Grading and Reporting CHRISTINA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2011-2012 Standards Based Approach to Grading The elementary progress report is a standards-based report card. This means students will be evaluated on progress towards meeting the Christina School District established grade level benchmarks and National Common Core State Standards. Standards based reporting is a holistic approach to determine a student’s level of performance as it relates to the standards. Collecting Evidence for Standards Based Grading Evidence is collected throughout the trimester, as outlined within this document, and correlated with the report card categories (for example: Writing – Development, Organization, etc.…). Individual student performance trends with a focus on end of trimester performance are analyzed and reviewed to determine the proficiency level for each category. Standards based reporting DOES NOT use averages or single point in time grades. Teachers must triangulate multiple data sources (i.e. unit tests, weekly tests, teacher made assessment) in order to determine the student’s end of trimester level of proficiency using multiple measures (i.e. rubric grades, percentage grades). Buddy REPOR T CARD GRADE 3 3 4 4 3 Word Conventions Choice/ Style Summary Persuasive Essay Descriptive Paragraph Friendly Letter Personal Narrative Compare/Contrast Summary Persuasive Essay Descriptive Paragraph Friendly Letter Personal Narrative Compare/Contrast Sentence Fluency Summary Persuasive Essay Student Name Descriptive Paragraph Friendly Letter Personal Narrative Compare/Contrast DevelopmentOrganization Summary Persuasive Essay Descriptive Paragraph Friendly Letter Personal Narrative Compare/Contrast Summary Persuasive Essay Descriptive Paragraph Friendly Letter Personal Narrative Compare/Contrast Summary Persuasive Essay Descriptive Paragraph Friendly Letter Personal Narrative Compare/Contrast Example 1 – Part of 3rd Grade Writing Grade Book Writing Holistic 222333223323334424344424334423233323 MP Buddy REPORT CARD GRADE 70% 60% 3 NP 11/15 Weekly Test 8 55% 70% 11/10Projectables 12.6 11/8 SG Leveled Reader Activity Graphic Organizer 10/6 – Unit 1 Test 10/4 - Leveled practice G & G) p. 21 9/28 – Weekly Test 3 9/10 – Leveled practice G & G) p. 21 Example 2 – Part of 1st Grade Reading Grade Book Demonstrates Comprehension of Grade Level Texts 3 70% Buddy REPORT CARD GRADE 2 2 3 MP 83 3 3 % 2 2 2 MP 3 89 76 82 79 87 93 3 % % % % % % MP Chapter 1 Test free response 2C/2D Skills Practice page Check What you Know Mid-Chapter Test Communicates Quiz Extended Response #9 3 H.O.T. problems p. 30 Writing in math p. 55 Studen t Name Chapter 1 Project Problem Solving Writing in math p. 41 Extended response p. 57 H.O.T. problem p. 23 Skills Practice 1-8 Writing and math p. 55 Chapter 1 Project Prob. Solving in Science p. 41 Writing in math p. 38 Example 3 – Part of 5th Grade Math Grade Book Math Content Knowledge Kindergarten---ELA Retells a story orally has been deleted Kindergarten---Math Kindergarten Science and SS Same areas…just some wording changes in order to fit the layout of the design better. Other Kindergarten Changes 4 point scale has been changed to 3 point scale In the Additional Information section a drop down box has been added for teachers to check if a student is “Exceeding Kindergarten Grade Level Expectations” The grading and reporting handbook provides information regarding determining “exceeding expectations.” Kindergarten Exceeding Expectations Kindergarten Exceeding Expectations In order for a student to “exceed expectations,” a student must: Score 3’s in all areas of the K Assessment for that marking period Be instructed using above level materials such as: Above Level Leveled Readers (Journeys) Above Level Practice Pages (Journeys) Above Level Pages (Connects) Enrich activities (Connects) Students must be completing these activities successfully and independently. If a percentage can be applied to these activities, students need to score 96100% to be considered successful. If students are meeting these criteria, check the box “Exceeding kindergarten grade level expectations” on the K report card. Grades 1-3 ELA Input grade here oral comprehension replaced with… Grade one open for beginning of year Grades 1-3 Math Same areas…just some wording changes in order to fit the layout of the design better. Grades 1-3 Science and SS Same areas…just some wording changes in order to fit the layout of the design better. Grades 4-5 ELA NO CHANGES! Grades 4-5 Math Same areas…just some wording changes in order to fit the layout of the design better. Grades 4-5 Science and SS Same areas…just some wording changes in order to fit the layout of the design better. Notes to share with your staff Inputting student grades on the teacher end hasn’t changed Only the print version of the report card looks different There have only been a few minor changes to the content of the report cards that shouldn’t cause a disruption in the ways that teachers assess students Matching interims are available Grading Handbook for Elementary Teachers This document is intended to help align reporting and grading practices across the Christina School District. Assessment options for teachers are provided along with a grading scale to ensure consistent and fair grading practices. esources/report_cards.htm Questions… Contact your content chair for a particular content area Contact Curriculum Specialists ELA Kathy Kelly Math Sandy Genett Science Janice Trainer Social Studies Melissa Brady Contact the Office of Curriculum and Instruction