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Domain: the king of the gods, and ruler of
Nicknames: the sky god, god of the heavens, the
rain god, god of hospitality, and god of justice.
Symbols: eagle, aegis, thunderbolt, scepter, oak
tree and oak leaves, golden chariot drawn by
white steeds.
These are all symbols of power, strength, and
immense size.
Domain: the ruler of the seas and the ocean
Nickname: the earth shaker
Symbols: Horses and bulls, golden chariot drawn
by sea creatures, trident
Poseidon was very important to the Greeks
because they were a seafaring people.
Hephaestus or Vulcan/Mulciber
Domain: the blacksmith of the gods, the master
Symbols: anvil and forge(hammer) and any tools
associated with a blacksmith.
Hephaestus is the only ugly and lame(crippled)
god. He is married to Aphrodite.
Domain: goddess of the hunt, forest, wildlife,
protector of dewy youth
Artemis is the twin of Apollo and a virgin
goddess. Artemis also had a dark side, like the
Symbols: bow and arrow, deer, cypress tree,
Domain: Goddess of love and beauty, and
the power of attraction.
Symbols: cestus (girdle), doves, roses,
swan, sparrow, myrtle tree, her son Eros
or Cupid. She was the goddess born of
sea foam(her name means sea foam, but
some stories say she was the daughter of
Zeus and Dione.
Her name gives us aphrodisiac. Her lover
was Ares.
Domain: Messenger of the gods, god of travel,
roads, thieves, commerce, usher of the dead,
protector of athletes.
Symbols: caduceus ( a magical wand), winged
sandals and winged hat.
Hermes is known as the god of intelligence,
Pluto was associated with wealth because
the earth housed precious stones and gold/silver
Domain: god of the underworld
Symbols: helmet of invisibility,
two-pronged spear, Cerberus(a
dog with three heads) , a golden
chariot drawn by black steeds.
Domain: Protector of marriage, queen of the
Nicknames: cow-eyed , golden-throned, goldencrowned goddess
Symbols: golden crown and throne, cow,
peacock, Argos (her favorite city), Iris (the
rainbow goddess).
Stereotypes: the jealous woman, evil step-mom
Domain: the god of war
Symbols: dog, vulture, weapons, armor
Aphrodite was his lover
A difference of opinions
• The Greeks saw him as a coward, the harbinger of
disease, a blood-stained murderer
• The Romans saw him as magnificent in shining
armor, an invincible warrior
(Pallas) Athena(e) or Minerva
Domain: the goddess of wisdom, war, weaving,
navigation, sabe, crafts, strategy, and cunning
Nicknames: owl-eyed or gray-eyed
Athena’s mother’s name means wisdom (Metis).
Athena’s birth: Athena sprung from Zeus’ head,
full-grown and in full battle armor.
Symbols: owl, olive tree, Athens, spear and
helmet, aegis
Athena was Zeus’ favorite child. She carried the
thunderbolts and Zeus’ utility belt. Athena
taught Arachne a lesson about excessive
The Parthenon is Athena’s magnificent temple.
(Phoebus) Apollo
Domain: the sun god, the god of light, music,
poetry, arts, healing and medicine, the Archer
Nickname: Phoebus which means brilliant or
Symbols: golden lyre, laurel, dolphin, crow, golden
chariot, golden bow and arrow, golden harp,
Note: He traded the Caduceus, a wand, for the lyre.
Domain: the goddess of hearth and home
Symbols: the sacred fire, the hearth (fireplace)
Hestia dwelt mainly in the home—she had
authority over the home and as an extension
of home over the community.