October 13, 2011 CARECORE NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT LETTER ATTENTION PROVIDERS PARTICIPATING IN PAYOR BENEFIT PLANS WITH AMERIGROUP, FIDELIS AND WELLCARE UNDER the TERMS OF PAYORS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS WITH NYNM. CareCore National and New York Network Management LLC Introduces a New Claims Services Agreement, Effective December 5, 2011 CareCore National (CCN) and New York Network Management LLC (NYNM) are excited to announce a new claims services agreement, as CareCore National has developed a NEW ONLINE BILLING SYSTEM AND PORTAL for NYNM IPA providers. CareCore National currently manages treatment affecting more than 30 million people and is also regarded highly for their use and development of leading healthcare technology today. This new agreement includes provider access to the new web based billing portal called ClaimsChannel360™. NYNM providers will be the first to have the ability to submit their claims directly to Amerigroup, Fidelis and Wellcare payors at no cost. Billing requirements and guidelines will remain the same for all other plans until further notice. Claims Submissions on or after December 5, 2011 should be directed to CCN through direct electronic submission via www.nynmonline.com billing tab or directly at: www.ClaimsChannel360.com Clearing House and Paper Claims: CareCore National will initially also accept electronic claims from Emdeon clearing house with the existing NYNM Payor ID 11334 and paper claims from a dedicated new PO Box address. Send Paper Claims to: NYNM IPA– Paper Claims PO BOX 620 Lake Katrine, NY 12449 All Appeals and supporting documents: CareCore National will accept appeals and supporting documents for these 3 payors and should also be sent to a new dedicated PO Box: NYNM – Appeals and COB PO Box 640 Lake Katrine, NY 12449 Instructions: In the coming weeks you will receive more instructions and process tutorials online at www.nynmonline.com. An instructions booklet and e-learning module will be made available via the NYNM website. For more information go to www.nynmonline.com and click on the billing tab. {New York Network Management, LLC * 9201 4th Ave * 4th Floor * Brooklyn NY 11209} www.nynmonline.com Page 2. Why are we doing this? NYNM’s intention is to improve billing processes and to modernize the end-to-end billing cycle of medical claims. By integrating the use of CCN’s customized billing portal ClaimsChannel360™ we have ensured great improvements to this process. ClaimsChannel360™ removes the unnecessary excess of channels a particular claim will have to pass through and directly submits to the payor on our provider’s behalf. Several of ClaimsChannel360™ portal benefits: Receive electronic funds transfers and payments (EFT) Send Electronic Claims Directly to payor at no charge Upload Batch Claim Files Conduct a claims status inquiry ONLINE with full reporting tools Reduce filing times and cost by offering online submission Reduce erroneous errors on claims with customized validation rules How does it work? Billing requirements remain that the Physician shall submit to NYNM IPA completed claims for all Covered Services within twenty (20) days after the Covered Services are rendered. Simply visit www.nynmonline.com today and click on the billing tab for more information, you will be guided to the ClaimsChannel360™ portal for registration. Billing requirements and guidelines will remain the same for all other plans until further notice. When does this start? Providers can begin registration promptly upon receipt of this notice and can register for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) after receiving a secure login username and password from www.claimschannel360.com. December 5th 2011 will be the go live date for claims processing via the new billing portal. **It is however imperative that our providers sign up for the electronic funds transfer (EFT) within 10 business days and carefully review the new billing instructions for Wellcare, Amerigroup & Fidelis*** NYNM appreciates the care you deliver and values your participation in our provider network. We look forward to working with CareCore National to ensure that our network receives the highest level of service in a timely manner. Also please note that this new claims services agreement with CareCore National and ClaimsChannel360™ has no relation to current authorization management services. If you have questions about this new program please visit www.nynmonline.com to chat with customer service online or call: 888-511-5208 Ext: 1 {New York Network Management, LLC * 9201 4th Ave * 4th Floor * Brooklyn NY 11209} www.nynmonline.com