create news - Laverton College P-12

Contact Details:
91 Bladin Street
Laverton Vic 3028
Phone: 9369 1833
Fax: 9369 4104
College Newsletter
5th February, 2016
Issue No: 1
Important Dates To Remember
Tuesday 9th February
Tuesday 9th February
Friday 12th February
Monday 29th February
Tuesday 1st March
Monday 14th March
March 15th – 18th
Monday 21st March
Tuesday 22nd March
Thursday 24th March
Monday 11th April
CRASHENDO commences, School Council.
Hockey clinics years 2, 3 and 4.
P-6 Assembly 2.45 pm.
Leap Year Day.
College Photo Day.
Labour Day Holiday.
Cultural Diversity Week.
College Athletic Day.
Parent/Teacher Interviews.
Last Day of Term 1.
First Day of Term 2.
2016…let’s make it a great year for all of our
Welcome to your school, our school, Laverton P-12
College. I look forward to getting to know you and
your children over this year and please feel free to
make contact with your child’s teacher, the Main
Office or me with any questions or concerns you may
have over the year.
Our school made significant improvement in student
learning and achievement in 2015 and we are planned
to further growth in 2016. There are three main parts
to our plan and these are:
Student Learning and Achievement: We are aiming for
a 10% increase in student achievement for 2016. For
students achievement is about doing something with
effort. It may be writing a story and improving it with
synonyms or answering all questions in a shorter time
or completing all problems or reading an extra ten
pages of a book or listening more closely to the
teacher. Our plan will have students more often using
high yield strategies in class like identifying similarities
and differences.
Learning and Engagement: For students this is about
their level of interest, curiosity and attention to
learning. Students ask why, are connected to their
learning, they have a sense of belonging and want to
participate in class. For students their engagement
will increase this year as we use more hooks, short
clips, visuals, explicit learning goals each class along
with the use of web-based applications. This will lead
into a Year7 to Year 12 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
program, which some students are already involved
Learning and Wellbeing: We have as a part of our
plans, a focus on student wellbeing. This is about their
level of comfort, health and happiness. We see this
each day, as your child comes to school and it’s about
how they feel, how much they enjoy school and how
safe they feel. For students we will continue to work
to grow their wellbeing with continued work around
positive education, having fun in class, building
students social skills and resilience and resourcing our
wellbeing team with a social worker, speech therapist,
psychologist and an occupational therapist.
We are totally focused on improving these three areas
for our students. Our school this year has had a
10% increase in enrolment, an additional 75 students.
With the growth in enrolments, we have been able to
attract some enthusiastic and very capable teachers
for 2016. Please make them feel welcome and
introduce yourself to your child’s teacher as soon as
The installation of glass panel walls will continue this
year to the Create and Explore Learning Centres. You
may have already seen some of the more individual
flexible classroom spaces with glass walls and panels
in the Discover Learning Centre.. For our already calm
and orderly class spaces, this will mean fewer noise
distractions and allow students to view short clips,
sing in class, read out loud, discuss, debate and do
more oral presentations while focusing on their
All Prep to Year 6 parents are welcome to go into your
child’s class every morning and hear your child and
perhaps a few other children, read. We have had lots
of parents already participate and we’d love to see
more parents be involved. It’s from 8.45am for about
10 minutes.
Soon we will be commencing morning classes to
support students’ literacy and numeracy. These
classes will take place at school from 8.15am for 30
minutes, for two mornings a week. There will be
classes for students at every year level and we look
forward to your support of your child’s needs. Parents
will be informed in the next week or so if their child is
invited to receive additional support.
Our student leaders are organizing lunchtime
activities for students who wish to be involved: next
week we will see Year 7 students involved in a
basketball match Year Prep, 1, 2 and 3 students will
have mini-games to enjoy at lunchtime.
I hope this year is a great year for your child and each
family involved with Laverton P-12 College.
Richard Jones
College Principal
1. No dogs are permitted in the school grounds
at any time.
2. Laverton College carparks are designated for
3. Parents and visitors to the school are
requested to avoid smoking in the vicinity of
the school. Smoking is not permitted in the
school grounds.
4. All visitors are asked to report to the Main
College Office.
5. Laverton College expects all students to be
respectful to each other and to take care of
the great facilities we have at our College
every day whilst at school and going to and
from school.
Laverton P - 12 College Photo Day:
Tuesday 1st March, 2015.
School photo order envelopes will be handed out in
the next few weeks.
Outside School Hours Care Program –
Enrolment forms can be collected from the Main
permitted to leave school early unless collected by an
authorised adult.
8.45 am
9.00 am
9.00 am – 11.00 am
11.00 am – 11.30 am
11.30 am – 1.30 pm
1.30 pm - 2.10 pm
2.10 pm – 3.10 pm
3.10 pm
Children arrive to School.
School starts.
Class time.
Class time.
Class time.
Please call the College if your child is away.
Remember ‘It’s not ok to be away’. The DEECD
recommends that the maximum number of approved
absent days for any student should not exceed more
than 6 days for the whole year.
We expect all students to wear the correct Laverton
College P – 12 uniform for the 2016 school year. It’s
been great to see students wearing our new uniform.
Skirts, shorts and dresses must be no higher than 6 cm
above the knee, when kneeling.
Uniform items can be purchased from:
Double C Jeanery
2 Aviation Road Laverton
9369 4307
Telephone contact can be made with the College by
contacting on 9369 1833. If you need to collect your
child early please report to the Main Office so that
your child can sign themselves out. The College will
not allow students to leave early unless arrangements
have been made with parents. NO student will be
If you pay your child/children’s 2016 Compulsory
Student Package by Thursday, 25th February, 2016 you
will go into the draw for a complete school uniform
for your child.
There will be a winner in each Learning Centre.
Winners will be notified on Friday 26th February,
Abraham Kuol
I am Abraham Kuol.
I wonder what I will be in the future.
I hear pens moving.
I see laptops in the room.
I want to be rich in the future.
I am a PlayStation 4 gamer.
I pretend I’m a rapper.
I feel money dropping.
I touch everything in my room.
I worry about everything.
I cry when I’m bored.
I am a famous person.
I understand I play PlayStation 4 too much.
I say bad stuff sometimes.
I dream of being rich.
I try my games on PlayStation 4.
I hope I become famous.
I am a good Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Player on
PlayStation 4.
By Abraham Kuol, Grade 6B
By now all students in years 7 – 12 should have their
text books. Text books are compulsory items. If
students do not have their books they must either
order online with Link Education or call them on 9807
5422. It is very easy to order online and the books will
be delivered to your home.
Book lists are available at the Main Office.
I am Bhisma Patel.
I wonder if there are people like us beyond our galaxy.
I still hear my brothers annoying voice in my head.
I see me and my friends together in space.
I want to fly high and touch the sky.
I am a person who likes to think unreal things.
I pretend to be in the future.
I feel like everything is possible.
I would like to touch the clouds.
I worry about nothing.
I cry when I laugh too much or when others cry.
I am very annoying.
I understand that maybe I might not be able to go to
I say everyone has a dark side.
I dream about going inside an anime.
I try not to talk to my friends while working.
I hope someday I can go to space.
I am talkative.
By Bhisma Patel, Grade 6B
Preps do not attend on Wednesdays until the first
week in March. Appointments will be arranged for
testing for the preps so that teachers can gauge
through oral tests the starting point for students.
Letters have been sent home with the appointment
Scholastic Bookclub orders for Issue 1 are due by
Monday 15th February. Please send completed order
form together with CORRECT money to the office.
Orders will take approximately one week to be
delivered after the closing date and will be distributed
to students as soon as they arrive to take home.
Scholastic Bookclub have 8 issues per year and the
College benefits from any orders by receiving credit to
purchase books for the classrooms. As the new Issues
are received the students (grades p-6) will be given a
pamphlet to take home. Students in years 7 and 8 can
collect one from the library.
Rhonda Jackson
Book Club Organiser
School Nurse
The Victorian Primary School Nursing Program is a
free health assessment offered by the Department of
Education and Training for all children during their
first year of primary school and for children in years 16 that are newly arrived from overseas.
Prep students have been given an envelope today for
parents to complete and return to their teachers
before 17th February 2016.
In Term 1 and 4 the students in the Prep - 6 are
required to wear a hat for sport and PE lessons and
also during recess and lunch play. If a student does
not have a hat in these peek UV ray periods, the
student will be asked to play a quiet, passive game
under the shade of the veranda. Hats can stay at
school in the student’s locker so it is available for any
of the above occasions.
The P-6 team welcomes new staff to our college. They
have contributed to a vibrant and positive beginning
for our students. We also welcome back returning
staff in 2016. Their help and experience added to the
calm and happy beginnings for students.
Our classes are:
Prep A: Ms Jana Music
Prep B: Ms Eudoxia Parharidis
1A: Ms Asha McFarlane
1B: Ms Gail Willoughby
2A: Mr Andrew Lawler
2B: Ms Hayley Fithall
3A: Ms Antoinette Camenzuli
3B: Mr Hugh Wilson
The classes are:
4A: Mr Daniel Condon
4B: Ms Gina Moran and Ms Alison Lacy
5A: Ms Alyce Barrett
5B: Mr John Mathews
6A: Ms Lynda Pocervina and Mr Andrew Renton
6B: Ms Leigh Birkinhead
Art classes are taught by Ms Helen James and Ms Aida
PE Classes mainly are taken by Mr Nastic
Science classes are taught by Mr Renton
If your contact details have changed over the school
holidays, you are asked to provide details of changes
to the office so that we can update our files. This
applies to changes in circumstances such as:
new address
emergency contacts
custody arrangements
telephone /mobile numbers etc.
work details
At 8:45 the students are expected to come into class
to start reading and to be ready for the 9:00 start for
the day. At this stage of the year all students should
be independent and able to carry their own bags and
put their own bags away. It is important for the
student to do this themselves as it is the first step in
personal organization skills. The students then take
out their reading books and read with parents of
friends. Students may wish to change books according
to the criteria that they have discussed with their
teacher. Once again this is important as teachers
need to see how the students choose their “just right
books”. Talking to the students about their books and
strategies needed for the day is part of the settling
process for all the class.
Hobson’s Bay Libraries are inviting young writers to
enter their short story and/or poem into the
fourteenth Summer Writing Prize 2015 -2016.
If you are a member of the library, go to school or live
in Hobson’s Bay, embark on your creative journey to
ensure your original story and/or poem makes it onto
paper and get published.
Opens: Monday 1 December 2015
Closes: Monday 29 February 2016
For more information please visit the library website.
Our tutors collectively have 25+ years of experience
and many are working professionals. Get us on your
side to get the most out of your studies this year.
Phone: 0401 959 537
As from Wednesday 10th February we will be running
a food trolley out in the P-6 play yard. The trolley will
be out at recess and lunch time with food, snacks and
drinks for students and teachers to purchase.
The trolley will run on Wednesday’s, Thursday’s and
Friday’s. Lunch orders can still be placed Monday to
Jan Scott
Lina and Rita
Starting at a new school
People change schools all the time, and it can be hard
to adjust to a new place. There are a few things you
can do to make it easier. It helps to be patient, and to
have someone to talk to.
Changing schools
Most people have to start at a new school at least
once when they’re young – going from primary to high
school. Lots of people change more than once. Maybe
it’s because their parents moved, maybe they had
problems with their old school, or maybe they/their
family just decided they needed to change. Either way
– at some point you have to go through starting at a
new school.
A rough ride
It’s normal to feel weird and different at a new place,
and to miss your old friends. Other things that could
bother you are:
› Having to learn a different school layout
› Missing your old friends
› Feeling shy or nervous about talking to new people
› Being drained from adjusting to all this new stuff
› Being bullied by people who want to pick on the new
Making it easier
The first few weeks at your new school are probably
going to be bumpy, just because you’re new. But
there are things you can do:
Do what you like. Whether it’s playing music, sports,
writing, drawing or anything else, there’ll be someone
who’s into the same things as you.
Talk to people. They’re curious about you anyway
because you’re new, so if there’s someone you like,
have a chat with them.
Keep in contact with your old friends – just because
you’re not seeing them every day doesn’t mean you
can’t stay close.
Find an outlet. If you’ve got some way of expressing
what’s happening for you – a journal, writing songs,
playing sports or talking to someone – it’ll make the
Be patient
It can be pretty annoying to have to learn all of the
people, places, teachers and subjects again from
scratch. But things will fall into place for you at your
new school if you give them time.
Find an ally
If all of the changes are getting to you, find someone
to tell about it. This person could be a friend from
your old school, a family member, a counsellor or a
doctor. Chatting with someone who’s a bit more
distant from your situation can help. If you would
prefer to talk to someone anonymously you could call
Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 (free call) or Lifeline 131
114 (cost of a local call). They have counsellors who
are available 24 hours a day.
Michelle Hynson
Secondary School Health Promotion Nurse
Thursday and Friday.
Student Leadership Team 2016
Congratulations to all our Student Leadership Team for 2016. This year we have added a School
Leader role. The School Captains, Vice-Captains and School Leaders have many responsibilities
throughout this year, from running assemblies to organising student lunchtime activities and being
part of student forums. We wish them well in their studies and we thank them for giving their time
to the school.
Brandon MORGAN
College Captain
College Captain
College Captain
Teri (Teri Moana)
College Captain
Kaw Ploh MOO
College ViceCaptain
Suniha NAIR
College ViceCaptain
School Leader
School Leader
CLARK School
School Leader
School Leader
School Leader
School Leader
Laverton P-12 College
Schedule 4:
Notice of Election and Call for Nominations
An election is to be conducted for members of the School Council of Laverton P-12 College.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the school’s Main Office and must be lodged by 4.00 pm on Tuesday, 16th
February, 2016
The ballot will close at 4.00 pm on Tuesday 1st March, 2016
Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election
are as follows:
Parent member: 3 positions are vacant.
DE&T employee: 2 positions are vacant.
TERM OF OFFICE: From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2016 to and inclusive of the date of
the declaration of the poll in 2018.
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further
nominations will be posted at each Learning Community and in the main office of the college.
Richard Jones
College Principal