Bit-State Space Exploration

Bit-State Space Exploration
• It’s a variation on reachability analysis
• The reachability analysis:
– Keeps track of the already explored states
– Performs full state space search
– Most implementations use Hashing to quickly
access an element on the table of already
explored states
Bit-State Space Exploration
• Hashing function
– Given a hash space table of H slots
– and a Hashing function h(s) for A states
– h(s) points a slot in the hash table without the
need to search for the states in the whole table
Bit-State Space Exploration
• In case of collision
– the use of a linked list is a common option
• To minimize collision, two hashing
functions are used.
Bit-State Space Exploration
• Say we have two states s1 and s2.
– With only one hash function, these are the
h(s1) = x and h(s2) = x
h(s1) = x and h(s2) = y
Bit-State Space Exploration
• Say now we use two hashing functions h1
and h2.
• The four possibilities are:
h1(s1)=x , h1(s2)=x , h2(s1)=v , h2(s2)=w
h1(s1)=x , h1(s2)=x , h2(s1)=v , h2(s2)=v
h1(s1)=x , h1(s2)=y , h2(s1)=v , h2(s2)=w
h1(s1)=x , h1(s2)=y , h2(s1)=v , h2(s2)=v
• Only the green shaded row causes collision.
We have thus reduced collision risk.
Bit-State Space Exploration
• Memory space analysis
Hash table size (H)
Pointer size (B)
Hash table will occupy HxB bytes
State data will use (S+B)xA bytes
Total memory: HxB + (S+B)xA
next pointer
state data size
• Example
– H = 1,000,000, B=4  Table size = 4Mb
– S and A depend on the specification under test
Bit-State Space Exploration
• Workaround: Bit-state space exploration
– By using a depth search algorithm, there is no
need any more for storing the visited states, so:
– M = HxB + (S+B)xA M = H, or H/8,
– where M is the total amount of memory used
Because one state now can
for the hash table.
be represented by only one
– Constraints
bit: reached (1), or not (0)
• Collision avoidance is a matter of probability of
• has to use depth search algorithm
• only goes until maximum depth is reached
Bit-State Space Exploration
• Example 2: (Even better than previous)
– if M = 1,000,000, H=8,000,000
– previous example: 4Mb = 106 states only for
the hashing table
– this example: 4Mb = 32x 106 states, and no
need for extra storage for the states data
Bit-state Space exploration
• How it works
– Storing the state data in a stack as it goes…
– Go until any of the following conditions...
G.S. = Global State
Bit-state Space exploration
No new state or possible action
Simply backtrack in the stack
No new state or possible action
backtrack and go the next on the right
Bit-state Space exploration
Maximum depth
Simply backtrack
d) Problem encountered:
– e.g. Unspecified reception, or deadlock
– reads the whole stack, creates an MSC
– adds a report to the list of reports with the MSC
– backtrack and go again.
Rem: For each new visited state (hash table bit = 0),
sets the hash table to 1.
Bit-state Space exploration
• In the TAU Validator Bit-State space
exploration tool, the results are like:
No of reports: No of reports generated
Generated states: No of global states generated
Truncated paths: No of states cut by the maximum depth constraint
Unique system states: No of unique global states from the generated ones
Size of hash table: The size of the hash table (H)
No of bits set in hash table: No of bits in the hash table set to 1 (visited)
Collision risk: the risk of having two states colliding in the same slot
Max Depth: the maximum depth set for this bit-state exploration
Current depth: the depth after the execution (should be -1 if went ok)
Min state size and Max state size: (limit sizes of states, used by h(s))
Symbol coverage: The percentage of the SDL symbols covered