Pillbug Behavior Lab

Pillbug Environment Lab – Day 1 DRAFT PAPER
Group names:____________________________________________
Working as a group, you will design and run an experiment to test for one “pill bug environment preference”. Your
teacher will assign you one item from the list below. This is called your variable. Circle the letter you have been
assigned. You will test which side of the “Choice Chamber” your 10 pillbugs prefer based on the number # of pill bugs on
each side of the chamber at specific times during the experiment. If you don’t know anything about pillbugs research
If pill bugs prefer DARK vs. classroom lighting. (lighting)
If pill bugs prefer BRIGHT LIGHTS vs. classroom lighting. (lighting)
If pill bugs prefer a COOL TEMPERATURE vs. room temperature. (temp)
If pill bugs prefer a WARM TEMPERATURE vs. room temperature. (temp)
If pill bugs prefer a certain COLOR vs. choice chamber color. (color)
If pill bugs prefer a WET environment vs. dry. (moisture)
What is your hypothesis? Write this in an “If…then…because” statement.
List the specific materials you will use in the lab.
Design a lab, but be sure to describe in DETAIL every step you will take from beginning to end to prove your hypothesis.
You may not run the lab unless your directions are approved by the teacher. You will do 2 trials and for each trial you
will be checking the number of pill bugs on each side of the Choice Chamber OVER THE COURSE OF TEN (10) MINUTES
NOW: On the back of this page set up your data table that you will use Wednesday. On Schoology you must type in
your group lab procedure for peer review under the pillbug discussion post. Everyone MUST respond to the other 4-5
groups lab design by 11:59pm Tuesday.
Pillbug Environment Lab – Day 2/3 directions
Day 2 – Run Experiments and take group data
A) Perform your experiment and collect data for both trials. If your experiment is faulty remember to fix your
procedures and materials list to represent your end result.
PER GROUP: You must have ONE neatly written set of directions, materials, and data table
Day 3 – Each member of the group will do the graph and conclusion on their own
A) Draw a graph.
The axis must be labeled, and it must have a scientific label that describes YOUR lab procedure. The
independent variable goes on the x-axis (time in minutes) and the dependent variable goes on the y-axis. The
graph should be in color and there should be a key that describes what the different lines on the graph mean.
Creative title. Neatness counts.
B) Evidence based conclusion paragraph
Write a conclusion to your experiment that accepts or rejects your hypothesis based on evidence. Make
sure to use evidence from the lab and research about the pillbugs to justify your statements.
Please follow the rubric below to write your conclusion.
5 point Rubric
A statement that responds to
the question asked or problem
Makes an accurate and
complete claim. Answers
the question or problem
Does not make a claim or
makes an inaccurate
Scientific data (qualitative or
quantitative) used to support
the claim.
Provides appropriate and
sufficient evidence to
support the claim.
Detailed data are used
when possible.
Provides appropriate but
insufficient evidence to
support the claim. May
include some evidence that
doesn’t support the claim.
May not use specific data
or vocabulary.
Doesn’t provide evidence
or only provides evidence
that doesn’t support the
Using scientific principles to
show why data count as
evidence to support the claim
Provides reasoning that
links evidence to the claim.
Includes appropriate
“expert” information
(accepted scientific
principles) along with
observed information.
Provides reasoning that
links the claim and
evidence. Repeats the
evidence and/or includes
some scientific principles,
but is not sufficient.
Does not provide
reasoning, or only
provides reasoning that
does not link evidence to
the claim.