryland minus
large counties, an estimated population of 1,900,000 including a rural
population of over 300,000. Work will focus on expanding efforts in
tobacco-free living, active living and healthy eating, and quality
clinical and other preventive services.
Key Sectors Engaged – Business, community-based orgs, education,
faith-based, an public health:
Subgrants awarded to multiple groups, including faith-based
organizations including;
Union Bethel African Methodist Church
Bethel AME Church
St. James AME Zion Church
CTGs in Practice
Fairfax County, VA CTG
Overview: The Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and
Community Services in Virginia is receiving a $499,559 planning
award to build capacity to support healthy lifestyles in large county
of Fairfax, an estimated population of over 1,000,000. Work will
target tobacco-free living, active living and healthy eating, quality
clinical and other preventive services, social and emotional
wellness, and healthy and safe physical environments.
Key Sectors Engaged – Leadership Team includes business,
education, foundations, parks and recreation, planning and
transportation and faith-based organizations including;
GRACE ministries of United Methodist Church
What’s Ahead:
Challenges to the Prevention Fund
PPHF: Why defend it?
Mandatory nature – only source of assured new funding in
tight fiscal times
Source of $ for transformative change, like CTGs
What’s the objection?
It’s part of the ACA
Mandatory = contributes to deficit
Being used to backfill cuts in discretionary funding
Claim that Congress has no control over how spent
What Can We Do?
Take at least one action;
 Join the supporters list for the PPHF &/or recruit other
Schedule in-district meetings with Members of Congress
Send a letter
Blog or write an op-ed/Letter-to-the-Editor
Report back!
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Or for
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Can also contact to sign up for
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Thank you!