How are proteins formed? Biosynthesis is a phenomenon wherein chemical compounds are produced from simpler compounds. Biosynthesis takes place within living organisms and is generally catalyzed by enzymes. A type of protein Where do the proteins come from? Protein biosynthesis (synthesis) is the process in which cells build proteins Proteins are formed in the ______________________ Proteins are composed building blocks called______________________ 1.Construction Crew 2.Building materials 3.Construction site 4.Blueprints 5.Architect Architect’s Nulceus DNA office Blueprints Copy ofmRNA blueprints By messenger Construction Ribosomes rRNA site Building Cytoplasm Home AminoDepot acids Building materials Materials tRNA By truck protein synthesis Is carried out in the cell’s nucleus, cytoplasm, and ribosomes Directed by the DNA of the organism Aided by molecules of RNA Ribonucleic acid is a nucleic acid made from a long chains of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a ribose sugar, and a phosphate. RNA is usually single stranded RNA nucleotides contain ribose RNA uses the nucleotide Uracil substituted for Thymine Messenger RNA is the RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome Transfer RNA transfers a specific amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain at the ribosomal site Ribosomal RNA the protein manufacturing machinery of all living cells protein synthesis Is carried out in the cell’s nucleus, cytoplasm, and ribosomes Directed by the DNA of the organism Aided by molecules of RNA CODED DECODED Dr. writing a Rx Pharmacists reading the Rx Producing the “filled” prescription EXAMPLE DNA READS: GTC AAG CAA GAT TAC Transcription occurs mRNA READS: CAG UUC GUU CUA AUG the mRNA is created under the direction of DNA Only one of the two DNA strands is transcribed This strand is called the template strand Transcription occurs in the cell nucleus where DNA is housed protein synthesis is the process that converts an mRNA sequence into a string of amino acids that form a protein. when the mRNA strand moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm. The tRNA will deliver the appropriate amino acid in the cytoplasm that is coded for by the mRNA messenger RNA (mRNA) is decoded to produce a specific protein using specific amino acids tRNA Polypeptide=protein EXAMPLE DNA READS: GTC AAG CAA GAT TAC Transcription occurs mRNA READS: CAG UUC GUU CUA AUG CONTINUED EXAMPLE mRNA READS: CAG UUC GUU CUA AUG Translation occurs tRNA READS: GUC AAG CAA GAU UAC tRNA READS: GUC AAG CAA GAU UAC Amino acids reads: val – lys – gln – asp - tyr PRACTICE • ein.html protein synthesis practice