Lab 5f: Interface Practices The is an example of an interface.,, are examples of classes that use that interface. is a runner class that creates instances of animals and performs their actions. 1) Create an Interface - For this lab, using Animal5f as an example, create your own interface. The interface can be anything you choose. Think of the name of a group of items. Examples could be TShirt or IceCreamPint or Car. The interface must: a) Define 2 Methods – The interface must declare a contract of 2 things that classes of this type might do. Be creative. Examples could be getSize() or getPrice(), or driveSomewhere(). Etc… b) Declare 3 static constants – They can be Strings, ints, doubles or another type, but they can be similar. For example T-Shirt sizes (“Small”, “Medium” , ”Large”) or prices for ice cream pints (Homemade = 2.99, UDF brand = 2.59, Generic=2.00 ) etc… 2) Create classes - Once you’ve done that, create 2 or 3 classes that implement your interface. They need to implement the methods you declared above. Use,, as examples. If you’re really creative, you could use the static constants you declared earlier. 3) Create a runner – Even though you’ve not been introduced to Lists, use as an example to create instances of both classes. Run through each of the classes and call the methods you defined. Page 1 of 1 Interfaces