TENDER DOCUMENTATION Pursuant to Section 44 of Act No. 137/2006 Coll. on Public Contracts For processing a bid to an below-the-threshold public contract for supplies submitted in an open procedure called: FIZEAU INTERFEROMETER BASED SURFACE ANALYZER Project Name: ELI: “EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE” Reg. No. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0061, Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation, Priority Axis I European Centers of Excellence, Area of Intervention 1.1. European Centers of Excellence Contracting Authority: -1- TENDER DOCUMENTATION For processing a bid to an below-the-threshold public contract for supplies under Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Contracts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") Public Contract name: Fizeau interferometer based surface analyzer Contracting Authority: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, public research institution (hereafter referred to as the “Client”) Registered office: Company identification No. Tax identification No. Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8 68378271 CZ68378271 Person authorised to act on behalf of the Contracting Authority: doc. Jan Řídký, DrSc., Director Pursuant to Section 151 of the Act, the Contracting Authority shall be represented in exercising its rights and obligations in with the tender process by OTIDEA a.s., Company identification No. 27142442, registered office at Václavské náměstí 11, 110 00 Prague 1. Contact person: Phone: Fax: Email: 1 1.1 Mgr. Kateřina Koláčková 240 200 127 220 951 321 zakazky@otidea.cz SPECIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER OF PUBLIC CONTRACT Description of Subject Matter of Public Contract The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, public research institution (IoP) – whose main activity is to conduct research and development in the physical sciences field – is the recipient of a grant for the project "ELI: Extreme Light Infrastructure" which is implemented under the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations (hereinafter the "Project"). The Project is to build a laser research center and its laser technologies infrastructures. The objectives of the Project and the binding technical descriptions of the Project are further defined, and are annexed to the grant decision. The subject of the public tender is the purchase of an optical metrology tool to perform roughness evaluations and optical qualities evaluations of optical elements. The subject matter of the public contract awarding procedure consists mainly of the selection of a contractor who will provide the following tasks based on the executed purchase contract: 1. manufacturing and producing of the Fizeau interferometer, its software, and the reference and transmission flats, 2. delivery and installation of the system, 3. users training at the Client´s site. Annexes No 5 Technical Specifications and No 6 Binding Text of the Contract hereto specify in detail further requirements formulated by the Client. The applicant shall be obliged to prepare the bid in accordance with all requirements of the Client and in accordance with this tender documentation and all its annexes. -2- 1.2 Public Contract implementation term Expected initiation: February 2014 Expected supply term: February 2014 – August 2014 1.3 Public Contract implementation place The registered office of the Client and other places necessary for contract implementation are deemed the Contract implementation place. 1.4 Expected value of the Public Contract Expected value: 175.000,- EUR excluding VAT The expected value of the contract is the maximum value, which cannot be exceeded. Should the applicant´s bid price exceed the referred-to maximum value, then the bid shall be excluded for the reason of failing to meet the tender conditions. The subject matter shall be funded from the Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as "RDIOP") of the Priority Axis 1 (PO1). 2 BID PROCESSING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Bids shall be submitted in writing and in a properly sealed envelope marked - on itsclosing - with the company identification / name and a stamp or signature of the statutory body of the applicant or a person authorised to represent the applicant. The envelope must be labelled "Do Not Open" and include a name of the Public Contract "Fizeau interferometer based surface analyzer". The envelope must further include an address to which notices pursuant to Section 71 paragraph 6 of the Act shall be sent. 2.2 Bids shall be submitted not later than 31. 1. 2014, 11:00 AM at the following address: OTIDEA a.s., Budova DAREX, Václavské náměstí 11, Prague 1 (7th floor). Bids may be delivered in any appropriate manner (by post, courier service, in person, etc.) at the address above on working days from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM; by 11:00 AM only on the final day of the term. Any other delivery shall not be deemed proper submission of a bid. 2.3 The bid must include identification details of the applicant, in particular the following: commercial name of the company, registered office, ID No., person authorised to act on behalf of the applicant or a person authorised to represent the applicant, contact address for correspondence between the applicant and the Client. 2.4 The bid must be written in Czech or English and contain a draft contract signed by the person authorised to act on behalf of or in the capacity of the applicant. 2.5 All bid sheets shall be numbered in an ascending continuous series and put firmly together or stitched so that they are adequately secured against falling out of the bid. The bids shall be properly readable with no cancellation and overwriting. 2.6 The applicant shall be bound to the entire contents of the bid until 1. 5. 2014. 2.7 The applicant shall submit the bid in an original copy. In addition to this original copy, the Client also requires submitting a copy of the applicant's bid. 2.8 The applicant shall also submit the bid in an electronic form on a CD, either in an MS Office or a compatible or .pdf format. -3- 2.9 If the bid is submitted jointly by more applicants (joint bid), the applicant shall specify a person in the bid who shall be empowered to represent these applicants for communicating with the Client during the tender process. 2.10 The bid must be submitted in the following structure: a) Bid cover note The cover note shall include the following details: Public Contract name, basic identification details of the Client and applicant (including persons empowered to be involved in further proceedings), maximum permissible bid price structured according to the tender documentation, date and signature of the person authorised to act on behalf of the applicant. The applicant shall use Annex No. 1 hereto. Table of contents b) It must include all sections of the bid mentioned herein, structured as required, to which numbers of appropriate sheets or pages shall be assigned. c) General information on the applicant Name of the applicant, legal form, registered office, Company identification No., Tax identification No., bank, names of company statutory body members incl. contact details (phone, fax, e-mail, address), person authorised to be involved in further proceedings including written authorisation to represent and company profile. d) Documents demonstrating qualification meeting structured as mentioned in Article 3 of the Tender Documentation including an affidavit pursuant to Art. 3.3.2 hereof. 2.11 3 e) Bid price as required under Article 5 of this tender documentation. f) Binding draft contract signed by a person authorised to act on behalf of or in the capacity of the applicant where the applicant shall be obliged to use the draft contract wording included in Annex No. 6 hereto and to complete only those parts, which are explicitly specified by the Client. g) Detailed technical specification of the proposed subject matter (device) so that the Client is able to check full compliance of the proposed device with the requirements stipulated herein including information on the producer (manufacturer) and eventually a catalogue nomenclature or a similar specification in case that the given product (device) is available to the public via catalogues or similar means. The applicant shall be authorised to require in writing additional information on these tender conditions in form of a written application addressed to the contact person. The Client shall provide answers to properly asked questions in writing pursuant to Section 49 paragraph 2 and 3 of the Act. QUALIFICATION OF SUPPLIERS 3.1 Qualification pursuant to section 50 and subsequent of the Act shall be met by a supplier that demonstrates meeting of the following: basic qualification criteria pursuant to Section 53 of the Act - (Bidders may use an affidavit attached hereto as Annex No. 2) professional qualification criteria pursuant to Section 54 of the Act -4- technical qualification criteria pursuant to Section 56 of the Act economic and financial ability to fulfil the contract - (Bidders may use an affidavit attached hereto as Annex No. 4) 3.2 Qualification meeting demonstration time The applicant shall be obliged to demonstrate that he meets the qualification in the bid submission term specified in paragraph 2.2 of the tender documentation. 3.3 Basic qualification criteria 3.3.1 Basic qualification criteria shall be met by a supplier: a) who has not been convicted of a crime committed for the benefit of an organized criminal group, the crime of participating in an organized criminal group, money laundering, complicity, graft, bribery, indirect bribery, fraud, credit fraud, including the preparation of, attempt at, or participation in such a crime, or whose conviction of such a crime has been deleted from the criminal record. If the bidder is a legal entity, this requirement must be met by the legal entity as well as by its governing body or by every member of its governing body and, if the bidder’s governing body or a member of the bidder’s governing body is a legal entity, this requirement must be met by the legal entity as well as by its governing body or by every member of its governing body. If the request to participate is submitted by a foreign legal entity through its organizational unit, this requirement must be met, in addition to the above persons and entities, also by the head of the organizational unit. Such foreign bidder must meet this basic qualification requirement both in relation to the Czech Republic and in relation to the country of the bidder’s registered office, place of business or residence; b) who has not been convicted of a crime the elements of which are related to the bidder’s line of business as defined in special legislation, or whose conviction of such a crime has been deleted from the criminal record. If the bidder is a legal entity, this requirement must be met by the legal entity as well as by its governing body or by every member of its governing body and, if the bidder’s governing body or a member of the bidder’s governing body is a legal entity, this requirement must be met by the legal entity as well as by its governing body or by every member of its governing body. If the request to participate is submitted by a foreign legal entity through its organizational unit, this requirement must be met, in addition to the above persons and entities, also by the head of the organizational unit. Such foreign bidder must meet this basic qualification requirement both in relation to the Czech Republic and in relation to the country of the bidder’s registered office, place of business or residence; c) who has not engaged in conduct constituting unfair competition through bribery in terms of special legislation (Section 49 of the Commercial Code) in the past three years; d) whose assets are not or were not, in the past three years, the subject of insolvency proceedings in which a bankruptcy order was issued or in which an insolvency petition was rejected because of insufficiency of assets to cover the costs of insolvency proceedings or in which the bankruptcy was cancelled because of deficiency of assets or in which receivership was instituted according to special legislation; e) who is not in liquidation; f) who has no tax debts registered in the Czech Republic and in the country of the bidder’s registered office, place of business or residence; -5- g) who is not in arrears with public health insurance contributions and with any penalties for non-payment of such contributions, both in the Czech Republic and in the country of the bidder’s registered office, place of business or residence; h) who is not in arrears with social security contributions and with any penalties for non-payment of such contributions or with contributions payable under the national employment policy both in the Czech Republic and in the country of the bidder’s registered office, place of business or residence; i) has not been found guilty for grave professional misconduct in the preceding 3 years or has not been imposed a disciplinary punishment under separate legal regulations, where demonstration of professional qualifications under separate legal regulations is required pursuant to § 54(d); when the bidder pursues such an activity through a person in authority or any other person liable for the activity of an bidder, this prerequisite shall be applicable to those persons; j) who is not listed in the register of persons and entities banned from public contracts or in the register of persons and entities banned from contracts; k) who has not been fined for facilitating illegal work in terms of special legislation in the past three years; Bidders demonstrate meeting of the basic qualification criteria by submitting an Affidavit; bidders may use wording provided in Annex 2 hereto. 3.3.2 Moreover the applicant shall demonstrate fulfilment of an obligatory statutory requirement by submitting the following: a) List of statutory bodies or members of statutory bodies of the applicant that have worked with the Client in the past three years in form of a statutory declaration. b) Current list of shareholders with equity share exceeding 10 %, if being a joint-stock company. c) Declaration of the bidder (affidavit) to the effect that he has not and will not conclude a prohibited agreement within the meaning of Act No. 143/2001 Coll., on the protection of economic competition, as amended, in connection with this Public Contract. Bidders demonstrate meeting of the obligatory requirement by submitting an Affidavit; bidders may use wording provided in Annex 3 hereto. 3.4 Professional qualification criteria Professional qualification criteria shall be met by a supplier: a) that shall submit a Certificate of Incorporation if registered therein or an extract from any other similar records if registered therein, not older than 90 days as of the qualification demonstration, i.e. bid submission deadline date, b) business authorisation document under special legal regulations to an extent corresponding to the Subject Matter of the Public Contract, in particular, a document demonstrating the appropriate trade licence or an extract from the Trade Register. 3.5 Technical qualification criteria Technical qualification criteria shall be met by a supplier submitting the following: a) List of at least 1 important delivery provided by the supplier in the past 3 years, specifying its subject and delivery date; the list must, as an annex, include the following: 1. a letter of reference from a public contracting authority, if the services have been provided to a public contracting authority, or -6- 2. a letter of reference from another entity, if the services have been provided to an entity other than a public contracting authority, or 3. a contract with the entity referred to in item 2 above and a certificate of completion, if the bidder cannot obtain the letter of reference required in item 2 above for reasons on the part of the entity. As an important delivery is considered a delivery consisting in delivery of an interferometer with similar technical specification as demanded within this public contract. The Letter of reference must include (i) name of the reference entity, (ii) specification of the provided delivery, (iii) date of provision. 3.6 The supplier shall submit copies of documents demonstrating qualification meeting. Documents demonstrating that qualification criteria have been met and that are in other than Czech, Slovak or English language must be officially translated into Czech or English. 3.7 The applicant shall be authorised under provisions of Section 127 paragraph 1 of Act No. 137/2006 Coll. on Public Contracts – by submitting an extract from the List of Qualified Suppliers – to fully replace the demonstration of meeting basic qualification criteria pursuant to Section 53 paragraph 1 art. a) through j) and professional qualification criteria pursuant to Section 54 of the Act to such extent to which the documents demonstrating meeting these professional qualification criteria cover the Client's requirements for their demonstration. The extract from the List of Qualified Suppliers must not be older than 3 months pursuant to Section 127 paragraph 4 of the Act. 3.9 If the qualification is demonstrated through a subcontractor, the supplier shall be obliged to provide the Client with the following documents: A document by which the subcontractor shall demonstrate meeting of the basic qualification criteria pursuant to Section 53 paragraph 1 subparagraph j), i.e. statutory declaration stating that the subcontractor is not included in the register of persons not allowed to be involved in public contracts, A document by which the subcontractor shall demonstrate meeting of the professional qualification criteria pursuant to Section 54 subparagraph a), i.e. Certificate of Incorporation not older than 90 days from the bid submission deadline date, A contract concluded with the subcontractor demonstrating the subcontractor's obligation to provide specific performance intended for performance of the Public Contract by the supplier or provision of items or rights with which the supplier shall be authorised to dispose in performing the Public Contract, to a minimum extent to which the subcontractor has demonstrated qualification meeting. However, the supplier shall not be authorised to demonstrate qualification meeting pursuant to Section 53 and Section 54 subparagraph a) through the subcontractor. 3.10 Should the subject matter of the public contract be performed jointly by a number of suppliers and they submit a joint bid for this purpose, each of the suppliers shall be obliged to demonstrate meeting of the basic qualification criteria pursuant to Section 53 of the Act and professional qualification criteria pursuant to Section 54 subparagraph a) to the full extent. The suppliers shall also be obliged to submit a contract including an obligation that all of these suppliers shall be bound jointly and severally towards the Client and third parties arisen from any legal relationship in -7- connection with this Public Contract, which shall apply throughout the Public Contract performance. 3.11 Qualification demonstration of foreign persons Unless otherwise provided by a special legal regulation, a foreign supplier shall demonstrate qualification meeting in a manner specified by the law applicable in the country of its registered office, place of business or residence, which shall apply to the extent required by such law and the Client. If a particular document is not issued under the law applicable in the country of the registered office, place of business or residence of the foreign supplier, the foreign supplier shall be obliged to demonstrate meeting of such part of the qualification in form of a statutory declaration (affidavit). If an obligation the meeting of which is to be demonstrated within the qualification is not defined in the country of the registered office, place of business or residence of the foreign supplier, the foreign supplier shall provide a statutory declaration in respect of such fact. Documents demonstrating qualification meeting shall be submitted by the foreign supplier in the original language, accompanied by their official translation into Czech or English, unless otherwise provided by the Client in these Tender Conditions or an international contract by which the Czech Republic is bound; this shall also apply should qualification meeting be demonstrated by documents in other than Czech language by a supplier with a registered office, place of business or residence in the territory of the Czech Republic. The Client allows for this Public Contract that the applicant may also submit qualification meeting documents in English,; that means that the applicant does not need to submit official translation into Czech for qualification meeting documents submitted in English. 3.12 4 4.1 5 Consequence of failing to meet the qualification A supplier failing to meet the qualification criteria to the required extent or failing to perform the obligation laid down in Section 58 of the Act shall be excluded by the Client from the tender process. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS The subject matter of the public contract must meet all requirements specified herein and in all its annexes . BID PRICE PROCESSING MANNER 5.1 The applicant shall be obliged to give the total bid price as a price net of VAT in EUR. 5.2 The bid price shall be a fixed and binding maximum permissible price including all fees and any other costs connected with performing the Public Contract. The bid price must also include any costs not explicitly specified but about which the contractor knew or should and could have known considering its professional knowledge, exercising all professional care. 6 6.1 PAYMENT CONDITIONS The price for the Public Contract performance shall be paid by the Client in EUR based on tax documents – invoices. The invoicing address shall be the Client's address – Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8. The maturity of tax documents (invoices) shall be 21 days. -8- 6.2 7 Invoicing for performing the public contract is specified in the draft contract that is an integral part hereof in form of Annex No. 6 and the contractor shall not be authorised to depart from the specified invoicing. EVALUATION CRITERIA 7.1 Bids shall be evaluated pursuant to Section 78 paragraph 1 b) of the Act based on the total bid cost. 7.2 The applicant shall not be authorised to make the bid subject to any conditions. Any conditions or provision of several different values in the bid in parts that are subject to the evaluation shall constitute a reason to disqualify the bid and exclude the applicant from the tender process. 8 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 8.1 The applicant shall be obliged to specify in its bid parts of the Public Contract it intends to assign to one or more subcontractors and provide identification details of all these subcontractors. 8.2 The Client shall reserve the right to verify the information provided by the applicant with third parties and the applicant shall be obliged to provide the Contracting Authority with assistance in this regard. 8.3 The Client shall not allow alternative bids. 9 BUSINESS CONDITIONS 9.1 The applicant shall be obliged, without any reservations, to accept the binding draft contract in form of Annex No. 6 hereof. Applicant shall only fill in that parts of the binding draft contract that are highlighted in colour. 9.2 The draft contract must be signed by the applicant by a responsible person or a person empowered or authorised thereto. In such a case, the original copy or a certified copy of the authority or authorisation (power of attorney) must be included in the bid. Otherwise the bid will be excluded from the tendering procedure. 10 OPENING ENVELOPES WITH BIDS 10.1 Envelopes shall be opened on 31. 1. 2014 at 11 AM at the seat of OTIDEA a.s at Budova DAREX, Václavské náměstí 11, Prague 1 (7th floor). 10.2 Representatives of all applicants who have submitted their bids in the bid submission term (not more than two persons per one applicant) shall be authorised to take part in the envelopes opening (however, not the subsequent reviewing and evaluation of the bids). For envelopes opening, representatives of the applicants shall identify themselves by a Power of Attorney issued by the person authorised to act on behalf of the applicant. -9- LIST OF ANNEXES: 1. Bid Cover Note (to be completed, signed and returned with the bid) 2. Affidavit – Basic Qualification (to be completed, signed and returned with the bid) 3. Affidavit pursuant to Sec 68 (3) of the Act (to be completed, signed and returned with the bid) 4. Affidavit affirming economic & financial capacity (to be completed, signed and returned with the bid) 5. Technical specifications 6. Binding text of the contract (to be completed, signed and returned with the bid) On behalf of the Contracting Authority: On 27.12.2013 ……………..……………………………. doc. Jan Řídký, DrSc., Director - 10 - Annex No. 1 Bid Cover Note BASIC DATA: Public Tender Title: FIZEAU INTERFEROMETER BASED SURFACE ANALYZER Order party: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, public research institution Registered office: Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8 Id. No.: CZ68378271 Person authorized to represent the order party: doc. Jan Řídký, DrSc., the director Tenderer: …………………………………………………………… Registered office: …………………………………………………………… Id. No.: …………………………………………………………… Tax Id. No.: …………………………………………………………… Person authorized to represent the tenderer …………………………………………………………… Bank: …………………………………………………………… Contact person: …………………………………………………………… Contact address: …………………………………………………………… Tel: ……………………. E-mail: …………………………………. Price bid: Total price in EUR excluding VAT: …………………………….. ...........…………………………… Business name - signature of the authorized person (to be completed by the applicant) - 11 - Annex No. 2 Affidavit – Basic Qualification pursuant to Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on public contract (hereinafter the “Act”) _____________________________________________________________ I hereby confirm that: With reference to Sec 53(1(a) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1(b) of the Act Bidder has not been sentenced for a criminal offence committed on behalf of an organized crime group, a criminal offence involving participation in an organized crime group, for criminal offences of money laundering, complicity, acceptance of bribes, bribery, indirect bribery, fraud or loan fraud, including cases involving preparation or an attempt or participation in any such criminal offence or if a sentence for the perpetration of any such offence has been expunged; if this involves a legal entity, this requirement must be met by both, by the legal entity itself and by the statutory body or each member of the statutory body and, if the supplier's statutory body or any member of its statutory body is a legal entity, this requirement must be met by both, the legal entity and the statutory body or each member of the statutory body of the given legal entity; if a bid or the Request for participation is submitted by a foreign legal entity through its organizational unit, the requirement according to this letter must not only be met by the aforementioned individuals, but also by the executive of the organizational unit in question; the supplier must meet this basic qualification criteria both in relation to the territory of the Czech Republic as well as to the country of its registered office, place of business or a place of residence; Bidder has not been finally sentenced for a criminal offence associated with the subject of the supplier's business activities according to the special legal regulations or if a sentence for the perpetration of any such offence has been expunged; if this involves a legal entity, this condition must be met by both, the legal entity and by the statutory body or each member of the statutory body and, if the supplier's statutory body or any member of its statutory body is a legal entity, this requirement must be met by both, the legal entity and by the statutory body or each member of the statutory body of the given legal entity; if a bid or a request for participation is submitted by a foreign legal entity through its organizational units, the requirements according to this letter must not only be met by the aforementioned individuals, but also by the executive of the organizational unit in question; the supplier must meet this basic qualification criteria both in relation to the territory of the Czech Republic as well as to the country of its registered office, place of business or a place of - 12 - With reference to Sec 53(1(c) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(d) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(e) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(f) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(g) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(h) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(i) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(j) of the Act With reference to Sec 53(1)(k) of the Act residence; Bidder has not, in the last three years, committed acts constituting unfair competitive practice in the form of bribery pursuant to Sec 49 of the Commercial Code, Bidder is not or has not been subject to insolvency proceedings involving its assets, in which the declaration of bankruptcy has been issued or insolvency petition has not been rejected due to lack of assets on the part of the economic operator to cover the costs of insolvency proceedings, or the declaration of bankruptcy has not been set aside because of the economic operator´s insufficient property or in respect of which the receivership has been imposed on under separate legal regulation, Bidder is not being wound up [in liquidation], Bidder has no outstanding tax arrears registered in tax records (excise tax), both in the Czech Republic and in the country of registered office, place of business or residence, Bidder has no outstanding arrears in respect of payments and penalties of public health insurance, both in the Czech Republic and in the country of registered office, place of business or residence of the bidder, Bidder is not included in the records of insurance arrears or penalties for social security contributions and contributions to the state employment policy, both in the Czech Republic and in the country of the supplier's registered office, place of business or a place of residence, Bidder has not been found guilty for grave professional misconduct in the preceding 3 years or has not been imposed a disciplinary punishment under separate legal regulations, where demonstration of professional qualifications under separate legal regulations is required pursuant to § 54(d); when the bidder pursues such an activity through a person in authority or any other person liable for the activity of an bidder, this prerequisite shall be applicable to those persons bidder is not enrolled on the black list of economic operators banned to participate in the performance of public contracts, has not been penalized in the preceding 3 years for allowing illegal employment in accordance with Sec 5(e)(3) of Act No. 435/2004 Coll, on employment, In ….... on................ ……………………………………………………………………. (Business name - person authorized to represent the tenderer - to be completed by the applicant) - 13 - Annex No. 3 Affidavit pursuant to Sec 68 (3) of the Act made pursuant to Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Contracts, as amended (hereinafter the “Act”) Bidder’s business name incl. legal form .......................... Seat / place of business .......................... ID .......................... Authorized representative .......................... 1) Here below, pursuant to Sec 68(3)(a) of the Act, we present the list of those statutory representatives or members of the bidder’s management, who have been in employment, functional, contractual or other relationship with the Contracting Authority within the period of the last 3 years directly prior to the date of bid submission: (Bidders to fill in names, last names and dates of birth of such persons) Name Date of birth OR We hereby solemnly declare that none of the statutory officers or members of management of the bidder had been, in the last three years prior to the date of submission of our bid, in employment, functional, contractual or other relationship with the Contracting Authority. (Delete as appropriate) 2) Here below, pursuant to Sec 68(3)(b) of the Act, we present the list of shareholders whose total nominal value of shares owned exceed 10 % of the registered capital, valid as of the date of submission of the bid: (Bidders who operate as joint-stock companies shall include such list) If the bidder is not a joint-stock company: We hereby solemnly declare that we are not a joint-stock company and therefore we cannot present the list of shareholders. (Delete as appropriate) - 14 - 3) We hereby solemnly declare, pursuant to Sec 68(3)(c) of the Act, that the bidder has not and will not conclude any contract prohibited pursuant to Act No. 143/2001 Coll., on the protection of economic completion, as amended, in connection with the present public contract. In ……………………………… On ……………………… ………………………………………………….. Business name Authorized representative of the bidder – to be filled in by bidder - 15 - Annex No. 4 Affidavit affirming economic & financial capacity Pursuant to Sec 50(1)(c) of Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Contracts, as amended (hereinafter the “Act”) Bidder’s business name incl. legal form .......................... Seat / place of business .......................... ID .......................... Authorized representative .......................... I, the undersigned, in the capacity of the person who is authorized to act on behalf of the bidder and sign in his name, hereby solemnly declare that we, as the bidder, are pursuant to Sec 50(1)(c) of the Act, are economically and finically capable to provide performance as required under this public contract for FIZEAU INTERFEROMETER BASED SURFACE ANALYZER. In ……………………………… On ……………………… ………………………………………………….. Business name Authorized representative of the bidder – to be filled in by bidder - 16 - Annex No. 5 Technical Specifications The subject matter of the public tender is the purchase of: 1 Fizeau interferometer, i.e.: fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Illumination laser wavelength: 633 nm (“nm” stands for “nanometer”). 4 inches clear aperture illumination beam Acquisition time: inferior or equal to 200 microseconds for a 1m long cavity (vibration insensitive measurement). Coherence length: superior to 100 m (“m” stands for “meter”) RMS repeatability (1 sigma for RMS of 10 data sets, each an average of 32 measurements.): inferior or equal to wavelength / 5,000 at 633 nm. (“RMS” stands for “Root Mean Square”; and “sigma” stands for “standard deviation of the RMS values”). RMS precision (Mean standard deviation of 10 different surface maps, each maps being an average of 16 measurements.): inferior or equal to wavelength / 100 Fringe resolution: better than 250 fringes Physical envelope: less than 80 × 50 × 50 cm (L × W × H) (“cm” stands for “centimeter”). Weight: less than 50 kg (“kg” stands for “kilogram”). Power consumption: less than 1 kW – 230 VAC / 50 Hz. (“kW” stands for “Kilowatt”; “VAC” stands for “Volt Alternative Current”; and “Hz” stands for “Hertz”). Temperature range: operational: 15 – 25 °C storage: 0 – 35 °C (“°C” stands for “degree Celsius”.) Analysis software fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Has to provide the Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis curve (see: Mainguy, et al., “Update of Laser Megajoule large optics wavefront performance requirements”, SPIE proc. 2013, DOI:10.1117/12.2004148). Has to provide 2D and 3D surface analysis, peak-to-valley, RMS values, RMS slope, and Zernike’s parameters values. Accessibility to raw data. Standard saving formats are required: .txt, .csv. Export to Zemax compatible format (optional). Transmission flat fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Clear aperture diameter = 4 inches Reflectivity = 4.0 (plus or minus 0.5) % for wavelength = 633, 850 and 1064 nm; assuming the flat is a wedge with the back surface with an anti-reflection coating with reflectivity inferior to 0.5%. Optics quality: RMS values: sigma inferior or equal to wavelength / 100 @ 633 nm. Peak-to-Valley values (P-V): wavelength / 20 (for 1 P-V = 5 sigma) Reference flat - 17 - fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Clear aperture diameter = 4 inches Reflectivity = 4 (plus or minus 0.5) % for wavelength = 633, 850 and 1064 nm Optics quality: RMS values: sigma inferior or equal to wavelength / 100 @ 633 nm Peak-to-Valley values (P-V): wavelength / 20 (for 1 P-V = 5 sigma) Others: Users training at ELI-site Installation on site 1 year warranty Maintenance manual 1 year warranty User’s manual Reference manual - 18 - Annex No. 6 Binding Text of the Contract Purchase Contract entered into pursuant to Section 409 et seq. of Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended (hereinafter the “Commercial Code”) I. THE PARTIES: 1. Buyer: Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, public research institution) with its registered office at Na Slovance 2 PSČ 182 21 Praha 8, represented by: doc. Jan Řídký, DrSc. - Director Registered in the register of public research institutions of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic Bank: Československá obchodní banka, a.s., Account number: 372 707 963/0300 Id. No.: 68378271 Tax Id. No.: CZ68378271 (hereinafter the “Buyer”) and 2. Seller: __________________, with its registered office at __________________, Id. No.: __________________, registered in __________________, represented by __________, ______________, Bank: Account number: _______________/______ Id. No.: ____________ Tax Id. No.: ____________ (Hereinafter the “Seller”; the Buyer and the Seller are hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties” and each of them individually as a “Party”). enter, on the present day, month and year, into this Purchase Contract (hereinafter the "Contract") - 19 - II. Fundamental Provisions: 2.1 The Buyer is the beneficiary of a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic for the project “ELI: EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE”, reg. No. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0061, within the Operational Programme “Research and Development for Innovations”, priority axis 1 European Centres of Excellence, area of support 1.1 European Centres of Excellence (hereinafter the “ELI-Beamlines Project“). 2.2 The objective of the ELI-Beamlines Project is to build and operate an international research laboratory (research facility) utilising the latest generation of laser technology with subsequent implementation of a series of projects in basic and applied research. The subject, scope and objectives of the ELI-Beamlines Project are defined in further detail in the Decision of the European Commission of 20 April 2011, Ref. No. K(2011) 2753, on the major project of “ELI: EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE” and in the Decision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic of 2 August 2011, Ref. No. 26310/2009-45, and also in documents following on from these decisions. The ELI-Beamlines Project is simultaneously a part of the Czech roadmap for major infrastructure for research, development and innovations approved by the Government of the Czech Republic. 2.3 The ELI-Beamlines Project is one of the pillars of the ELI Project, which is part of the ESFRI Roadmap created by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures established by the Commission of the European Communities with a view to implementing pan-European state-of-the-art research centres aimed at providing an absolutely open access to these facilities for scientific workers within the scientific specialisation of the given research facility exclusively on the basis of the scientific excellence of the workers (i.e. without regard to the legal or commercial status of the institutions or societies to which they belong). 2.4 With a view to successful implementation of the ELI-Beamlines Project, it is also necessary to provide for the subject of performance of this Contract. The subject of performance of this Contract will become part of the infrastructure for research, development and innovations, ELIBeamlines (hereinafter the "ELI-Beamlines Infrastructure”), and will further be used for implementation of research projects. 2.5 The Seller has won the tender procedure organised by the Buyer under Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on public procurement, as amended, for the contract entitled “Fizeau Interferometer based Surface Analyzer” (hereinafter the “Tender Procedure”). 2.6 The initial basic documents for the supply of the subject of performance under this Contract are as follows: - Technical Specifications as an integral part (Annex No. 5) to the Tender Procedure tender documentation; this document forms an integral part hereof in the form of Annex No. 1 hereto; - The part of the bid submitted by the Seller within the Tender Procedure that technically describes the offered supply (hereinafter the “Bid”); this document forms an integral part hereto in the form of Annex No. 2; 2.7 The Seller represents that it has all the professional prerequisites required for the supply of the subject of performance under this Contract, is authorised to supply the subject of performance and there exist no obstacles on the part of the Seller that would prevent the Seller from supplying the subject of this Contract to the Buyer. 2.8 The Seller acknowledges that the deadlines for the performance of the subject of this Contract or its part as set out in Art. VI. are of essential importance for the Buyer in view of the schedule of activities within the ELI-Beamlines Project and the deadline by which the project is to be - 20 - implemented, and that the Buyer could incur damage as a result of failure to meet the said deadlines. The Seller declares that the Buyer has acquainted the Seller with the schedule of the ELI-Beamlines Project. III. Subject of the Contract 3.1 This Contract stipulates the obligation of the Seller to supply to the Buyer and transfer to the Buyer the ownership title to Fizeau interferometer, Analysis software, Transmission flat, Reference flat and equally supply a respective maintenance manual and other related supplies as defined herein (hereinafter jointly referred to also as the “Goods”), as well as the obligation of the Seller to duly install/demonstrate the Goods and provide for users training at the Buyer´s premises, all as specified in Annex No. 1 and in Annex No. 2 to this Contract in the quantity and quality specified therein. Should there be a discrepancy between Annex No. 1 and Annex No. 2, the more favourable provision for the Client shall apply, i.e. provisions defining higher value for money for the Client (e.g. higher performance specification, extended warranty, earlier delivery etc.). 3.2 The Seller undertakes and agrees that the Goods will only be accepted and taken over by Buyer if accompanied by all pertinent documentation and fully in compliance with all requirements specified in this Contract and Annex No. 1 and in Annex No. 2 to this Contract. 3.3 The Buyer agrees to take over the Goods with all the required documents in Annex No. 1 and in Annex No. 2 to this Contract delivered properly and in due time and pay the purchase price for them to the Seller as specified in Art. V. hereof. 3.4 The Seller undertakes to duly deliver, under the terms agreed herein and within the time frame agreed herein, at his own cost and risk the Goods to the Buyer at the prescribed location and to hand them over to the Buyer. The Seller shall be liable for delivery of the Goods fully in accordance with this Contract and Annex No. 1 and in Annex No. 2, his bid submitted within the Tender Procedure and valid legal, technical and quality regulations. IV. Ownership Title The ownership title to the Goods shall pass to the Buyer on execution of the Handover Protocol attesting to the handover and takeover of the Goods, at which time the Buyer also assumes the risk of damage to the Goods. V. Purchase Price and Payment Terms 5.1 The purchase price for the subject of this Contract as set out in Art. III was set on the basis of the Seller’s bid submitted within the Tender Procedure as the maximum price that cannot be exceeded, in the amount of EUR _______ excl. VAT (in words: _______ EUR), hereinafter the “Purchase Price”. 5.2 Unless this Contract stipulates otherwise, all the prices set out in this Contract are exclusive of VAT, which shall be charged by the Seller according to the regulations applicable as of the date of the taxable supply. 5.3 The Purchase Price includes all the costs related to the performance of the subject of this Contract. The Purchase Price for the subject of performance set out in Art. III. hereof is the maximum permissible price. The Purchase Price is independent of the development of prices and changes in the foreign exchange rates. 5.4 Contractual Parties have agreed that the Seller shall be authorized to invoice the Purchase Price upon signature of the Handover Protocol (as defined below). - 21 - 5.5 Invoices shall be payable within twenty one (21) days of the date of their delivery to the Buyer (hereinafter the "Maturity Period"). Payment of the invoiced amount means the date of its remitting to the Seller’s account. In conformity with the applicable tax regulations of the Czech Republic, the tax documents – invoices issued by the Seller hereunder shall include particularly the following details: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) the business name/designation and registered office of the Buyer; the tax identification number of the Buyer; the business name/designation and registered office of the Seller; the tax identification number of the Seller; the registration number of the tax document; the scope and object of the supply; the date of issue of the tax document; due date the date of the supply or the date of acceptance of the consideration, whichever is earlier, if it differs from the date of issue of the tax document; the price of the supply; k) a declaration that the charged supply is provided for the purposes of the "ELI: EXTREME LIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE“ project, reg. No. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0061; and must also be in conformity with any double taxation treaties applicable to the given case. 5.6 The last invoice in each calendar year must be delivered by the Seller to the Buyer’s filing department not later than by 15 December of the given calendar year. If a tax document – invoice is not issued in conformity with the payment terms stipulated by the Contract or if it does not comply with the requirements stipulated by law or if it is not delivered to the Buyer by the aforementioned date, the Buyer is entitled to return the tax document – invoice to the Seller as incomplete, or incorrectly issued, for supplementation or issue of a new invoice, as appropriate, within five (5) business days of the date of its delivery to the Buyer. In that case, the Buyer is not in delay in payment of the purchase price or part thereof and the Seller shall issue a corrected invoice with a new identical Maturity Period, which shall commence on the date of delivery of the corrected or newly issued tax document – invoice to the Buyer. The Buyer’s invoicing details are set out in Art. I hereof. VI. Times of Performance of the Subject of the Contract 6.1 The Seller undertakes to duly deliver Goods and provide all the associated services herein indentified within 6 months from the date of execution hereof by both parties; the Buyer undertakes to take delivery of such duly delivered Goods as anticipated herein; the handover of the Goods shall be subject to handover protocols to be drawn up and executed by the parties as defined below. 6.2 The Seller shall be entitled to deliver Goods to the Buyer prior to the agreed deadlines for their handover as defined in Section 6.1 herein provided agreement to that effect is reached prior with the Buyer. VII. Place of performance 7.1 The place of performance of the Buyer shall be the address given in the heading of this Contract or another location in Prague or in Central Bohemia (in Czech “Stredocesky kraj”), - 22 - Czech Republic, duly notified by the Buyer to the Seller at least two weeks prior to the agreed upon date of delivery as defined in Art. VI here above. VIII. Handover of the Goods 8.1 The Goods shall be handed over to the Buyer only with the documents as stated in Annex No. 1 and in Annex No. 2 of the Contract. A due handover of the Goods according to this Contract shall include delivery of the Goods by the Seller to the place of performance as specified in Art. 7.1 hereof, as well as implementation, installation, demonstration and successful testing of the Goods by the Seller in presence of appointed personnel of the Buyer at that particular place of performance. 8.2 The Seller shall provide mainly the following documentation to the Buyer in order to effect handover: - Manuals as specified in Annexes No. 1 and No 2. hereto, - Seller’s declaration that the delivered Goods comply with Contract, Annex No. 1 and Annex No. 2 of the Contract, valid legal regulations and technical standards; (all documentation in electronic and in printed form). Should the Seller fail to provide the Buyer with any of the above documents, the subject of the Contract / supply of Goods shall be not considered complete and fit for delivery / handover / acceptance by the Buyer. 8.3 The Parties shall execute a handover protocol on the course of the handover and takeover procedure; the protocol must include: details on the Seller, Buyer and subcontractors; description of the Goods that are the subject of handover and takeover; declaration of the Buyer as to whether the Buyer accepts or does not accept the Supply; the date of execution of the protocol on handover and takeover of the Supply (hereinafter the “Handover Protocol”). The Handover Protocol shall be executed by the Parties only in case of a due and proper handover of the Goods as specified in Art. 8.1 hereof, including a proper installation, demonstration and successful testing of the Goods at the place of performance of the Buyer (as specified in Art. 7.1 hereof) including training of the Buyer’s employees as described in Art IX. hereof. 8.4 Upon handover of the Goods, confirmed by the signature of the persons authorised by the Parties hereunder on the Handover Protocol, the Buyer assumes the risk of damage to the handed-over Goods; this fact shall not relieve the Seller from liability for damage caused as a consequence of defects of the Goods. The Seller bears the risk of damage to the Goods until the handover and takeover of the Goods. 8.5 The Buyer is not obliged to take over Goods with defects, whereas minor defects that do not have a material impact on the functionality of the Goods shall not hinder handover of the Goods by Buyer. If the Buyer does not exercise its right not to take over Goods with defects, the Seller and the Buyer shall make a list of ascertained defects in the Handover Protocol, including the manner of and deadline for their removal. IX. Training of the Buyer´s Employees - 23 - 9.1 The Seller undertakes to train five of the Buyer’s employees in the extent necessary for them to be able to operate the Goods without external guidance at the Buyer’s premises during installation and demonstration of the Goods. 9.2 Costs and other expenses of the training are born by the Seller. X. Warranty and Claims Based on Defects of the Supply 10.1 The Seller shall provide warranty for the quality of the Goods delivered by the Seller and accepted by the Buyer for a period of at least one year from delivery and acceptance of the Goods without defects. 10.2 The warranty term shall commence on the date of execution of the Handover Protocol on handover and takeover of the Goods by the Buyer. However, if the Goods are taken over with even a single defect, the warranty term shall commence on the date of removal of the last defect by the Seller except minor defects that do not have a material impact on the functionality of the Goods. 10.3 The Buyer shall raise a claim for removal of a defect in the supply of Goods against the Seller without undue delay after ascertaining the defect, but not later than on the last day of the warranty term, by means of a written notice sent to the Seller’s authorised representative for technical matters set out herein. A claim sent by the Buyer on the last day of the warranty term shall be deemed to be made in time. 10.4 In the written claim of defects, the Buyer shall describe the defect and the manner in which the defect is to be removed. The Buyer is entitled to: request that defects be removed by supply of substitute Goods instead of the defective Goods (shall not apply in case of minor defects as specified in art. 10.6. below); request that the defects be removed by repair if the defects can be repaired; request an appropriate discount on the purchase price. The choice among the above-specified claims based on defects of the supply of Goods shall be made by the Buyer. Furthermore, the Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the Contract if the Contract was materially breached by the supply of Goods with defects. 10.5 The Seller agrees to remove the claimed defects of the supply of Goods free of charge. 10.6 The Seller agrees to commence acts aimed at removing the defect without undue delay of the date of delivery of the claim. In case of minor defects on the Goods, i.e. defects which can be removed without special obstacles at the place of delivery of the Goods, the Seller shall remove the defect not later than 20 days from delivery of the claim, and in case of other defects on the Goods within 40 days from delivery of the claim. Should the fulfilment of these deadlines not be technically possible, the Parties shall agree on an extended period. 10.7 The Seller shall be obliged to remove defects on the Goods also in an instance when the Seller is of the opinion that he is not liable for such defects. Cost accrued in connection with the removal of defects of the Goods in these disputable cases shall be borne by the Buyer until such dispute is resolved. 10.8 The Parties shall execute a record on removal of the claimed defect, in which they shall confirm that the defect has been removed. The warranty term shall be extended by the time that expires from the date of exercising the claim to the time of removal of the defect. Should - 24 - the removal of a defect be made in the form of repair at least 6 month’s warranty shall be provided for the repair. 10.9 The warranty shall not apply to defects caused by unprofessional handling, incorrect or unsuitable maintenance, non-compliance with the manufacturers’ rules of operation and maintenance of equipment accepted by the Buyer from the Seller upon handover, or those of which the Seller advised the Buyer in writing. The warranty shall also not apply to defects caused by gross negligence or intentional conduct. XI. Contractual Penalties 11.1 In the event that the Seller is in delay in respect of the time of handover and takeover of the supply as set out in Art. VI (6.1) hereof, the Buyer is entitled to charge the Seller with a contractual penalty in the amount of 0.05% of the Purchase Price for each, even incomplete, day of delay. 11.2 In the event that the Seller is in delay in respect of the time of removal of the defects on the Goods as set out in Art. IX (10.6) hereof, the Buyer is entitled to charge the Seller with a contractual penalty in the amount of 0.05% of the Purchase Price for each, even incomplete, day of delay. 11.3 If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price within the deadlines set out in this Contract, the Buyer is obliged to pay the Seller an interest of 0.01 % on the outstanding amount for each day of delay unless the Buyer proves that the delay in payment of the Purchase Price was caused by late release of the funds by the provider of the support. 11.4 The obliged party must pay any contractual penalties to the entitled party not later than within 15 calendar days of the date of receipt of the relevant claim from the other party. 11.5 Payment of the contractual penalties pursuant to this Article hereof shall in no way prejudice the Buyer’s entitlement to compensation for damage incurred by the Buyer as a result of breach of the Seller’s obligations to which the penalty applies. XII. Termination of the Contract 12.1 This Contract may be terminated by its performance, agreement of the Parties or withdrawal from the Contract on the grounds stipulated by law or in the Contract. 12.2 The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the Contract without any penalty from Seller in any of the following events: i) The provider of the subsidy or any other control body determines that the expenditures or part of the expenditures incurred on the basis of this Contract are ineligible; or ii) The financial subsidy for implementation of the ELI-Beamlines Project is withdrawn from the Buyer; iii) The Seller has materially breached the obligations imposed thereon by the Contract; iv) Insolvency proceedings are pursued against the Seller’s assets. 12.3 The Seller is entitled to withdraw from the Contract in the event of material breach of the Contract by the Buyer. XIII. Representatives, Notices - 25 - 13.1 The Seller has appointed the following authorised representatives for communication with the Buyer in relation to the subject of performance hereunder: In technical matters: _____________________________ E-mail: ______________________, tel.: ___________________ 13.2 The Buyer has appointed the following authorised representatives for communication with the Seller in relation to the subject of performance hereunder: In technical matters: Prof. Bruno Le Garrec, MSc. E-mail: Bruno.LeGarrec@eli-beams.eu 13.3 Unless this Contract stipulates otherwise, any and all notices that are to be or may be made between the Parties under this Contract must be made in writing and delivered to the other Party by an internationally renowned courier service (Federal Express, DHL, etc.), in person (with written confirmation of acceptance) or by registered post. XIV. Choice of Law 14.1 This Contract and all the legal relationships arising out of it shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. 14.2 The Parties acknowledge and note that the provisions of the Commercial Code shall apply in matters that are not explicitly regulated by this Contract. 14.3 Any and all disputes arising out of this Contract or the legal relationships connected with the Contract shall be resolved by the Parties by mutual negotiations. In the event that any dispute cannot be resolved by negotiations within sixty (30) days, the dispute shall be resolved by the competent court in the Czech Republic based on application of any of the Parties. XV. Final provisions 15.1 The Contract represents the entire and comprehensive agreement between the Buyer and the Seller. 15.2 The Seller undertakes, under the terms and conditions hereof, in accordance with instructions issued by the Buyer and using all necessary professional care, to: duly archive all written material prepared in connection with the execution of this Contract and to provide access to the Buyer to these archived documents until 2025. The Seller shall be entitled to take possession of these documents after ten years from the completion of the the Seller free of charge; cooperate during financial inspections carried out in accordance with Act 320/2001 Coll., on Financial Inspections, as amended, i.e. to allow the Managing Authority of the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation (hereinafter the “Sponsor”) to access also those portions of the tender (bid) submitted within the Tender Procedure, the Contract, Orders and related documents which may be protected by special legal regulation, given that all requirements set forth by legal regulation with respect to the manner of executing such inspections will have been observed; the Seller shall bind any of its sub-contractors to comply with this obligation accordingly. - 26 - 15.3 In the event that any of the provisions of this contract shall later be shown or determined to be invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, then such invalidity, ineffectiveness or unenforceability shall not cause invalidity, ineffectiveness or unenforceability of the Contract as a whole. In such event the Parties undertake without undue delay to replace after mutual agreement such invalid, ineffective or unenforceable provision of the Contract by a new provision, that in the extent permitted by the laws and regulations of the Czech Republic, relates as closely as possible to the intentions of the Parties to the Contract at the time of creation hereof. 15.4 This Contract becomes valid and effective as of the day of its execution by the authorised persons of both Parties. 15.5 This Contract may be changed or supplemented solely by means of numbered supplements in writing, furnished with the details of time and place and signed by duly authorised representatives of the Parties. 15.6 This Contract is drawn up in four (4) counterparts, each of which is deemed to be the original. Each Party to the Contract shall receive two (2) counterparts. The following Annexes are an integral part of the Contract: Annex No. 1: Technical Specifications Annex No. 2: The Bid 15.7 The Parties, manifesting their assent with its entire contents, affirm the Contract with their signature. In Prague, on _______________ 2013 In________, on _______________ 2013 For: Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. For:_____________________ __________________________ Name: doc. Jan Řídký, DrSc. ________________________ Name:___________________ Title: the Director Title: - 27 - Annex No. 1: Technical Specifications 1 Fizeau interferometer, i.e.: fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Illumination laser wavelength: 633 nm (“nm” stands for “nanometer”). 4 inches clear aperture illumination beam Acquisition time: inferior or equal to 200 microseconds for a 1m long cavity (vibration insensitive measurement). Coherence length: superior to 100 m (“m” stands for “meter”) RMS repeatability (1 sigma for RMS of 10 data sets, each an average of 32 measurements.): inferior or equal to wavelength / 5,000 at 633 nm. (“RMS” stands for “Root Mean Square”; and “sigma” stands for “standard deviation of the RMS values”). RMS precision (Mean standard deviation of 10 different surface maps, each maps being an average of 16 measurements.): inferior or equal to wavelength / 100 Fringe resolution: better than 250 fringes Physical envelope: less than 80 × 50 × 50 cm (L × W × H) (“cm” stands for “centimeter”). Weight: less than 50 kg (“kg” stands for “kilogram”). Power consumption: less than 1 kW – 230 VAC / 50 Hz. (“kW” stands for “Kilowatt”; “VAC” stands for “Volt Alternative Current”; and “Hz” stands for “Hertz”). Temperature range: operational: 15 – 25 °C storage: 0 – 35 °C (“°C” stands for “degree Celsius”.) Analysis software fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Has to provide the Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis curve (see: Mainguy, et al., “Update of Laser Megajoule large optics wavefront performance requirements”, SPIE proc. 2013, DOI:10.1117/12.2004148). Has to provide 2D and 3D surface analysis, peak-to-valley, RMS values, RMS slope, and Zernike’s parameters values. Accessibility to raw data. Standard saving formats are required: .txt, .csv. Export to Zemax compatible format (optional). Transmission flat fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: Clear aperture diameter = 4 inches Reflectivity = 4.0 (plus or minus 0.5) % for wavelength = 633, 850 and 1064 nm; assuming the flat is a wedge with the back surface with an anti-reflection coating with reflectivity inferior to 0.5%. Optics quality: RMS values: sigma inferior or equal to wavelength / 100 @ 633 nm. Peak-to-Valley values (P-V): wavelength / 20 (for 1 P-V = 5 sigma) Reference flat fulfilling in full extent the following specifications: - 28 - Clear aperture diameter = 4 inches Reflectivity = 4 (plus or minus 0.5) % for wavelength = 633, 850 and 1064 nm Optics quality: RMS values: sigma inferior or equal to wavelength / 100 @ 633 nm Peak-to-Valley values (P-V): wavelength / 20 (for 1 P-V = 5 sigma) Others: Users training at ELI-site Installation on site Maintenance manual User’s manual Reference manual - 29 - Annex No. 2: the Bid (Note: respective document – respective part of the bid to be attached before contract signature with winning applicant) - 30 -