Patent Law Research - Florida State University College of Law

Research Workshop:
Patent Law Research
Presented by:
Elizabeth Farrell
Fall, 2007
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Patent Law Research
• Patent law & practice in a nutshell
• Finding patents
• Patent-related legal materials
• Treatises & practice guides
• Current awareness tools
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Patent law & Practice
in a nutshell
• Patents grant an inventor the right to exclude others from
producing or using the inventor's discovery or invention for
a limited period of time.
• Patent law is federal law and federal courts have exclusive
jurisdiction. Patent infringement appeals go to the Federal
• U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal
agency charged with administering patent laws.
• Decisions of the USPTO can be appealed to the agency’s
Board of Patent Appeals & Interferences (BPAI)
• 3 requirements for patentability: novelty, utility, nonobvious
• 3 types of patents: utility, design, plant
• Term of patent protection: 20 years from date of application
(after 1995)
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Finding Patents
• Search full-text databases for key
terms. Also can search by inventors,
• Use patent classifications to guide
your search
– Index to US Patent Classification
– Manual of Classification (numerical)
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Finding Patents
• USPTO (free!): full-text & images,
goes back to 1790
• Lexis: full-text & images, goes back
to 1790. Plus: PDF of official patents
• Westlaw: full-text & images, goes
back to 1976.
• Google Patent: full-page images,
back to 1790. No applications
• In print: find a patent depository
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Official Patent
PDFs available
in Lexis
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Legal Materials
• Federal Statutes – Title 35, U.S.C.
– Legislative histories of important patent legislation
• LN Congressional: US Serial Set Collection
• Chisum on Patents treatise
• Also: search law review articles
• Federal Regulations – Title 37, C.F.R.
– Federal Register & Official Gazette of the USPTO
– Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)
>>>Secondary Source: Horowitz, Patent Office Rules & Practice
• Patent Office Rules & Practice - MPEP
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Legal Materials
• Agency Decisions –
– USPTO Board of Patent Appeals & Interferences
– USPTO Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
• Court Decisions –
– Federal District Courts > Federal Circuit (after 1982) >
Supreme Court
(coverage varies)
Online – USPTO, Lexis, Westlaw, BNA
Print – West Reporters, BNA’s USPQ
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Treatises & practice guides
>>>Lots of great secondary sources<<<
• Chisum on Patents (Lexis)
• Moy's Walker on Patents (West)
• Landis on Mechanics of Patent Claim
Drafting (LN & WL)
• Patent Law Practice Forms (West)
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Current Awareness Tools
• BNA Newsletters
– Patent, Trademark & Copyright Daily
– BioTech Watch
– World IP Report
• Mealey’s Newsletters (Lexis)
• USPTO’s Official Gazette
• Patent law blogs
Florida State University College of Law Research Center
Florida State University College of Law Research Center