Study Guide for Safety and First Aid

How many chest compressions
and breaths should you give the
victim when performing CPR?
When performing CPR on an
infant you should give
compressions using __ and give
breaths by sealing your mouth
over their__.
What will occur if the
human body goes without
oxygen 4-6 minutes?
A defibrillator is used to shock
the heart in order to regain a
regular and effective rhythm. At
CCHS a defibrillator can be
found by the __ and by the
athletic trainer’s office.
 One day after school your friend Joe is taking you
home in his new car. As Joe pulls out on 27 he
takes off really fast to show you how fast his new
car will go, while swerving in and out of the slower
vehicles he gets a new text message. He pulls out
his phone out of his pocket to check his message.
Joe is doing several things that greatly increase the
risk of being involved in an accident. Name a few
behaviors Joe should avoid while driving to reduce
his risk of an accident.
What is the leading cause
of death for a teenager?
Before administering first
aid you should always ask
the victim for what?
While walking at the park
you and a friend find a
person on the ground that
is not breathing. What
should you do?
 While eating lunch at school the
person sitting next to you starts to
cough because she has something
lodged in her throat. After a few
seconds she stops coughing and
isn’t able to speak or make any
noise. What should you do?
 You and some friends go on a weekend
camping trip and while cutting up
some wood for a campfire Jacob slips
and cuts his leg with a chain saw just
above his ankle. The cut is about ¼
inch deep and 2 inches long and there’s
moderate bleeding. What should you
 You and some friends go to a big party
where people are experimenting with
drugs and drinking. You go in to use
the restroom and see a person lying on
the floor lying in a puddle of vomit.
You roll the unconscious person on
their side and see that they are
breathing and have a bottle of pills in
their hand. What should you do?
 You are spending the day at Brad’s
house and plan to go swimming with
him and his brother. When you go out
to the pool you see Brad’s brother lying
face down in the pool and he’s not
moving. You jump in and swim him to
the side and Brad pulls him out on the
deck. What should you do?
While on vacation with your
family you fall asleep for several
hours at the pool and when you
wake up you notice that your
skin is bright red. What should
you do to treat your sunburn?
In regards to firearm
safety which of the
following behaviors would
increase the risk of an
What percent of injuries
can be prevented by
practicing safety
What safety procedures
should be practiced to
prevent injuries/deaths
when riding a motorcycle
or ATV?
What safety procedures
should be practiced to
prevent injuries/deaths
while swimming?
 While playing basketball you jump
up to get a rebound, when you
come down you land on another
players foot and sprain your ankle.
You are in a lot of pain and your
ankle is throbbing. What should
you do?
 Your little brother is out in the front yard
climbing a tree. When you walk out of the
house he is almost to the top of the tree, which
is about 30 feet high. As he starts to make his
way down he slips and falls. On his way down
he hit several branches and finally lands face
down on the ground. You run over to him and
ask if he’s okay but he doesn’t respond. You
can hear him breathing and there are no visual
injuries. What should you do?
While visiting your grandfather
falls to the floor and tells you
he’s having sharp chest pains
and is having trouble breathing.
Your grandfather is most likely
having a __ and you should
immediately do what?
When treating
burns you should do
When treating a
degree burn you should
do what?
When administering first
aid treatment for a broken
bone you should do what?
What would be the
best treatment for most
minor bleeding?
Describe the proper
way to teat a nose
Which nutrient is the
best source of energy
for your body?
What foods are a good
source of protein?
What type of meal
would provide the
most energy for a track
meet the following
What could you do to
reduce the amount of
fat in a fast food meal?
What type of foods
would be healthy
choices when eating out
at a restaurant?
Which of the 6
essential nutrients
provide the calories we
need in our daily diet?
What are the dietary
guidelines recommended
by the MyPlate graphic?
Fiber is a type of
carbohydrate the body
cannot digest. Which
body system does help
To determine if you are
at a healthy weight you
can find your body
mass index and
measure what else?
How many daily
minutes of exercise are
If you were eating at a
restaurant and had eaten no
meat all day, how large of a
steak could you order that
would be closest to meeting
the daily recommendation?
The amount of calories
we need to run our body
and perform daily
activities is referred to as
How many total calories
would you get from 10
grams of fat, 10 grams of
carbohydrates, and 2
grams of protein?
How many pounds would you
lose per week if you reduced
your caloric intake by 300
calories per day and increased
your exercise to burn an
additional 200 calories per day?
The label on the bag of chips you are
eating with your lunch says it has 150
calories per serving. There are 4
serving per bag. If you eat half the
bag of chips along with your 300
calorie sandwich and a 120 calorie
12oz can of soda, how many total
calories would you consume?
In pickleball where
does a player stand to
What is the double
bounce rule in
To win a pickleball
game a player or
doubles pair must
reach how many points
and win by how many?
In pickleball what is the
non-volley zone?
What are the four steps
for performing the
forehand in pickleball?
In pickleball, when are
points scored?
In a doubles pickleball
game, what pattern
does the service
rotation follow?
What are the four steps
for performing the
backhand in pickleball?
In pickleball, which
side of the court should
you serve from if your
score is odd?
Which part of the foot
should you use to pass
the ball a short distance
in soccer?
In soccer which player
on the team is allowed
to use their hands?
When playing soccer,
what happens if a player
touched the ball with
their hand/arm?
What happens if a
soccer goalie leaves the
goal area?
Which part of the foot
should you use when
shooting a soccer ball?
After a goal is scored in
soccer, which team gets
the ball to re-start the
In soccer, what is the
purpose of dribbling
the ball?
Why is it important to
set both long and short
term fitness goals?
What are the five
components of health
related fitness?
What activities test
muscular endurance?
Which component of
fitness does the mile
run test?