Designing a Magazine Advertisement Create an advertising layout proof for a real or invented product of your choice. Your advertising layout must include the four elements of print ads: a headline, an illustration, copy, and identification (signature). Your advertising layout can be prepared using drawings, illustrations, or artwork produced by yourself or obtained from a magazine. It must also be in color. It is best to sketch a rough draft of your advertising layout before creating your proof. Remember, a proof shows exactly how the ad will look in print. On another sheet of paper you will need to answer the following questions, which will be worth 5 points each. 1. What is the product being sold? 2. How would you describe the ad? 3. What image is associated with the ad? 4. Which of Jib Fowles 15 basic appeals of advertising are being used? 5. What approach are you using for the headline? Offer something new or improved Make a claim Solve a problem Arouse curiosity Promise a benefit 6. What approach are you using for the copy? Features claims comparisons benefits Uses testimonials actions endorsements 7. What approach are you using for the illustration? Product itself Product in use Product features produce in appropriate setting product benefits 8. What approach are you using for the identification? Logotype taglines Website address Credit cards toll free number map address hours of operation ordering information 9. Indicate what publications(magazine)this ad will appear in. Remember who your target audience is. You will receive another 10 points for presenting your ad to the class. Your presentation of the ad will include your answers to the questions above. Advertisement Poster Rubric You will place both your ad and the questions onto a poster board and present to the class. You also have the option of creating the ad onto the poster board if you prefer. Is the ad well organized and easy to follow 1 2 3 4 5 Is the ad clean and uncluttered? Is the use of white space appropriate (too much or too little) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Does the headline attract attention Is the illustration large enough? Does the illustration demonstrate one of the elements 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Is the spelling correct 1 2 3 4 5 Is the copy complete and specific Is the identification distinctive enough 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Total points _____________/45