Monitoring Metadata Exchange (MMX) Proposed Data Exchange Standard 8/28/2014 Acknowledgements Many thanks to the individuals on the project team who provided valuable knowledge and input that led to the development of the data exchange template tables included in this draft: Brodie Cox (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife), Van Hare (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission), Jack Janisch (Washington Department of Ecology), Won Kim (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality), Pete Ruhl (US Geological Survey), Jacquelyn Schei (US Geological Survey/Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership), Becca Scully (US Geological Survey/Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership), Keith Steele (Sitka Technology Group) and Daniel Wieferich (Michigan State University, National Fish Habitat Partnership). 2 Introduction Few organizations document location, site visit history, and protocol information in readily available, shareable and standardized machine readable formats. The result is poor region-wide coordination between programs. One solution to this issue is to standardize the format in which the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ of data collection events is presented to support data sharing efforts. The focus would not be on sharing raw measurement data, but on metadata about these events. In support of improved data management and in an effort to collect and publish timely, accurate, and relevant scientific data that properly inform key management questions, this document proposes a data exchange standard for site level data collection event (DCE) metadata associated with research, monitoring, and evaluation (RM&E) efforts. A site is the spatial location where one or more measurements are taken and metrics derived. A more generic term for this is “spatial unit”. Furthermore, by establishing a standard for this metadata in an online exchange, the data will become more valuable as funders and researchers can more easily identify where monitoring is occurring, where data are located, and what designs and methodologies were used to collect it. Contained in the document is the first version of a data exchange template for DCE elements. Data exchange templates (DET), which describe the information participants would like to share and what format it should be shared in, are a critical step in sharing information, but only one piece of the data sharing puzzle. After an agreement is reached on what data to share and the format, technical discussions will be needed to finalize a DET and processes for sharing data, which includes a data sharing agreement. All of these pieces will make up the standard. Site level DCE metadata includes the minimum information needed to render integrated maps of project locations and perform analytical queries relating to location, method, organization, and time across programs. Site level DCE metadata can help answer the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘how’ questions about specific projects. Over time, the expectation is that the more researchers who provide site level DCE metadata for their RM&E data in an online exchange, the greater universal access will be to a complete and up‐to‐date summary of the information available. This will enable managers to make better informed decisions about key management questions and to reduce redundancy or duplication when planning future efforts. Monitoring Metadata Exchange (MMX) There are three general classifications of potential information exchanges using aquatic resource monitoring metadata and analysis products: • Site level data collection event (DCE) metadata to answer the Who, What, Where, When, and How questions • Site level metrics • Indicators at various scales Below you will find the first draft of the Monitoring Metadata Exchange (MMX) data exchange template (DET) for metadata pertaining to site level DCE. Its purpose is to define and describe data elements and validation rules. A DCE represents the collection of measurements or observations via one or more methods of a single protocol at a single site on a specific date or continuously over a date range. 3 Ultimately, the intent of this effort is the online exchange of this information. When data is exchanged, the source of the data is normally the organization that implements the project and/or stores measurements and metadata related to the projects. Consumers (sinks) of this information include state or federal agencies, universities, non‐profits, and the general public. We propose that exchange of site-level DCE metadata between sources and sinks occur initially through two mechanisms: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Exchange Network virtual node services RESTful web API (local client implementations) Although the communications protocols and message encoding mechanisms may be different or may change over time, it is our goal that the basic information model exchanged via these two mechanisms be identical (Figure 1). Figure 1. Conceptual data diagram for metadata exchange. The Exchange Network ( is an EPA funded standard for flowing environmental data and for supporting technology implementations that enable organizations that produce or consume environmental data to exchange information using a standard protocol. Our intent is to apply for a grant from EPA to implement web services to support virtual sharing of these data on the Exchange Network. As important as the Exchange Network is, it does require significant IT infrastructure and skills to implement and maintain. Many organizations, especially smaller ones, lack adequate funding or skills to undertake this task and be successful. For this reason, we will also develop a secondary option more limited in potential reach, but easier and less expensive to operate. This approach will be based on a 4 less complicated RESTful web API over HTTP as a means of exchanging site level DCE metadata between willing participants. Implementation A formal exchange standard implemented on the EPA Exchange Network will benefit many, including PNAMP partners. The proposed MMX will enable better integration of information from disparate efforts across time and space by providing data seekers with more than just a location of monitoring efforts. Any website with map services could use the exchange to improve their content. Bonneville Power Administration is interested in using the MMX to support their needs in the Columbia River basin. PNAMP plans to utilize this work to standardize the way information flows into the Monitoring Explorer ( 5 Data Exchange Template Tables MMX DET Version History Date Version Description 7/16/2014 1.0 Site level data collection event metadata For the most recent version of the DET, go to: DATA COLLECTION EVENT The Data Collection Event Class represents a collection of measurements or observations via one or more methods of a single protocol at a single site, at a specific time or continuously over a time range. The observations may be made my human observers or collected via remote sensing devices. Field Name Provider ID Field Description Data Type Notes, Codes/Conventions A unique identifier assigned to a particular data provider or aggregator to identify the source of the event record. The organization primarily responsible for conducting the data collection. Name or identifier of the database or system where data originally came from. This should be the database or system used originally by the collector rather than the aggregator. GUID, Required Text(256), Optional Recommend use of Repository ID, which is a PNAMP generated unique identifier for commonly used data repositories throughout the region. Event ID Provider-generated, unique identifier for the data collection event. Text(256), Required Geographic Location Representation of the geospatial extent over which the observations are collected. Object, Required Event Date For non-continuous measurements, the date and time (if known) that the observation was made. Non-continuous measurements are made at distinct, or separate, points in time. Text(32), Optional Must be unique across space and time within an individual Provider; primary key of provider dataset. Can either record the actual location of a measurement, or alternatively, describe an extent that the observation is assumed to represent. See "Geographic Location" tab. ISO8601 format, required if Event Timespan is not present. Prohibited if Event Timespan is populated. Collector ID Source System ID Assigned by PNAMP or other aggregator. Text(256), Required 6 Event TimeSpan For continuous or periodic measurements over a period of time, this element is a pair of date and times that bound the time period over which observations were made at this location. Continuous or periodic measurements can be made at an infinite number of points in time between any two points of time. If Timespan is specified, the mean frequency of observations in the Timespan. Text(64), Optional Each date is ISO8601 format, required if Event Date is not present. Prohibited if Event Date is populated. Decimal (7,2), Optional Required if Event Timespan is present If Periodicity is specified, this is the unit of measurement for Periodicity, based on the fundamental unit of time (the second) as defined by the International System of Units. Enumeration, Optional Required if Periodicity is present. Allowed values: * Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days * Variable Data General classification of measurements made by Classifications this survey. More than one value may be supplied. Object, Repeating Group (1:N), Required See "Data Classification" tab Program Name Name of the Monitoring Program or Project, as defined by the data provider. Text(256), Required Protocol URL A link to the protocol describing how the data were collected, preferably documented in Monitoring Methods. Name of the Protocol Text(1024), Optional A list of data collection methods within the protocol that were performed within the scope of this event. Text(1024), Optional A link to the study design describing how sites were chosen, preferably documented in Monitoring Resources. Designation whether or not a site is part of a probabilistic study design Text(1024), Optional Periodicity Periodicity UOM Protocol Name Methods Design URL Probabilistic Design Consider some sort of url pointer, to minimize document-not-found errors-urls change Text(1024), Optional Enumeration, Optional Possible Values * Yes * No 7 Panel Name Name of the panel if this site was surveyed as part of an annual or rotating panel design. Text(256) Optional Contacts The name(s) of responsible party/parties associated with this collection event. Object, Repeating Group (0:N), Optional See "Contact" tab Download URL A URL that provides direct download of the dataset containing measurement data for this DCE, if downloads are supported. Text(1024), Optional consider some sort of url pointer, to minimize document-not-found errors-urls change; consider using DOIs Notes Any provider-specific notes regarding this DCE that may be useful for others searching for data. Text(1024), Optional Attributes Provider-defined named attribute pair(s) Object, Repeating Group (0:N), Optional Last Modified Date The date and time that this DCE record was last modified in the provider system. Text(32), Required Restrictions A narrative of any limitations on the availability of data from this collection event. Text(1024), Optional Used to define 0:N provider-specific attribute values for searching and analysis. Can be used to store stream network covariates, crew information, etc. See "Attribute" tab. Along with the Event ID, this field is used by client nodes to determine if they have a current copy of this DCE. ISO8601 format. CONTACT The Contact object is used to supply information about persons who are responsible for the collection, maintenance, or interpretation of data associated with the data collection event. Since contact information is such a widely used element in metadata, it is anticipated that standard encodings will be used to represent this information in the schema. Field Name Contact Name Field Description Data Type The name of a responsible party. Text(256), Required Contact The name of the organization the party is/was Organization employed by. Text(256), Optional Contact Email Text(256), Required The email address of the responsible party for this collection event. Notes, Codes/Conventions 8 Contact Role The role of the responsible party with respect to this data collection event. Contact Phone The phone number of the responsible party for this collection event. Enumeration, Required * resourceProvider * custodian * owner * user * distributor * originator * pointOfContact * principalInvestigator * processor * publisher * author Text(16), Required From ISO 91115 CI_RoleCode Includes area code 9 DATA CLASSIFICATION The Data Classification object is used to indicate what general type or classification of measurement data was collected during the data collection event. Field Name Field Description Data Type Notes, Codes/Conventions Data Type General classification of measurements made by this survey. More than one value may be supplied. Required, Enumerated Value Data Subtype Subclassification of measurements made by this survey. Optional, Enumerated Value o Amphibians o Birds o Climate/Weather o Contaminants/Toxics/Pollutants o Fish o Hydrology/Water Quantity o Macroinvertebrates o Mammals o Disease/Pathogens/Parasites o Plankton o Sediment/Substrate/Soils o Multi-Species o Reptiles o Vegetation/Plants o Water Quality o Disturbance/Restoration o Landscape Form & Geomorphology o Upland Geomorphology o Classification of Ecological or Geological Attribute o Other Nested enumerated values within each Data Type (above). Need domain table; see subcategory list here: GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION The Geographic Location class describes a geospatial extent at which or in which observations are made. Can either represent a series of measurements taken throughout the extent or, alternatively, can represent the area that a single measurement is intended to represent. Unless otherwise specified, the horizontal datum is assumed to be NAD83. 10 Field Name Field Description Data Type Notes, Codes/Conventions Geographic Location ID Provider or collector assigned name or identifier for this location. Text(256), Required Location Name Collector or Provider assigned, human recognizable name of the geographic location Text(256), Optional Location Name Source Information about the source of this Location information. Could be a publication (gazetteer), institution, or team of individuals. Text(256), Optional Location Accuracy The estimated horizontal accuracy of the points or vertices comprising the points, lines, or polygons. Required, Enumeration * Less than 1m * 1m- 5m * 6m - 10m * 10m - 20m * 21m - 50m * 51m - 100m * 101m - 500m * Greater than 500m * Unknown * Undisclosed Discrete Points Points must be specified as either geometries or as a X/Y and Spatial Reference System Identifier Can be a primary key from the provider system or a manufactured name (e.g. LLID, Reach Code + measure, etc.) Reach code, stream name, (LLID) from SN, etc. If the contents of the location name came from a hydrography layer, this would be the version of the layer (e.g. NHD Plus V2) Point Describes a single point at which observations were made gml:Point, Optional GML simple features profile, which includes a spatial reference identifier, is recommended; X/Y is an option if GML not available X Coordinate X coordinate for the point decimal (19,6), Optional If the point is not expressed as a gml geometry, the X, Y, and SRID fields are required Spatial Reference ID Well known spatial reference ID Text(16) e.g. EPSG:4326 11 Lines and Linestrings Reaches must be specified either geometries Line Represents the linear extent over which observations were made Polygons Areas must be specified as geometries Polygon Represents an area over which observations were made gml:LineString, Optional GML simple features profile, which includes a spatial reference identifier. Could represent a reach, transect, thalweg, etc. gml:Polygon, Optional GML simple features profile, which includes a spatial reference identifier. ATTRIBUTE A DCE attribute is a structure that allows providers to associate simple name value pairs to the subject Data Collection Event. Attributes may be used as "tags" for events for reporting, filtering and sorting purposes, or to simply store attributes that do not have a defined field in the base Data Collection Event object. The forms and format of name value pairs are provider defined and may change at the will of the provider. Field Name Field Description Data Type Notes, Codes/Conventions Attribute Name The provider defined name of the attribute. Text(64), Required Within a collection of attributes in a DataCollectionEventObject, there can be multiple attributes with the same name to allow for multivalued structures like lists. Order is not guaranteed. Attribute Value The value of the attribute Text(256), Optional String-encoded value that corresponds to this attribute instance. A missing value indicates "nullness". 12