CSE 2111 Excel Midterm Exam - Spring 2014


CSE 2111 Written Midterm A-Spring 2014

Name: _________________ _____/100

Lab Time: _______________


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You have until the end of class to complete the exam

This exam is closed book, and closed notes.

No calculators are permitted

Answers must be legible or they will be marked incorrect.

You should only have one answer for each problem on your answer sheet. If you have more, be sure to circle the correct answer or it will not be graded!

Use cell references whenever possible.

All cell phones should be put away and set on vibrate or 10 points will be deducted.

Please return ALL pages of the exam (including this page and the scratch page, or 25 points will be deducted.



Turn your exam over on the table so there is no risk of cheating


Stay silently seated until the end of class.


DO NOT use your cell phone, read, or work on any material.



Lay down your pencil IMMEDIATELY and turn over your exam or 25 points will be deducted.


Stay seated until we have picked up all the exams.

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Signed: _________________________________ (NO SIGNATURE -10 POINTS)

Written Exam A 1



AND(logical1, [logical2],…)

AVERAGE(number1, [number2]…)

AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range])

COUNT(value1, [value2],…)

COUNTA(value1, [value2],…)

COUNTIF(range, criteria)

RANK.EQ(Number, Ref, [Order])


SMALL(array, k)

LARGE(array, k)

SUM(number1, [number2],…)


SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range])

MAX(number1, [number2],…)

MIN(number1, [number2],…)


OR(logical1, [logical2],…)

FV(rate, nper, pmt, [pv], [type])

NPER(rate, pmt, pv, [fv], [type])

PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type])

PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type])

RATE(nper, pmt, pv, [fv], [type])

HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_no,[ range_lookup_type])

VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_no, [range_lookup_type])




IFERROR(value, value_if_error)

Written Exam A 2


Buckeye Gymnastics is sponsoring an International Gymnastics Meet at their gym in Powell, Ohio. Five different events are offered for both males and females and are represented by the integer values 1-5.

Each competitor is also assigned an ability level, which is predetermined by the coach. You have setup the following worksheets in a workbook to help keep track of the statistics generated about each gymnast:

Participants– This worksheet gives the input data about each gymnast including their name, gender, level, and the score received during the meet for each of the 5 different events. A zero score means that the gymnast did not participate in that event.

Levels1 and Levels2– A competitor’s level determines the recommended number of practice days per week, as well as practice hours per day. This combination of information is found on the worksheets Levels1 and Levels2. For example, a competitor who is in level 1 should practice 5 hours per day, 4 days per week, etc. Note: Valid level number are 1-5.

Data – Additional data needed for calculations are found on this worksheet including gym, entrance and event fees, and currency equivalents.

Answers – Most of your calculations will be performed on this sheet.

Summary- On this worksheet you will summarize some of the gymnast’s information.

Please note that for ease of use the order of the participant names in sheets

Participants and Answers are the same.

Cells shaded in gray represent data that is given in the problem.


(15 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!B4, which can be copied down the column, to determine how many hours per week each the corresponding gymnast should practice. (Note: If the level number is invalid, display, “Invalid” in cell Answers!B4. Valid level numbers are 1-5)




(5 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!C4, which can be copied down the column, to determine the number of events in which the corresponding gymnast participated.



Written Exam A 3


(10 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!D4, which can be copied down the column, to determine the average score that the corresponding gymnast earned for the events in which they participated. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a point.




(5 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!E4, which can be copied down and across to determine if the corresponding gymnast had the best score for the corresponding event. This formula should work for the entire range Answers!E3:I9.




(10 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!J4, which can be copied down the column, to determine the corresponding gymnast’s total fees for this competition in US dollars. Each participant must pay an entrance fee in addition to a fee for each event in which they participate.




(15 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!K4, which can be copied down the column, to determine the total fees for this gymnast in the currency of their country of origin (US dollars, pesos, or yuan). For example, Ellie is from Mexico and the currency there is pesos.




(5 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!L4, which can be copied down the column, to determine (True/False) if this gymnast’s performance will result in an increase in their level of competition. A gymnast’s level will be increased if they participate in at least three events with an average score that exceeds 8.0 or if they received the highest score in at least one event.



Written Exam A 4


(10 points) Write an EXCEL formula in cell Answers!J11 to determine the name of the gymnast who earned the second lowest average score for this entire competition.




(10 points) Write an Excel formula for cell Answers!M4 to be copied down to determine the assigned priority rating for the corresponding gymnast. The gymnast with the highest average score for the events in which they participated should be assigned a priority of 1, while the gymnast with the second highest score should be assigned a priority of 2, etc.




(10 points) Write an Excel formula for cell Summary!B3 to be copied down and across to calculate the average total score for the corresponding event for all of the participants in the corresponding country listed.



(5 points) Each gymnast can finance their fees if they wish to do so however; they must pay off the loan within 6 months. You have offered them a 7.5% annual rate of interest compounded monthly.

Write an Excel formula for cell Answers!N4 that can be copied down to determine what the quarterly value of the payments (in US $) each gymnast would be required to make on this loan.


Written Exam A 5




Written Exam A




