BTEC 082—SPELLING SKILLS 2 Credits SYLLABUS Instructor: _____________________ Telephone: ______________________ Office Hours: ___________________ Office Location: __________________ E-Mail Address: _________________ Class Time: ______________________ Class Location: __________________ Course Description and Content Designed to build basic proofreading skills through the development of spelling and vocabulary. Materials Used Text: Business Spelling and Word Power Custom. McCauley McGraw Hill. 2002. College-Wide Abilities Clark College has identified six campus-wide abilities that form the foundation of our education emphasis: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Information Technology Communication Global/Multicultural Perspectives Life-Long Learning Effective Citizenship This class will promote the communication, life-long learning, and critical thinking/problem solving abilities. BTEC Faculty Philosophy We believe our role is that of a facilitator of your learning. Your role as the learner is to actively participate in your learning experience both in and out of the classroom. We will encourage you to become proficient in your field of study, update technical skills, and improve personal growth necessary for the changing needs of the workplace and society. We firmly promote a safe, positive, and respectful classroom environment. Late Assignment Policy / Variable Credits This class is a variable credit course. In this system, there is no penalty for late work. However, students who do not complete their assignments and required tests will not receive credit for the course. Our flexible learning system permits students to earn partial credit if they are unable to complete all assignments in the course. If you finish the first credit but not the second: one credit-hour will be awarded with a grade of “S”. The student will be allowed to reregister for the course the following quarter to complete the class, and then a letter grade will be assigned upon satisfactory completion of the requirements as listed on the assignment sheet for both credits. If the student previously received an “S”, that will change to the overall grade for the course. Note: Students who reregister pay tuition and the fee for each remaining credit to complete the course. If work completed does NOT meet the requirements for any credit, a “Y” grade will be awarded. BTEC 082–Spelling Skills Syllabus 2 Student Learning Objectives Develop confidence in your use of basic English words and learn how to spell them correctly. (Life-long learning ability) Examine spelling rules in English and put them into practice. (Life-long learning ability) Accept that good spelling is essential to clear communication. (Communication, life-long learning abilities) Relate what you learn in class to what you will encounter on the job by placing spelling words in the context of business sentences correctly. (Critical thinking, communication, life-long learning abilities) Utilize all sections of a dictionary to discover syllabication, pronunciation, definitions, spelling, abbreviations, and other facts. (Information technology, life-long learning abilities) Recognize the rules of phonics by choosing the correct spelling of words. (Life-long learning ability) Competencies/Expected Outcomes Write business sentences using spelling words correctly. Choose the correct spelling of words that end in silent “e.” Choose the correct prefixes and suffixes for words. Select the correct homonyms in sentences. Form the correct endings in nouns which are to be in the plural form. Recognize silent letters in words. Select the correct spelling of the word when determining whether to double the final consonant in words. Recognize when to use “i” before “e” in words or use the exceptions. Student Responsibilities Attend each class during the time for which you are registered. Complete the assigned chapters before coming to class. Complete assignments on schedule. Complete all tests as required. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is required at all times. Anyone caught cheating will receive an automatic fail for the particular test/assignment. Plagiarism, which is also a form of cheating, is representing another individual’s work as your own. Withdrawals—No withdrawals are allowed after the end of the 7th week of classes. BTEC 082–Spelling Skills Syllabus 3 Attendance and Grading Procedure Grades will be given for each spelling test and will be recorded on both the instructor’s and the student’s progress records sheet. Final grades will be an average of all chapter work, spelling tests, and the final examination. The grading scale for chapter tests and homonym tests is as follows: If more than six errors are made on these tests, the student will be asked to review before retesting. A grade of “C” is the highest score that can be achieved on a test retake. -0 to -2 = -3 to -4 = -5 to -6 = A B C The grading scale percentage for the final examination and course is as follows: 93-100% 90-92% 87-89% 83-86% 80-82% 77-79% =A = A= B+ =B = B= C+ 73-76% 70-72% 67-69% 63-66% 60-62% 0-59% =C = C= D+ =D = D=F 10 Week Time line – twice a week: Week 1 Week 2 1st Intro Chapter 4-5 Credit Chapters 1-3 Test 1 & 2 Week 6 Week 7 2nd Chapters 11 & 12 Chapters 13-15 Credit Test 6 10 Week Time line – once a week: Week 1 Week 2 1st Intro Chapters 2-4 Credit Chapter 1 Test 1 Week 6 Week 7 2nd Chapters 11 & 12 Chapters 13-15 Credit Test 6 20% Grade: Chapter Work & Word List 60% Grade: Tests 20% Grade: Final Week 3 Chapters 6-8 Week 4 Test 3 & 4 Chapters 9-10 Week 8 Week 9 Chapters 16 & 17 Chapters 18-20 Test 7 & 8 Week 5 Test 5 Word List Week 10 Tests 9 & 10 Chapter 24 Week 3 Week 4 Test 2 Test 3 & 4 Chapters 5-8 Chapters 9-10 Week 8 Week 9 Chapters 16 & 17 Chapters 18-20 Test 7 & 8 Week 5 Test 5 Word List Week 10 Tests 9 & 10 Chapter 24