Decomposers - hurleyscience

By: Hannah Crowley
June 16, 2009
Period 3, Science
Framework #15
Framework #15
 Explain how dead plants and animals
are broken down by other living
organisms and how this process
contributed to the system as a whole.
What are decomposers??
 Decomposers are
living organisms that
decompose dead
animals and/or
plants, therefore
carrying out the
natural process of
 These ants are
decomposing the
body of a dead fly.
 Bacteria is one example of a decomposer.
 Breaks down dead organisms into nutrients
which are then returned to the soil.
How to…..
 Experiment: take a few different plants or
pieces of food and put them in separate
containers (preferably glass) and leave
them there for a few weeks. When you
come back compare them with how they
used to look. What happened? How did
it happen??
Super Size Me Decomposing!!
 Make link to video at home!!
Can You Tell a Decomposer From
a Producer and Consumer??
 Click here to play a game and find out!