Duty - Department of Revenue


Cross Section Of Business

Personal Property Issues

2013 Advanced Personal Property Seminar

September 23, 2013

Sheraton Four Seasons Hotel

Greensboro, NC

Presented by Dave Duty

Property Valuation Specialist II

North Carolina Department of Revenue

What does “cross section” mean?

We will explore three situations………..

Trade Level

Supplies vs. Inventory

Cellular Phone Companies

What does “trade level” mean to you?

Assess property at the proper level of trade based on its location & use as of the assessment date---

Appraiser must recognize that property normally increases in value as it progresses through production & distribution, then finally arriving at the consumer level---

Factors to determine the TLA are---

What does “trade level” mean to you? (Continued)

Uniqueness of the equipment

Infrequency of sales

Lack of facts necessary to determine its marketability

What does “trade level” mean to you? (Continued)

And…Stage of Production which reflects how utility is added to the asset through…………..





Computer Example – Level of Trade

Price to Next Level





Retailer $2,000 12.5% profit =$250 and costs


Wholesaler $1,500 33% profit = $500 and costs


Manufacturer $1,000 50% profit = $500 $1,500

Which cost should be reported by the manufacturer who uses the computer?

What examples of trade level do we deal with every year?

Tyco Electronics

Pitney Bowes, Inc.

G-Tech Lottery Equipment

What does NCDOR provide to the counties in these circumstances?

What is a trade level factor?

This is a Trade Level Factor!!!

For example: Pitney Bowes, Inc.

Gross Sales = $1,500,000

Cost of Goods Sold = $1,000,000

Gross Sales divided by Cost of Goods

Sold = 1.5

Markup is 50%, Factor is 1.5

Ashley Furniture Company

Example of Trade Level

Facts to consider---

ABC Co. sells furniture to Ashley-title transfers

Obligated via contract to display in store just like my living room

Furniture can’t be sold for 3 years and then it is liquidated

Furniture just like the showroom display is sold every day with sales tax & sales commission added

What cost should Ashley Furniture report to the county on their listing form?

A – It could be like Pitney Bowes or Tyco

– Apply a Trade Level Factor

B – It could be like Moore Buick-Pontiac

Demo Vehicles; PTC Case

C – Or, it might be that the owner is treating the furniture as an asset when it should be treated as inventory


Treat furniture as an asset without a trade level factor----------------

What does Supplies vs. Inventory mean to you?

What is the difference between supplies and inventory?


Various items held by the business owner on the premises, that accommodate a process initiated by the owner or employee

Cleaning/Janitorial items

Office items: paper clips, note pads

Maintenance items: oils & lubricants

Fuels: consumed in fleet vehicles

Medical/Dental/Doctor/Veterinarian: syringes, molds, crutches, cat litter


Barber/Beauty items: shaving crème, hair coloring, make-up, cologne

Restaurant/Hotel items: linens, flatware, glasses, dishware, trashcans

Snacks & Drinks: on hand & free for the employees and not in a vending machine?

Rental items, replacement parts, & spare parts


Goods held for sale in the regular course of business by manufacturers, retailers & wholesalers, & construction contractors

A detailed list of items in one’s possession, and accounted for through a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock at that time

105-273(8a)…the term includes packaging materials that accompany and become a part of the goods sold

What issues do county appraisers have with business owners concerning supplies & inventory?

Taxpayers call supply items their inventory!

Taxpayers don’t know how to list their supplies

Taxpayers don’t keep up with the amounts that are on hand

Taxpayer wants to exclude certain items when their business is not manufacturing, retail, wholesale, or contractor related

Responses to help taxpayers list correctly

Educate taxpayer on statute definition of inventory, not a quantity list of items

Communicate with taxpayers & teach them the proper supply items to list

Offer options on how to list:

Provide 12 months of invoice costs divided by 12 give a 1 month snapshot

Do a physical inventory on December

31 st & give those costs to the county

Responses to help taxpayers list correctly (Continued)

Qualify the taxpayer as either a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler, or as a construction contractor

Offer good public relations:

Reduce amount of supplies during the month of December

If taxpayer doesn’t pay sales tax on the item, then it could be inventory

Remove costs of disposed or sold rental items, broken dishes, stolen trash cans from supply costs

Three Prominent PTC

Inventory Cases

Moore Buick-Pontiac, Inc. – Rental cars are not inventory – Company lost right to possess & control; Demo cars are inventory – held for sale

R.W. Moore Equip. Comp. – Leased heavy road equipment – Use of equipment disqualified it as inventory

Cone Mills, Inc. – Purpose of obtaining the property is either as an asset or as inventory, but not both

Some Guidelines-----------

Property held for both sale and rent:

It is Exempt if:

New property is held for sale or rental purposes, but has not been sold or rented yet.

Previously rented property that has been transferred to a company’s sales division as of January 1

Some Guidelines----------

Property held for both sale and rent:

It is Taxable if:

Property that is rented anytime during the year still remains in the company’s rental division

Any property treated as a capital asset as of January 1 where the taxpayer plans to take depreciation on the property

Some Guidelines-------------

Property held for both sale and rent:

It is Taxable if:

Property is being rented or consumed rather than held for sale on January 1

Some Examples-------------

Modular home display model on the sales lot

Manufacturer of airplane tires

Liquid medications for farm animals

De-icing mixture for streets owned by a

Home Owners Association

DENR Certified equipment maintained with grease, oils, and lubricants

Crucibles used in a chemical reaction to create a product

Power Curbers

Concrete street curb making machine

2 to 3 machines are pulled from inventory to perform R & D testing

Not “held” for sale in the regular course of business – “held” for testing & research

Use of property changed from item to be sold to item to be consumed

Inventory not typically used for manufacturer’s use

Cone Mills, Inc. case says---------

What issues do we have with

Cellular Phone Companies?

Technology Changes

How costs are listed on the abstract

What schedules to apply to the various types of assets

Retirement of company assets

Costs related to maintaining older technology

Issues facing the appraiser

Technology Changes:

Wireless communication is rapidly changing

The general public is demanding more visual data at greater speeds

New assets are replacing old assets

Issues facing the appraiser

How costs are listed on the abstract:

Company provides their requested percent good valuation

Some sites are shown as


Application of requested depreciation lowers traditional values

Issues facing the appraiser

What schedules to apply to various types of assets & the true value

For example: Concrete out buildings vs. thin metal cabinets

For example: Switching equipment old vs. new

For example: Improvements to leased property

Obsolescence & final value

Issues facing the appraiser

Retirement & disposal of assets:

Voice only capability vs. connection to internet, visual data delivery, texting, etc.

Abandoned equipment left in place

Ability to sell used equipment

Statutory requirements-not exempt

Issues facing the appraiser

Costs to maintain older technology:

As customer usage drops, less support is required

Replacements coming in while retired assets are going out

Wouldn’t it be nice if cellular phone companies could be appraised and valued like a public service company?????????????

